Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

17 Feb


Originally posted by Nuckyduck

Thank you! So extra attacks from multi-strike can proc since the skill is pressed but counter attack would not since no skill is pressed?

Cleric's Hammer would not proc from each sword. It would proc once per attack, as it doesn't proc on hit, it procs "when you directly use a melee attack and hit at least one enemy".


I don’t even know what to say. Thank you for your support and we’ll work hard to make your support worth it.


You can see the graphical updates included at 1.0 here. There’s been no post-editing to the visuals


Originally posted by Aggravating-Hour1714

Not OP, just wanted to say it’s really refreshing to see a dev so passionate about their game, and about community feedback. It really reflects in the quality of your game, I’ve had it for 2 weeks and am 90 hours in, and looking forward to playing a lot more. Thank you!

Cheers - thanks for the kind words.

16 Feb


As a tee up, I'd like to shout out a new content creator that recently covered the history of Eleventh Hour Games. He clearly did his research and took the time to make a great video on it. Worth a watch for anyone curious:

- Judd


Originally posted by AVK95

Hopefully last epoch has plans to improve shaman. I like the melee caster archetype a lot and spellblade is completely garbage. Hopefully one of these get improved!

If you missed it, we showcased the new Primalist Skill: Gathering Storm, as well as the reworked Tempest Strike two days ago, both of which play very nicely with Shaman


Originally posted by Nuckyduck

Can I get a clarification on the term 'directly' as in the auto-proc talent 'Cleric's Hammer'? I'm assuming 'active' as a synonym here but I wanted to be sure.

Does this mean that 'indirect' attacks generated from skills/talents (eg. counter attack/multi-strike) will not proc this ability?

"Directly" means you pushed the button to use the skill directly. It was not triggered by something else.


Originally posted by ArmaMalum

Immediate interaction question: Searing Light (hit damage) + Skyfall (Channel DoT) = Hit damage per channel tic?

Second question: Healing effectiveness -> damage scaling like Consecrated Ground or nah?

  1. Yes, but no. Unbroken Prayer will cause the channeled ticks of Healing Hands four times per second that with Searing Light deal hit damage. Skyfall adds the sky beam DoT - unrelated to the ticks of Healing Hands.
  2. Yes, via a node

Originally posted by Synchrotr0n

If we make Healing Hands deal damage, will it stop healing us?



Originally posted by Terwin94

Still holding out for a mage pet class!

While I don't really know, I wouldn't expect much.


Originally posted by GenericSearchRequest

So just to clarify, if I shift through a pack of enemies with the unseen strike node allocated, only the first enemy hit in the pack will get an attached Explosive Trap?

If you take that node. There is a mandatory 1.5s delay between any automatic Explosive Trap attachments. If you hit an enemy and attach an Explosive Trap to them then you have to wait 1.5s before you can attach another Explosive Trap to anyone. This 1.5s duration is unaffected by increased cooldown recovery speed bonuses. It doesn't matter what enemies are being hit. It doesn't matter what ability is being used to do the hitting. It doesn't matter how many enemies that ability has hit previously.

hit -> trigger -> wait 1.5s -> hit -> trigger -> wait 1.5s

that's it, no tricks.


Originally posted by therealkami

I kinda want to hear the story about this now haha. Maybe pre launch isn't the best time to talk about it, but I love hearing game dev stories about weird bugs and edge cases they had to fix.

The space between the glyphs on that font atlas are too small relative to the glyph size. The fix was actually about 2 mins but finding it issue took a lot longer.


Originally posted by Whydontname

Offline seems to also be. I did a full system wipe and still have my offline characters and stash.

Offline characters are saved on your PC, but they're also backed up and synced via Steam Cloud. Online characters are stored entirely on our own backend.


Originally posted by Radulno

Any plans to further divide that class wheel in the future ;) ?

I think expand is a better term now.


Originally posted by pallesaides

No idea, but if it takes more than 2 minutes to fix, I hope not, this should be extraordinarily low on the list of fixes that are needed.

It took way more than 2 mins to fix lol


If it has been at least 1.5s since the last time this triggered, the next melee hit triggers it.


Originally posted by Clancreator

Well at least the knight is still in the game! Gone but not forgotten... Kinda.

Yea, she stuck around.


Glad you’re enjoying it and thank you for your support. We’ll work hard to make sure it was worth it!


It's a little tricky because the structure changed part way through.

I'm not 100% sure on all this. It's been a while.

The first 2 classes were sorc and beast master.

Then Necro released with 1 week left in Kickstarter.

Then void Knight released about a month later.

Then we completely restructured how we were doing things and we released mage, spellblade, lich, primalist, druid, Knight and paladin. This is when the first class wheel was introduced.

Then we split the wheel again and added shaman, sentinel and forge guard. (Removing Knight)

Next came rogue, marksman and blade dancer.

Then runemaster

And now warlock and falconer.

Biggest thing I'm not sure of is when Knight changed to sentinel.