Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

11 Apr


Originally posted by speerawow

i've actually been uncertain about the difference between +cold damage and +bow cold damage, almost implies that +cold damage doesn't apply to bows.

Well, "+cold damage" doesn't exist so that's the biggest difference.

All flat added damage requires a damage type. The options for this are bow, melee, spell and throwing.

"Increased cold damage" applies to all sources of cold damage.

"Increased cold bow damage" applies to all sources of bow cold damage.

10 Apr


Originally posted by ForceOmega

I would settle for seeing just the overkill damage that was dealt as a way of better understanding what has happened. Few bosses have given me headache before for I did not know if I died to just bad luck or something that will definitely one shot me. Just to know what to prepare for.

We have very thoroughly explored the possibility of more detailed death recaps. What we have is the best we can do.


Originally posted by Humeon

My wife has been playing with wolves and has seen lots of different named ones, but this is her first time with Fenton!

Fenton seems to have a very wide aggro range and runs faster than the other wolves. He's a reference to a classic video:

Jesus christ, Fenton!

Yup, this is the only special name minion that has unique AI.


Originally posted by Gilad1

Apparently MP took a year. Before then it was 3-4 months for major updates

And we are back to that frequent cadence now as will be seen this summer.


Originally posted by ForceOmega

A log for last seconds would be more appreciated. I don't want to know how hard that one beetle hit me for :D

We have explored the possibility of more detailed death recaps. What we have is the best we can do.

09 Apr


You can go back to the starter zones.

Have you friend make a new character, portal to them at the start.


I'm going to remove this because someone might believe the mistake about the release schedule. Please feel free to re-post your critique without those mistakes.

08 Apr


Wow, those are bonkers good.


Your Sabertooth becomes an Ice Tiger, converting 100% of its base melee physical damage to cold. Consequently this damage scales with increases to cold damage, but not with increases to physical damage. The Ice Tiger's melee attacks have a Freeze Rate equal to twice their base damage. The Ice Tiger's melee attacks' Physical tags are swapped for Cold tags.

So it's important to note the difference between melee and physical. This node converts the base damage of the melee abilities that your sabertooth has from melee physical to melee cold. They are still melee abilities that still scale with melee damage. The ice spells that you can add in the tree are still spells.

So your sabertooth now primarily scales with increases to melee and cold damage.


Originally posted by KevinJay21

Not sure if this has been posted before (I did a search prior). Taken from today's livestream with EHG_Mike.

Sorry, I wasn't trying to get you to delete your post, just thought I'd clear it up.


This isn't MTX. This is just going to be normal items that you can find.

07 Apr

06 Apr


There was a bug which removed LMB skill functionality with the release of 0.9. We are working to restore it and have it on the list of upcoming fixes in the latest patch notes.


Originally posted by Pandarandrist

Will this be removed eventually? Things like enchant weapon have a skill point tax to automatically autocast, which is a bit silly if it's already officially supported

Future unclear


Originally posted by Nametagstolen

Yeah haha it's what I meant, I was just curious cause I'm really enjoying the game and one of my character needs it so don't want to get in trouble if it's seen as an exploit

You won't get in trouble.


Originally posted by ManmadePlatypus

Adding info from my own experience with this issue, since I just noticed it yesterday.

Note: I don't experience the monitor flickering that OP mentions, but I do get massive frame-rate drops. Tested just now with a fresh character with first stash accessible at the Traveler's Camp location.

When I first open my inventory, there's an initial frame drop of 20-40 fps due to loading the stash assets, but this stabilizes back to 144 fps within 1 second. However, I have a stash tab full (full) of 1x1 idols. When I switch to this stash tab, frame-rate drops to ~57 and stays there until I leave that tab again. I've tested this with other tabs as well, and there seems to be a direct correlation between # of items in the tab and the amount of frame-rate drop. For example, switching to another (full) tab with 1x2 idols, frame-rate stabilizes higher at ~91 fps, but still far from the ideal 144 fps I get elsewhere on tabs with fewer items in them.

yea, that item to fps relationship was what I was probing at, thanks.

05 Apr


Does this happen on a brand new solo character?


It really just comes down to: Do you like the idea of focusing on minions or shapeshifting more?