Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

13 Apr


Originally posted by Spunk87

will you be able to play with the alpha accounts through Steam or do you need to make a new account when beta Launches?

You'll be able to link your Last Epoch and Steam accounts, however we will be performing a wipe when beta begins.


Originally posted by seipa5096

Oh are there more mans who bought epoch pack?

Yup! We sold a few of those. :)


Originally posted by Reifeen

Nice, can't wait to add it to my Steam account! Can we expect trading cards and achievements?

We do plan to have achievements!

I'm not aware of us having made a decision on trading cards, so I'm not comfortable answering that at the moment. Sorry!


Originally posted by seipa5096

oh you're the only player whp bought epoch pack :

That's not entirely accurate. :)


Originally posted by Kamlol

Will the price be changed for beta access?

No; buying the game & beta access will still be $35.


Originally posted by Faamee

Only tested the demo a long time ago, really exited to try it again!

Can’t check the forums atm, how much will the beta cost?

Access to the finished game & the beta is available for $35.

The game will be $15 at release, and can be prepurchased for $10.

12 Apr


Originally posted by laky_ljuk

Do you plan Steam only or standalone client too?

Last Epoch will never be exclusively available through any one store.

08 Apr


Yep! We still have those skills.

We renamed Tempest to Warpath - which in my opinion is a cooler and more thematically on-point name for it. :)

07 Apr


Originally posted by FeelsGouda

They wrote in the forum that this system is not intended to go live in the future, just a transition thing.

At least I think I read that somwhere.

But yeah like the others said, you level them like your "normal" levels. It becomes easy later, early it takes a while.

The behaviour of needing to despecialise in a skill and level up a new one is intended to be the long term system for specialising in a different skill.

The part of the skill respec system that is currently missing is the ability to respec individual nodes within a skill's tree. Currently the only way to do that is to despecialise and re-level up the same skill, which is not intended.


Welcome everyone! :)

02 Apr


Streaming Last Epoch, uploading Last Epoch videos, and monetizing Last Epoch videos is totally fine - though we do ask that you do not re-upload a video we have created and monetize it without making any changes at all.


Originally posted by T0RB1T

No no no, absolutely, I 100% understand how these things can snowball.

Totally unrelated... I really love how you are making sure that the Linux version works alongside the Windows version. It means a lot to me, and, I'm sure, other people.

It also means me being able to play the game! :D


Originally posted by T0RB1T

Oh, no, of course, it's fine. I was trying to be overdramatic.

I am an alpha supporter, and I have no problems with cosmetics being sold, especially if it means that you can keep developing the game!

Honestly, I'm just super glad that you folks are so transparent about everything!

Ah okay. :)

Sorry if it came across as overly defensive - we're a relatively new company, and it wouldn't take much to get the wrong kind of reputation.


Originally posted by T0RB1T

What kind of purpose would the store have? Not microtransactions I hope...

We have always been open about the fact that cosmetic MTX would fund development post-release.

To offer a few examples;

  • "A real money store will sell purely cosmetic items" -KickStarter FAQ
  • "A real money store will sell purely cosmetic microtransactions" -...
Read more

It's a placeholder, as when we created a new UI we wanted to have it as final as possible to reduce future work.


Originally posted by [deleted]

literally just did for an hour haha, at first it runs well but as time goes by, especially when I alt tab, the performance can get worse and worse, at least that's how I perceived it, and I checked the system requirement and I have everything needed, here's my spec if you guys wanna have an idea on what I run the game on

  • I5 3570K 3.40 Ghz
  • GTX 970 SSC Edition
  • 8GB of RAM dual channel
  • Runs on a HDD under Windows 10 Pro

Ah alright. Don't think we've produced any optimization improvements since then! :P

If performance is degrading over time it might be worth checking system temperatures. You could have HWMonitor open in the background while playing for a bit and see what the worst reported temperatures for each component are. There's definitely a lot of work on optimization left to be done - please don't think I'm trying to dodge responsibility for that - but performance gradually decreasing doesn't really fit most of the performance issues I've seen people reporting to us.

17 Feb


The intention is for most enemies types to survive long enough to get various attacks off that make their base types and mods have a significant impact on gameplay.

Along with that we want to make sure that mana remains a relevant resource so high mana cost skills, including movement skills and high damage skills with large AoEs, aren't something you can spam at any point in the game.

13 Feb


Originally posted by RushingService

Thanks for the response. Is there any leech or Regen going to be implemented or existing already that I haven't seen yet? Only had time to plug a few hours in so far. Got to end of act 2, thought it was the end and plugged away at arena and new chars. Just before left for work realized you can get to a3 haha. Playing thorn totems it's super fun but hard to keep Mana up.

There is mana regen, but we don't (and won't) have mana leech. We're trying to keep mana as a limitation for skills, so you won't be able to spam high mana cost skills. We implemented negative mana to give builds that use high cost skills some more flexibility at a cost.

Our goal is to discourage one-button builds, so if you're using a high cost skill it's usually a good idea to have lower cost skills that you can use when your mana is lower, or recovery skills like mana strike and focus.

11 Feb


Glad you are enjoying it! Keep an eye out for beta, we've got some good stuff on the way