Anyone who buys Last Epoch through our website has access to both.
That said, for purchasers of the $10 Ardent Traveler pack, the Steam key won't be delivered until you've game access.
Anyone who buys Last Epoch through our website has access to both.
That said, for purchasers of the $10 Ardent Traveler pack, the Steam key won't be delivered until you've game access.
There is indeed currently a bug where approximately five times as many enemies spawns as was planned.
This was introduced by a change very late in the patch cycle and unfortunately our QA team didn't catch it.
We'll fix this up in a future update. Apologies for the inconvenience!
It's a major design goal of ours to keep the different Eras feeling distinct from one another so you will continue to see a lot of diversity in the zones you experience in Last Epoch. Even moreso going forward as we are still gaining speed on developing environmental assets, mastering our post processing stack, upgrading the quality of graphics and VFX, etc. If you like diversity and pretty scenery 0.7.4 will not disappoint!
Very happy to hear that you're enjoying the game, Maadao :)
Managed to install just before this was released. gg 😀
Hah, sorry!
I'd actually been encouraging someone on our Discord to wait for the patch before installing.
can we get 0.7.4 today? please.
Not today, sorry. Soon™!
Dem skill trees.
They're what initially got me interested in the project, ultimately culminating in me joining the team. :)
Ah I think I misread the piece where you are saying that it is not yet affecting the item hunt process and thought it meant the entire system, thank you for clearing that up!
Hrm, that's not a great paragraph. It had been subject to a few edits very soon before the thread was posted.
I'll see if I can improve it a bit. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!
I like the looks of it, a little disappointed that the time rifts wont be there yet but I am glad they are open about it. I'm probably gonna give spellblade a shot with the new static skill, it sounds really satisfying
Heya! There appears to have been some confusion - Time Rifts are coming in Patch 0.7.4 later this month.
Thanks for your interest in Last Epoch! :)
You guys are awesome, can't wait for this update.
Thanks for the kind words!
Not long to go, now. :)
Hey there!
Sorry to hear about your Paladin reaching an untimely end. :(
Previously in Last Epoch a Hardcore character would be deleted upon dying, but we heard from the community that this felt harsh when a character would die due to balance issues or bugs as a result of the game being in Early Access. In response to this feedback, we changed it just over a month ago so that hardcore characters that die simply become regular characters.
Your hardcore stash remains in hardcore. Your hardcore character loses acce...
Read moreEdit #2: The maintenance has now concluded. Apologies for the inconvenience!
Edit #1: Maintenance is beginning now.
In approximately 20 minutes we will be performing maintenance on our forum. We anticipate this taking approximately 15 minutes.
We'll edit this post when the maintenance begins and we'll also post again when it has concluded. Thanks for your patience!
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