Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

05 Mar



If your questions are being prompted by our in-game ladder, the one on our website does show which skills people are using.

You can filter by base class. While there isn't a specific way to filter by mastery class, searching by its name is mostly reliable.


Originally posted by TeddansonIRL

It's early access, and you can definitely feel that sometimes but overall its a very good Early access game. There's a lot of good here, and it's only going to get better I hope.

Only thing I really want is a new run animation

We recently hired an Animations lead. :)

04 Mar

03 Mar

01 Mar


Originally posted by Sheepfu

Is there a future plan to allow us to buy a larger supporter pack to sync with the Steam purchase? I'm so, so in on this game and I'd like to support by opening my wallet.

We're able to manually process upgrades if folks poke us about them. :)

Currently we're unable to perform these transactions through Steam. I can't say for certain whether that'll change in future. We recognize - and value! - the large number of payment methods supported by Steam and the convenience that results from such broad support, but there isn't currently a great way for us to offer this through Steam.

We'd like to make significant improvements to both our store page and also our own website, as we recognize that currently the upgrade process...

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Thanks so much for your kind interest in supporting us.

We'd honestly be thrilled regardless of where you purchase Last Epoch. You'll have access to both the Steam and standalone clients after purchasing, so you don't need to worry about tying yourself to one or the other. On Steam we sell the $35 Ardent Gladiator supporter pack; you'll get the full contents of this pack from either store.

Things to bear in mind include;

  • Different refund policies apply to each store (...
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Thanks for being interested in Last Epoch. :D

So, there's been a few demos we've discussed thus far;

  • There were multiple free demos released between late 2017 and early 2018.
  • We plan to release a new free demo while the game is in Early Access.
  • At release, we'll also have a free trial up to level 20 so folks can try out the game.

The original demos have been retired as they're very significantly outdated by now. We haven't yet released the demo referenced in Phase 1 of our Early Access Forecast, as we're currently working to update our game engine, and having the game and the demo using different versions would complicate our ability to later update the demo if needed.

Unfortunately I don't currently have an ETA to share regarding the demo, but it is still planned.

I noticed in response to ...

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29 Feb


Originally posted by Dethmonger

I'm guessing that the listed shock chance is only showing your global shock chance for both melee and ranged. So if you would get an item that gives a 50% chance to shock on any hit, that field would show 50%, and melee hits would have a 85% chance.

This is correct.




Open the settings menu, and in the Challenges tab there'll be a button to deactivate the Solo challenge for that character.

You should get a confirmation window which explains what exactly will happen - please do be sure to read that first. :)

28 Feb


Originally posted by SkitZa

You get free DLCs and Expansions in exchange for paid cosmetics??

You're f**king braindead not brainwashed.

Locking thread due to needless insults flying around.

C'mon guys, it's possible to disagree while being civil.


Hi there,

Sorry to hear about this!

There aren't currently widespread reports of crashing, so I would recommend first removing any overclocks which may be in effect - this includes any applied at a factory, as is often performed in the case of video cards. If the crashes continue, it would be very helpful if you could try performing a Clean Boot and confirm whether the crashes continue before restarting your computer again.

Reddit's not the best place for providing technical support, but if you respond to my colleague's latest response and try the above as well, we'll hopefully be closer to finding out what's causing the crashes so that we can offer a solution to them.

27 Feb


Originally posted by Guangtou22

Or they could worry about it in the 13th hour like wolcen devs

That's two hours too late for us. :)


Qual é a data de lançamento?

O quarto trimestre deste ano.

Se eu comprar agora, poderei continuar jogando até o lançamento?

Sim. :)

Alguma diferença para quem comprou antes de 01/2020?

Não se eles pagassem o mesmo preço.

Esteja ciente de que o Last Epoch atualmente está disponível apenas em inglês.


That balance is very much a WIP in our Early Access game is not the reason that some features are not yet available. :)

25 Feb


We currently don't have any modes which offer additional rewards.

Each of them (Solo, Hardcore, Masochist) are there to provide optional added challenge to those interested.

24 Feb


Originally posted by Vanrythx

i just hope they polish it to the max and don't feel rushed, april release is way too early, there needs to be a lot of done still, especially animation wise, optimization wise and content wise too. (even if there is quite a lot already)

Last Epoch is scheduled to release in Q4 of this year. :)


edit: Should be fixed now.

Hi all!

We're currently working to resolve the current server issues as quickly as possible. Thanks for your patience!

23 Feb


Originally posted by polki92

This is quite strange ? People supporting the game since ages will be able to play later than newcomers ? Never seen that

We previously sold a $10 discounted prepurchase of the finished game, with beta access included in the $35 pack.

As we have since pushed back the release of 1.0, we chose to give the people who bought the $10 pack beta access starting at our original estimate of when the game would officially launch, as that was the date they were told when buying it.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I'm sorry but this is mostly incorrect.

First, there is no Open Beta currently planned. Secondly, it's only people who paid less than $35 who have to wait until April to play.