Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

30 Apr


This is awesome! I'll share it with the team. :)

You should consider posting it on our forum so that more people see it.

29 Apr



28 Apr


Originally posted by KAJed

Our plan is to have a very distributed server set-up

Are you planning on a cloud-based virtual solution rather than the more rented bare-metal solution that Path of Exile is doing?

I'm not sure precisely how much information we wish to disclose about this; that decision would be above my paygrade.


When Last Epoch is officially launched in 2020, the game will support both online-only and offline-only characters.

The alpha is primarily client-side, and this will initially be true of our beta as well; multiplayer testing will be gradually ramped up over time. Nobody cares much about placeholder animations or a weapon's on hit sound effect being sub-par and needing to be replaced, but people are much less used to unfinished netcode. Multiplayer is the single thing with the biggest potential to ruin the game's reputation if it is released too early - which is why we decided it will transition gradually from internal testing, to Friends & Family testing, to community members under NDA, to everyone with beta access. We know people want multiplayer as soon as possible - but we also know that people want us to get it right. We're prioritizing the latter.

Our plan is to have a very distributed server set-up. It's too early for me to guarantee a specific number of data ...

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Originally posted by zeracoa

Just to be clear it will be 35$ on the website and 35€ on steam then ? Does buying from the website will give a steam key ?

It would be $35 on our website. I can't currently confirm whether it would be €35 on Steam or mildly less expensive than that.

You will not be able to play Last Epoch without a Last Epoch account. When you buy the game through Steam, before you play for the first time, you will be asked to either register or log into a Last Epoch account. If you buy through our website, you will be able to link your Steam account to your Last Epoch account to play through Steam without needing to buy the game again. It isn't currently available, however you can expect a support article explaining how to do so here:


Originally posted by TheThirdKakaka

Will the supporterpacks bought through steam be regional priced or do we have to pay 35€ if we life in the eu ?

I've checked and we likely won't have regional pricing, at least not initially.


Originally posted by Kamlol

If i buy the pack now, will I get the current pet + the new one?


27 Apr


Hi all!

This is just a quick reminder that we will soon be replacing the current series of supporter packs. Once we have done this, it will not be possible to upgrade from a pack in the current series. If you would like to arrange either an upgrade or a payment plan with us, please e-mail [email protected].

We have posted more information on what changes and what doesn't change between series ...

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Originally posted by 29NightRain

Thanks for your team’s hard work and your kind reply:)

Appreciate the kind words!

We know the game isn't currently perfect; I've a really good NVMe SSD and the game sometimes gives me load times that would make a laptop's 5400 RPM HDD blush. The problem is that at least some of the work we'd do to fix that will be done on a per-zone basis, so there's a significant opportunity cost in that the people who would be doing that wouldn't be working on something else instead. A bit like that old 'that'd cost us a raid tier' World of Warcraft meme. :P


Shorter loading time when going into an area or back to town.

This is planned but is non-trivial to do.

X seconds of ‘safe time’ when going into an area.

Will discuss with the team.

tooltip dps/stats shown for each selected skills

This is planned but will take a lot of time to implement; won't be ready soon.

Able to buy back the last x items sold to NPC

This is actively being worked on however I am unable to offer an ETA (the people on it could be reprioritized).

Skills exp refund when unspecialising a skill by paying gold for easier testing of skills or builds.

There is an overhaul coming, though it won't be in the initial beta release.

Players to be able to choose which passive points to respec, but not respec the last x points invested.

... Read more

26 Apr


Originally posted by sloxatwork

That last one looks sick.

That one's my favourite! :)

Our Game Director prefers the second one.

25 Apr

24 Apr


Originally posted by DrifterAD

If we already supported via KS, but want to buy another pack....mainly because I cant remember at what price point I bought in and if I get a t-shirt....can we do so and give the key to a friend?

Just not sure if the key is tied to the email.

Sorry if this sounds stupid. Its early here and I got 5 hours of sleep.

If you'd like to know which supporter pack you have, e-mail [email protected] and we can ascertain that for you.

It isn't possible to partially gift a supporter pack, no.


Originally posted by griffWWK

Do we know what the "new series" of support packs are?

As in, if we're going to buy into the beta is there more value in the current packs as opposed to the "new" packs?

The price of a discounted prepurchase will still be $10, and also getting beta access will still be $35.

The differences will be in the design of the t-shirt, the forum supporter badges, and the cosmetic MTX. So, for example, our current supporter packs contain turtles, while the next series will contain ...

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23 Apr