Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

23 Apr


Originally posted by lordrohkan

I thought it said lead too. I think my brain speed-interpreted “last epoch dev” as “lead dev”


Yeah; it's weird. Once OP pointed it out I really struggled to retrace my steps.

Edit: I think what I did was mentally switch 'dev' and 'live', then misread one of them. Not sure, though.


Originally posted by Sickien

What is the best website atm to get info about spells/skill trees?

The Last Epoch wiki is probably the best resource, however it has unfortunately become outdated over the course of this year. I try to contribute to it as I find time to do so - though this is often in the form of media assets rather than the creation / editing of articles. We'd like to have more information about these on our official site for launch, but the relevant information is currently changing so substantially and so frequently that it's really something we don't want to touch during alpha.

22 Apr


Originally posted by Drcreampuff

Thanks for the reply! Never said Lead Developer though, just said Dev. Not sure if he's a dev or a community manager of sorts though.

Oh! You're right... well, that's embarrassing. Sorry about that. :P

wanders off in search of coffee


One minor nitpick - that wasn't our Lead Developer.


Originally posted by Ryukenden123

Does that mean buying alpha packs get you the new beta pet when its out too?

No; the MTX you'll have depends on which supporter pack you buy.


Originally posted by CrazySwitch

So when beta starts it won’t be implemented? Is there an ETA on when it will be?

No specific ETA. We'll be gradually expanding our testing - the pace at which we do so will be determined by how well that testing goes.

21 Apr


Originally posted by CrazySwitch

Multiplayer, when?

We're testing multiplayer internally at the moment - we'll be involving the community in this testing during beta.

20 Apr

19 Apr


Originally posted by PlubCenguinLoveYou

Afaik the prices will go up, so probably a good idea. I got the $50 one and I found it worth it - though I'm stoked for more content.

Sorry, could I just check - which prices are you referring to?

16 Apr


Sorry about this!

This is a technical issue which we're investigating.

15 Apr


This wiki article lists the contents of our current series of supporter packs as well as those from our KickStarter campaign. We do have other MTX types planned, with one example being pet augments. Path of Exile's probably fairly representative of our plans, yes. :)


Last Epoch will be $15 at release.

Prior to release you can get a discounted prepurchase for $10.


We do indeed offer the option of upgrading supporter packs.

Please note that you can only upgrade a purchase while the pack you are upgrading to is available for purchase.


Could you maybe rephrase your question?

The KickStarter supporter packs are no longer available, if that's what you're asking.

14 Apr


Originally posted by lolu13

Did they say pet is changing?

Each series of supporter packs will contain different MTX.

There is a preview of the pets included in the next series here.

13 Apr


Originally posted by Spunk87

OK thanks for answering so quick :)

You're welcome! :)