Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

21 Mar


Originally posted by Sinaril

Exciting news! By the way - are you aware that under certain circumstances auto sorting a page in the chest can result in some items being lost (and not put in any of the other pages)? I've mostly had that happen to me with the 4-horizontal-slot idols.

That bug is specific to Idols and will be resolved in 0.7.7.

Sorry about that! ☹️


Originally posted by GeximuZ

Good job guys, this project is going to be one of the best arpgs!

Cant vouch enough for this!

Thanks for the kind words! :)

20 Mar


Originally posted by Normal512

Very exciting, I'm looking forward to the cloud saves and performance improvements.

When should we expect to see the patch? A couple weeks or longer?

We'll be releasing 0.7.7 later this month.

19 Mar

14 Mar

13 Mar

12 Mar


Originally posted by enfrozt

How close are we getting to launch? Haven't played since a year ago, curious where we're at.

Patch 0.7.7? End of March. Patch 1.0? Q4.


Originally posted by TrundleGod32



10 Mar


We're removing the Elemental tag from Elemental Nova in Patch 0.7.7 as it's been causing confusion.

To clarify, Fire Damage, Cold Damage, and Lightning Damage are all considered to be Elemental Damage, and thus skills dealing one of those damage types will scale with Elemental Damage. +100% Increased Fire Damage and +100% Increased Elemental Damage would be equally good for a Mage casting Fireball, even though it is tagged as Fire but not tagged as Elemental.

09 Mar


The decision is final, at least currently.

I believe there should be a warning when making that decision.


Hi Bamboozling,

It looks like you have an error message that persisted from a different panel still showing as you switched to create an account. This is where that tooltip usually points to:

That field should be your username. Sorry for the confusion. We'll make sure that doesnt persist when swapping panels for next patch.

08 Mar


This is a bug; auto equip is only supposed to happen when the slot is empty.

Does this happen on other characters, and if not does it keep happening if you exit to character select and reload the character?

07 Mar



Thanks for the feedback!

There is no icon or display to track temporary buffs

There are for some; posting specific effects which lack buff icons on our forum would help us to tackle this more quickly.

An easier way to bind skills to left click and right click

Our most recent content patch, Patch 0.7.6, expanded the options available. We're probably going to see how this plays out for a bit longer before making further changes, but this is a topic we've been discussing (and working on) recently.

A way to link items in chat

I don't think anyone on the team is opposed to this; I could see it being something that is implemented in-or-around the time we include the community in multiplayer testing later this year.

Seemingly, you get disconnected from chat at random

Chat is, unfortunately, currently a bit...

Read more

05 Mar



We're working on tooltip DPS, and it's actually scheduled into the current phase of our Early Access Forecast.

It's surprisingly challenging to get such numbers be accurate, but we've been working on it. :)


Originally posted by inrush989

I have an image of what it looks like on my phone. Don’t know how to post it

Appreciate the kind offer, but us guys have phones. :)


Originally posted by inrush989

That definitely needs some work for mobile. Everything is just on top of it self. At least for my iPhone 7

Thanks, I've passed that on to be looked at.