Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

01 May


Originally posted by kortonx

I know it's a known issue, but I think OP means he purchased through the website and linked to Steam. He did not purchase through Steam.

Oh, maybe - sorry if so!

You log into the same Last Epoch account and will have access to the same in-game MTX regardless of which client you're using.


Hi there!

When you get the chance could you post about this in the Bug Reports section of our forum?



You are purchasing the $35 Ardent Gladiator supporter pack through Steam.

We're aware of a few bugs relating to cosmetic items and we're looking into them. Please accept my apology for the delay.


Glad to hear you're not venturing through the world of Eterra alone!


Thanks for the kind words! We don't want you to get fired either.


Originally posted by Daevun

D2 Boss runs is my best memory in gaming. I would absolutely love to see it coming back. I was never really a fan of everything can drop everywhere. How is a white creep suposed to cary the best weapons and armor in the game. I never really understood that concept.

Perhaps the rascal nicked the loot from a corpse after another player missed the item or disconnected.

I'll ask our Narrative Director about that one. :P


Originally posted by CzarTyr

I love how vocal you guys are on reddit. Try your hardest to keep it up and the playerbase will come and respect it.

From watching this game on twitch yesterday and being on this reddit last night I've already spoken with hundreds of people on my discord about this game and everyone is interested

Thanks for the kind words! We really appreciate it. :)


Originally posted by Hartsai

is it just 1 difficulty or same content repeated couple of times? Like PoE used to be?

Our campaign has a single playthrough.

There'll be an endgame mode designed to make the campaign still relevant - some members of the team have fond memories of boss runs from Diablo II and want to do what they can to make that fun and rewarding - however there'll be other endgame modes for those who aren't interested. Here's a link:


Sorry to hear this! Could you please e-mail us at [email protected]?

We're working through a backlog as quickly as possible.


This is a known bug which we're looking into.

30 Apr


Can you try closing the Launcher, then right-clicking and selecting Run as Administrator?


Originally posted by EHG_Sarno

Due to the unforeseen technical issues we are rescheduling our launch. The current ETA is four hours from now. Very sorry about this!

We've posted another update! Everything looking good at the moment.


Originally posted by EHG_Sarno

Due to the unforeseen technical issues we are rescheduling our launch. The current ETA is four hours from now. Very sorry about this!

As we are currently changing host, portions of our website will be temporarily unavailable.


Originally posted by 29NightRain

Sorry, does it mean 4hrs later? Just don’t understand what is ETA stand for...thanks

Yes indeed. Sorry again!


Due to the unforeseen technical issues we are rescheduling our launch. The current ETA is four hours from now. Very sorry about this!


Update #1: Due to the unforeseen technical issues we are rescheduling our launch. The current ETA is four hours from now. Very sorry about this!

Update #2: We've posted another update! Dealing with some load issues, but other than that everything's looking good.

External link →

It's a bit too early for us to have concrete ideas on the length of Cycles - but as both GGG and Blizzard have regularly made their equivalents last for three months, we'll likely make our first one last for about that long and then experiment until we find the duration which suits us. Sorry if it's a bit of a non-answer; it's a question about post-release updates before we've entered beta.

Hard to say! :)


Thank you for this!

Our forum's currently down for maintenance - mind either replicating it there, or at least posting a link?


Originally posted by ERAreddit

Thanks Sarno!

I'll throw it up first thing tomorrow morning, any preference on where I should post it in?

Anywhere should be fine. General, maybe?