Hey there!
Thanks so much for being interested in supporting us further. 😊
We have a support article about upgrades here. Please do reach out if there's anything we can help with.
Hey there!
Thanks so much for being interested in supporting us further. 😊
We have a support article about upgrades here. Please do reach out if there's anything we can help with.
Read moreI appreciate how open you guys are, and how much you encourage feedback. It's really refreshing and appreciated by your community!
I'm a person who enjoys dedicating time to a single character, built around a single theme. I'm pretty forgiving with game mechanics, enemy variety, and environments if the skills I'm using are compelling and fresh. I typically play a sorcerer, so most of my experience is with that class.
First, I'd love to see Lightning Blast get a buff. Though it's the first skill you get, as someone who loves the idea of a lightning-based caster, I feel that it falls far, far behind the other spells you get as you level, even with heavy investment. I often get frustrated when I unlock skills like Volcanic Orb which seem to be exponentially more powerful without any investment, while my lightning blast skill falls behind even when maxed out.
I'm also waiting for a cold-based caster to be more viable. Ice Barrage still doesn't have a skill tree ...
A specialization tree rework is planned for Lightning Blast, though there are a couple of technical issues we need to iron out first.
We've had a few requests for Ice Barrage lately, so I'll speak with the team about whether this one can be expedited a bit.
There aren't any cold skills or trees being added in Patch 0.7.5, unfortunately. Though there are cold options for Flame Ward.
It's cool guys. Take your time, do it right.
Thanks for being so understanding. :)
It's important to us that Last Epoch has the best launch possible.
I'm definitely excited about that one! I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for buffs to my few favorite spells, but really enjoying everything you folks have done so far.
Any particular balance suggestions you'd like to suggest?
We're a small team - in addition to being sincerely interested in feedback, we've more than 80 skills and sometimes a few can fall off our radar for a while. I can't promise any changes would be made in time for 0.7.5 at this point, but we can definitely look into skills you think are needing some attention and discuss change to their base functionality, their trees, or both.
I haven't followed too much of Last Epoch's development prior to when I purchased the early access about 4 months or so ago, but this doesn't upset me too much.
Every "small" patch has delivered a bunch of content, balancing, and thoughtfulness about the project.
I definitely have my issues with the current game, but I'm also excited to see what they can turn out in the next year before the official release.
Thanks for the kind words!
We've got another patch to release before the end of the year. :)
All I want is for this game to have the performance and inventory issues fixed. I would be more than content to put more time into it if these two were fixed
Inventory and all interconnecting systems have been reworked for 075 which is coming soon. Sorry that it was janky for such a long time - the inventory is a much larger and more complex system than most people realize. We do have some good performance updates this patch as well including fixes to a stutter that a lot of players were experiencing, improved garbage collection, and pooling of a number of skill VFX objects but its still an iterative process. We have a lot more to do on the performance front but we've hired an additional very experienced developer to focus solely on those improvements a few patch cycles ago.
Read moreHey, thanks for taking the time to write up this awesome feedback. I'm a Senior Developer on Last Epoch. Short version, I'm happy to say that our priorities line up very well. Almost every day I work on and talk to other people who are working on performance. We release performance fixes and updates in every patch. This upcoming one will be no exception. We've got more fixes coming down the pipe for the one after that too. Every frame counts and we literally cheer for each one.
Each zone transition's interaction size is set manually and some of them might be a little big. When holding down the mouse button, the game is actually simulating clicks over and over. As soon as you click on an exit, it activates so that when you get close, it makes you leave. This ends up with it feeling like it auto transitions sometimes. It's funny, I haven't heard this feedback in a very long time but this is the 3rd time I've heard it in about a week so I'll go back in there and see if we can ...
Game director here - First off, welcome to the community, Loate. Thank you for taking the time to provide the feedback and very glad you're enjoying Epoch. Just echoing Mike that we agree with all of what you've written here, most of our leadership has read this post, and we'll be working to bring these improvements to the game during beta.
Act V Diablo 2 vibes!!! YOU TOUCH MY G-SPOT NOW (and Im male) !!! <3
Thanks for the feedback!
I've passed this onto the level designer who worked on these areas. :)
I love these guys I kinda bought last epoch as an investment. From their perspective I can feel they want to make a game for arpg enthusiastics for sure and wanted to support them. I like their transparency and roadmap . Let's keep up good work
Thanks for supporting us! :)
I looked it over but I didn't see a date. Any idea when these might go in?
Hey there!
This post was largely intended to some of the stuff we've been working on since we've been a bit quieter than usual lately. We do plan to release another content patch this year, so in the near future we'll be releasing a Patch Preview thread for the upcoming update Patch 0.7.5. This will focus on clarifying what's coming in that patch, and what's unlikely to be ready in time. :)
I was there amongst many other support pages and the second step doesn't clarify how to find the key: "Copy the Steam key exactly as it appears, including dashes."
Should I refund and buy off the site?
I believe that I may have just responded to an e-mail of yours.
Can I ask why you are trying to get a Steam key? If you buy a game through Steam, it will automatically be added to your Steam library. Steam keys are issued to people who previously bought the game outside of Steam and would like to begin using Steam.
You're telling us the solution you have tried hasn't worked, but you haven't told us what the problem is.
Main thing I’m wondering about if the raptors will be similar to the wolves? Maybe do some form of bleed damage?
The Summon Raptor skill does have a lot of Bleed-related options on its tree.
If you have beta access I'd encourage you to download the update and try it out. :)
Hi, what’s the reason for delaying rogue class for so long?
Hey there!
I've previously explained our reasoning for this here.
Hope you don't mind the link to an old post; it's just time-consuming to write something that long. :)
Very happy to hear our performance related efforts here are having some results! We're far from finished with performance related updates though. The team actually hired someone specifically to tackle these a couple months ago and he's been doing a stellar job.
If there are specific areas, monsters, skills or other things that allow you guys to reliably reproduce a drop in frame rate please let us know. Finding them is more than half the battle.
Thanks, Schovan.