Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

01 Apr


Yes, look in the skill tree.


Can you post a screenshot of the passive tree? Are you talking about the big vertical chain line that splits the passives? Which mastery did you pick? What nodes are locked?


We have a new auto mod system that we’re still training. Sometimes the false positives it flags are silly but we check through the rejections and allow-list anything that it catches that it shouldn’t. 95% of the stuff that it does catch is it doing it’s job well but there are some things we’ve either had to loosen the restrictions on or allow list that don’t make sense. 1pt, afaik, isn’t a term we’d want to block, haha!


Originally posted by CaptainFunBags1

Had me going for a second. Happy 32 March







Every ability has a unique "settle low priority ratio". This is the percentage of the use duration which can be interrupted with high priority actions, like moving or movement abilities for example. You can end an ability usage slightly early by moving.

31 Mar


Originally posted by accentmatt

Likely “yes, there have been internal discussions about it”



We're currently testing a fix for this that prevents it happening in future and fixes stashes that are already broken. In the meantime I'd suggest avoiding deleting categories.

30 Mar


Originally posted by crazypearce

crit lich. its fun being a grim reaper. not many other arpgs let you transform like that

The marketing team would not be happy if I shared the visuals just yet but reaper form has a full visual/animation update coming in 0.9.1. It’s 95% done internally and looks extremely cool. That’s what I’ll be playing in 091!


The opposite is a shorter list. Necromancer and sorcerer are the two available masteries that don't really have a melee build available.


Originally posted by KonigSteve

Has Controller support for PC moved since your comment at the top of this thread about working on it? I wouldn't mind getting it on PC but pretty much only play with a controller these days

It is currently very playable with a controller. It doesn't have "full controller support" because you do need to use a keyboard and mouse for very select things. For example, you need a keyboard to type anything in a text box like character name or chat or searching a tree. "full controller support" is something we consider a required feature for consoles and something we plan to have by 1.0. It is however not the only requirement for consoles and isn't the thing which is holding back console support being tackled.


An update just rolled out to fix this.


If you deleted a category and now have missing tabs and multiple categories tied to each other, we have a fix for this coming down the pipe.


A bug report would be useful, including information such as whether you were playing online, which class you were playing, which abilities you had specialised, etc.


Originally posted by GH057807

But can ya'll replace the pink block with a block that says "oh no" on it?

The pink is the default missing texture displayed by the engine. It's a hard fallback. If we had decided what it would look like, it would look like the proper vfx.


Originally posted by relaxitwonthurt

I'm a new player so maybe this little thing has been posted before but I couldn't find anyone mentioning it online, and I thought it was pretty cool. I only noticed this was definitely a reference and not a coincidence when I dropped a second one on that boss in Verdant Lakes and it had the same stats.

This item is very old in the game and this has been brought up so very few times. Very well spotted.


There is an internal debate on this topic. I agree that the tree was better.


This is what happens when a texture is missing from the build for some reason.