Unless this has been changed in a patch an I'm unaware. Unfortunately the level requirement of the item will increase once you slap your juicy exalted item onto one of these so they can't be used for levelling.
for now...
Unless this has been changed in a patch an I'm unaware. Unfortunately the level requirement of the item will increase once you slap your juicy exalted item onto one of these so they can't be used for levelling.
for now...
Sneaky tip, if you don't like them, they all have "arena" in their names so you can avoid entering them.
Now this is a bot I can get behind.
BEEEEEES. You have my respect.
Almost none of that works with minions.
Any rough estimate on when that piece will get picked up again or is it on hold until further notice?
Just curious because I'm keen to get developing with it :)
We don't have any info on when. I expect that it will be a post-1.0 feature.
Is this even something on your road map?
It's on the list but doesn't have a specific spot in the timeline yet.
Interesting.. I've killed the empowerd boss 7 times, still no void resistance... The only one that hasn't been brought up.. lol
0.0457% chance of that happening.
33% chance of you getting it next time
No progress has been made on it at all.
Edit: please stop downvoting the people replying to this with legit questions.
The availability of all kickstart rewards closed the day Kickstarter did. These have not been available for years.
The game has 15 classes. We make each one with distinct build options and class archetypes. When you are creating a character, we try to provide moments of deception making which are significant. In an attempt to make it so that a character still has the opportunity to become powerful (not bricking it completely) we provide methods for changing every aspect of your character other than the class itself.
Now, because we have such a large number of classes, we like to give players a preview of 3 to begin with. After trying it out in the early campaign we give the chance to lock in your specific class choice.
There are similar mechanics in other games that are handled a little differently which can skew the view of the system. We probably need to do a better job at presenting the base class as a stepping stone rather than a "parent class" style. You're not making a primalist who is good at a beast mastering, you're making a Beastmaster who started out as a primalist.
... Read moreLolwhat, it's just f**king open JSON? Oh god.
What's wrong with that for offline local saves?
Read moreHey ekimacher, thanks for showing interest in what I suggested here.
I oversimplified the ideas but it seems that EHG is not willing to sacrifice quality just to have easier time developing. This is why we love LE :)So here are some unique dungeon abilities / mechanics for the players. Obviously the ideas would needs some reworking in order to implement that.
IDEA 1 : Build your own boss - Let's abandon this idea since it turned out that PoE's Metamorph is too similar.
-------------------------------------IDEA 2 Rework - The friendly minion becomes a mount
Here is how we can do this really unique and give the player something new and different to do in the dungeon.
The minion should be a mount. Something big and powerful like a behemoth or giant lizard for example.
If we have 5 corridors, let us make the player actually ride the mount in 3 of them (1st, 3rd and 5th for example). So you p...
Cool ideas
I’ll copy a link to this post and bring it up in our next game design meeting!
Quick Question. Does Reflected Damage reflect the raw damage you would receive? Or the damage you receive AFTER Resistance/Block reduces it?
Post mitigation and doesn't scale with your damage increases.
dang so no path of walking vibes?
There is a spriggan form build that uses thorns which can work ok ish. The pieces just aren't quite there to make it a really solid build.
What would the extra abilities be that are given to the player and how would they be useful in the dungeon and boss fights?
Reflect damage doesn't scale well so it's not a very powerful archetype. It is possible but doesn't really do great.
Are there any plans to add alternate methods of attaining the passives/idol unlocks? It'd be awesome if we could get quest credit for everything that was skipped via the dungeons as I really love the idea of dungeons being a farmable alt boosting mechanic.
Not at moment, no.
It's the same as yours. Double damage.