Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

26 May


Originally posted by timahhh

Really inspired by some of the ideas on here, and I wanted to explore the idea of this being a true partnership. The falcon having intelligence and autonomy, while also being a companion.

So I put a sort of class archetype together here for fun. I was imagining all sorts of fun abilities as I wrote these out and imagined the partner dynamic.

Here's a text version:

Soar in to high speed, high altitude combat with your falcon companion - as intelligent as it is fierce. Become a duo of death, as your successfully coordinated attacks place you into a vicious battle trance.

Fast-paced, high impact offensive action.

  • Attack bonuses for catching enemies by surprise.
  • Respond to your falcon’s maneuvers and pull off powerful combo attacks.
  • Your falcon adapts its combat tactics based on your unique talents, and the flow of combat.
  • ...
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I hope you're in marketing because the graphic, formatting, and wording is stellar here. Legitimately got me hyped.


Originally posted by snow-days

More QOL/flavor, but it would be fun to have the falcon be able to retrieve loot or pick up shards or something.

I also love that you made this thread and are brainstorming with us!

In addition to the many great suggestions already posted, I would say 3 main builds: a "nuke" build where the falcon comes diving in and deals massive damage, before flying up out of harm's way for a "cool down"; a build where falcon pesters enemies, drawing aggro and applying debuffs; a build where falcon flies around the battlefield dropping buffs, heals, ward, clouds of smoke... whatever. maybe even powerful consumable weapons like special arrows.

I'm having a ton of fun reading the idea, so really it's my pleasure. Also, good suggestions


Originally posted by Aliessil_

Hmm. So first of all, I’m thinking a falcon is small, lightweight and fast, so it’s abilities should reflect that.

Second, a new Mastery means a new passive tree and several new skills, and the early nodes and skills have to be useful to Marksman and Blade Dancer as well … and I feel like that’s the tricky part. Obviously the Mastery Skill will be the falcon itself, and I feel like the skills should mostly be player+falcon interactions, which would have to summon temporary falcons for the other Masteries.

For the passives, the early tree should include benefits while the falcon is active (permanently for the Falconer, and for the Marksman and Blade Dancer, for a few seconds after using a Falconer skill). The falcon would be distracting so crit avoidance, increased dodge, increased chance of glancing blows all feel appropriate. Damage-wise, I think bleeds, increased crit chance and improved penetration seem appropriate.

Having nodes to change the type of fal...

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Love to see the thematics/flavor being converted to appropriate existing mechanics. This is how our designers think!


Yea we need to change that. I’ll post it to the team!


The passive point quest rewards have moved around, so you probably no longer have the maximum. When this happens and you already had those passive points allocated, it doesn't take the passives out, but any new passive points, including those from level up, will "pay" for those passives you already have allocated.

Running through the new chapter 1 will probably be enough to pick up the passive point quest rewards that you're missing, you don't need to do all quests that award passive points in order to pick up all the available points.


Yes, sorry about that, twas a mistake, you will be able to change that portal too.

25 May


Originally posted by Certain_Reputation82

Please port it to ps5 ...I'm dying here.

We have not started console development yet. It'll be a while still.


Originally posted by I_AM_ALWAYS_WRONG_

I just wanna be like Mordecai from borderlands. But I guess if you weave in zer0 for the melee portion of the kit, we all good too.

This is my main inspiration for the class. Mordecai in Borderlands was an absolute joy to play and it felt so good to unleash Bloodwing on a group of enemies!


Originally posted by xDaveedx

I'd love to see some influence from the game The Pathless (awesome and relaxing game btw, gorgeous visuals and music, 10-20h long) like a mechanic where you can shoot enemies while sliding over the ground while building some sort of momentum buff or a combo skill where you grab your bird by the legs, fly up into the air and use some attacks from there.

This is the best example of a well executed bow wielder + bird companion I know of where it really felt like it wasn't just a minion, but you 2 felt like a team.

beautiful looking game - great reference


Originally posted by A_S00

Support for bees!

If there was a tree on every screen we could have the falcon attack a tree (bee hive) and make it dispense 10 BPS! Alas, our level design team would not like that request...


Originally posted by SniperSAKH

Like maybe falcon may be able to seek out the most valuable prey (rares, bosses) so falcon focuses on then and debuff them (speed, accuracy, etc)

Great passive tree idea


Originally posted by CounterPointCharlie

One skill node could give the falcon a passive aura with radius that reduces monster chance to hit (harrying), and maybe also boosts falconer health regen. Melee users would get both effects when fighting in close, but you'd have to trade them off if using a ranged attack. Additional points could expand the radius, the effect, or both.

It'll likely be moving pretty quickly around the screen at any given time so a radius check may be a bit problematic. I love the idea of some type of harrying effect though - blinding the enemy, rapid strikes, crit vulnerability, maybe setting up some larger damage from the rogue themselves. There's something good there!


Originally posted by themostclever

I just want to use the bird as a spotter for a bow build. Like a toggle to fly up and grant bonus damage for all enemies >some distance away or something idk.

casting from the bird would also be dope.

Also, let me give my bird knives. Knify-birdy I'll call him

Almost like a "Surveil" type situation? There would be plenty of options for the skill tree with something like that


Originally posted by Reindeer-Conscious

Swap places with the bird seems like a cool idea, or cast skills from the bird. I like the idea of bird smoke bombing

We've been considering what a potential Falconer movement ability could look like! Smoke bombing is also very cool and I think we have a good spot for that.


Hi everyone, I'm currently having a little late night brainstorm session on things that we may want to see on the rogue's upcoming Falconer mastery (coming later this year - not tomorrow's release) that we may have overlooked.

The Falconer's main niche will of course be that they have a permanently summoned falcon pet - and play styles will include the ability to weave between bow, melee, and utility skills found elsewhere in the rogue's kit and Falcon skills. We have a little flexibility left in the design space for this class so I'm curious to hear from you all what you may like to see from the skills, passives, and play styles?

Edit: loving the ideas already!
Edit #2: woke up to a lot of new replies. I'm excited to read through all of them after we launch this patch. Rising Flames launches very soon - 11am CT!
Edit #3: I've read every response and have to say that was a ton of fun. You guys have some awesome ideas, some that I see as great additions to...

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24 May


Originally posted by SottoSopra666

Yeah I was gonna wait a couple of days anyway, tomorrow is gonna come out a new dlc for another game that I play, so I'll mainly stick to that for at least a couple of days, and then go back thinking about Last Epoch.. Maybe that will fix the performance!! (Even though I took a look at the patch notes and seems like performance was never mentioned)

It was mentioned several times.


Originally posted by SottoSopra666

Yeah, that's exactly the situation, I was also trying to find some Infos in this subreddit, but looks like a lot of people talk about decent performance and stable 40 fps (beside endgame contents), and then there are some users that report almost unplayable situations..

Gonna think about it a little more, then maybe I'm gonna buy it, and eventually refund the game if it's not gonna be my cup of tea

Well if you're considering that, at least wait until the patch tomorrow. It has the entire first chapter completely overhauled and is a totally different starting experience that is much better.


Originally posted by Kozkoz828

yeah it really should be stickied somewhere on the sub unless it already is lol

only in the FAQ in the side bar


Results on Steam Deck are few and far between with inconsistent results so far. I've seen several people say that they are having a great experience with it and others saying that it is unplayable.

It is technically an unsupported platform for an Early Access game so it's a little tricky to get hard details on it. I think that most people are running in Proton for a better overall experience.

Hopefully you can get some first hand info as I haven't actually tried it myself yet.


Days like today, when our game is about to take a big step forward in presentation, I can't help but feel a bit nostalgic.

When dreaming about where we are heading, it's always important to keep in mind where we started. Check out what Last Epoch's humble beginnings looked like

2018 Kickstarter Gameplay:

Rising Flames Patch Trailer: ...

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