Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

14 Apr


Originally posted by DragonlordAtarka

What??? So I built my entire character wrong then. Any chance this will be changed to reflect what's actually in the tooltip? Cause this is incredibly disheartening. I was really looking forward to playing my character to his full potential. :(

I mainly wonder why it would even be mana in the first place. The more multiplier on getting spark charges from melee attacks means you're heavily incentivized to use mana strike as your main skill, which has an in-built way to apply them. This means that mana has almost no value to you since your main skill doesn't use any and probably even causes you to be at max mana at all times.

We've discussed it and decided to go with changing the effect to match the tooltip rather than vice versa. We'll have to monitor the subsequent power of the item because, as you pointed out, Intelligence is a more useful stat to scale for the rest of your build. But, we don't want to invalidate builds that people have already attempted to create based on the assumption that the tooltip was correct.


Originally posted by Chogo82

Thanks for the response! 1) It was not always the case with my hammerdin that I died to soul bomb after pushing the enemy. There were times that I died on the very first soul bomb. I noticed that this seems to happen more often when I use a teleport spell and/or continue to attack him while he is soul bombing. The other hitbox issue is his breath. This one only seems to occur when I am too close behind him. This effect is also more likely to occur when I used smite teleport because that spell always puts me behind him and causes him to move a bit.

4) concerning the necro outer ring bug: what I meant here is that when I spawn into the fight after many attempts, the outer ring is already there. Typically the fight starts with me on the edge and EoC waiting off screen. In the bugged scenario, the outer ring of necrotic damage is already there and he immediately starts to the mass necro ball launch when I spawn into the fight.

5) concerning being able to cheat death: I...

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Ah! I see the issue with the outer ring now - sorry, I misunderstood what was going on there. You mean it's persisting after the portal is closed and into the next attempt of the quest echo within the same gameplay session if I understand correctly now. I'll pass that along to the team.


Just wanted to provide a few updates concerning this, as EoC's Soul Explosion hitbox is something we're still looking into.

  1. From the engine side of things, we can see the hitbox does correctly match the telegraph indicator, which means something else is going on. We currently suspect this may be the result of being able to 'push' many enemies, including EoC, but we don't yet have a constant reproduction for this. Situation information can be helpful for this, such as if you're experiencing any issues with other hitboxes during the fight (desync), experiencing any sort of rubber banding, or if you notice anything else off.
  2. This appears to be a result of pushing the boss as you mentioned. 'Pushing' enemies is not an intended mechanic, and is part of a much larger issue we're working on.
  3. same as 2, yup. It's very silly indeed =p
  4. We are aware of this bug, though it's currently lower priority than others as teleporting into the outer ring post fi...
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Originally posted by rtcll

Ah. Just logged in and tried to play a bit today. Still happening unfortunately... I can't even last a half hour before it crashes. I must have the other leak, but it doesn't take a long session. On 16gb ram.

The fastest we've been able to replicate it is like 1mb/hr.

13 Apr


Originally posted by rtcll

Thanks for the update! Were any of those fixes pushed in the 0.9i by chance? I haven't gotten a chance to play since the most recent patch.

Pretty sure no, but a couple hotfixes ago had some I think.


There were a few sources of this. Most of them have been fixed and pushed. There is still 1 known source of a small memory leak that will cause problems over a very long play session with specific actions. We are working on it.


Originally posted by DragonlordAtarka

You probably want to wait until it's fixed. Currently the flat damage per int doesn't work, which means my int stacker really struggles with single target damage.

It's actually giving Spark Charge 2 Lightning Damage per 10 max mana. The tooltip is just wrong.


This has now been fixed internally and the fix will be included in the next hotfix, which I expect to be this week.


Originally posted by Spellmystery

Is there any chance we will see this feature revisited?I mean after every character (especially alts) whenever i kill lagon , that's it for me and the story , no need to go further so i start monos.are you considering of adding rewards for doing later acts?

Majasa actually already has a unique reward, +1 all attributes.


The nodes say their requirement and they say that you need to be mastered to use them.


Yes, we are working on it. High priority.


Originally posted by RMHaney

Excuse me sir this is a direct nerf to the sell price of this item how will we be compensated?! /s

A finger on the monkey's paw curls, level requirement is set to 233.

Number goes up = buff right?


Originally posted by DeTalores

I made a comment that the gold cost should change to 144 that only got ten upvotes and they changed it! Soooo they definitely come to Reddit and read even the low upvote comments too haha.

Yup, I snagged that from you.


Only minion stats affect minions. If the stat doesn't say minion on it, it doesn't help your minions.


There is a new bug with channeled abilities in offline mode. Is this offline?

12 Apr


Fiery Dragon Shoes are a double reference to two different items in different games. Can you tell which?

11 Apr


Originally posted by EpicPrototypo

So this confuses me. Is the chart in the post correct or do all tags buff all parts of Tempest Strike?

The chart is correct.

The skill or sub-skill get all the stats, regardless of if they can use them or not. Then when the skill actually applies its damage, only the relevant stats are used.

So for example if you have the stat +500% chance to ignite and you use lightning blast, even though it doesn't do any fire damage itself, it still needs to have the fire damage so the ignite can scale properly. So all stats are just passed along at every step, even if they can't use them.

Attributes are the exception to this as they apply directly to the first still in the chain and indirectly to the rest. When you use the ability yourself, that first ability gets the stats it should from attributes. Then those stats that it gained get passed along down the chain as normal stats. This means that if a sub skill has different attribute scaling than the parent skill, the parent skill attribute scaling applies instead. We have tried to make this conflict never happen by makin...

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Originally posted by Kulharin

Will any form of multiplayer be limited to the official servers? So mods would only work offline single player like Diablo 2 Resurrected, or would there be any way to play mods with friends? Such as LAN, TCP I/P, custom servers?

Much appreciated.

We have no plan to add LAN or TCP/IP support or release our server code. Currently the only way to play online will be with the official servers.

It's possible that this could change in the future but very unlikely to be any time soon.