Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

30 Mar


Originally posted by toppi66

Awesome thank you. I read something that said don’t sell any items I pick up while leveling if they have affixes because I can use them for crafting later( something to break them down I forgot the name) I’m getting so many items even with a loot filter I’m at stash tab 3 by level 20 with only items with affixes.

Does this matter? Should I continue doing this?

I think the advice was more that items don't sell for much so there is little point in it.

If you find an item with lots of a specific affix you want, that's good to use a rune of shattering on.


Closing due to so many other open topics about this.


Please contact support from the support site and they will fix it

29 Mar


Originally posted by Contrasted94

But I leveled each class to get each mastery in game :(

cool, that's completely unrelated to the comment I made. Unless you mean just that it's going to be slightly easier to level in general and you already put in the time to do it on the slightly harder way.


Originally posted by Juzzbe

Does damage while channeling increase the ignite damage?

Yes, it affects all damage dealt by channelled skills and skills you proc while channelling and the ailments they both inflict.


Originally posted by Rogue_Like

Potential for... LP? Doesn't crafting gear raise the level requirement?

Currently it does, yes.


We are actually planning a change that will make leveling gear have a way bigger potential.

28 Mar


Not yet, we used to and a bug ruined it in multiplayer. We have a fix for it in the works though.


I don't like to straight up just say no to suggestions we get but we very intentionally do not have items autolooting. This is something that is extremely unlikely to change.

I'm with you on the shards but other than that, no.


We have several gender lock and character customization threads already. Please use one of those instead.


Blessings are actually items in disguise. So yes.


Minions can't have or use attributes.

Generic stats all work.

Unique affixes are a case by case basis.

27 Mar


Originally posted by Training-Shallot-960

Hi there are we any closer to getting a console port yet?

No, nothing has changed with regards to console ports. It is still what I would call a "someday feature". We are currently focusing on fixing any remaining major bugs with the 0.9.0 launch and the upcoming 0.9.1 patch.


Originally posted by hugelkult

Glad to know the devs are so interested in hearing from teh community.

Endurance reads "Endurance reduces damage to your health below your endurance threshold"

The way I understand that is that if a single hit brings me from somewhere above my endurance threshold all the way to zero, then endurance doesnt come into play because my current health level never entered the "endurance zone".

So if my hp is 1000, and my endurance threshold is 500 with 50% endurance , then a 1000 hit would take me to 250 life correct?

Yup, that's exactly how it works.

We actually initially stealth added it to the game about a year before we officially introduced it. It was originally just a hidden stat that all players had to help make it feel like you were getting close to death without actually falling. Then we realized it was a cool defensive layer to scale with gear so we added it to the game properly.


Hi there, yes feedback on Reddit is very welcome and we do read it. Hi.

As for mods being devs. I totally get the hesitation there. All I can say is that I find myself deleting a lot of posts where people tell other people to "get out" because they said something negative about the game. We very intentionally don't restrict content to being positive or anything like that and if it ever starts to seem that way, please bring it up to us. We need the positive and negative feedback so we can learn what is and isn't working well.

Only thing I didn't get what the opposite endurance stat. Endurance already protects against one shots but I'm not sure what the opposite would be. Like protects the first portion of your health?


We have some fixes for rollbacks coming down the pipe. I know it's so crazy frustrating and we are working on it at very high priority. We've just got to make sure that it doesn't cause any other problems before rolling it out.

26 Mar


It's a cool idea, and not the first time we've seen it. However, it would require extreme changes to the skill customization system under the hood to work. The volume of work required is high enough that we would have to be sure we wanted it very badly before undertaking that project. So I'll unfortunately say it's just not happening for launch and it's very unlikely in the first few patches post 1.0


Originally posted by SchrulligeMillionaer

So it isnt even possible to get Wings of Argentus with LP rn, because there is no level 115 Zone to farm it? Or do i getting something wrong?

The minimum area level required for a unique to drop with LP is 19 less than its effective level for legendary potential. So, a unique 115 effective level for legendary potential, such as Wings of Argentus, can drop with legendary potential as long as you're in a level 96 area or higher.

Using a rune of ascendance always counts as area level 100, so that you don't need to horde them until you find a level 100 area, but has a lower chance of rolling legendary potential compared to dropped items.


If you contact support directly they can fix it for you.