Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

16 Feb


Originally posted by AllanRamires

Could not find this info anywhere so here it goes: is the damage increase from lethal cadence applying to bleed? Is it a general "+ %damage" or a local modifir only to the skill hit?

yes, local modifiers aren't really a thing.

if you wanted to effectively make one, you could make it specifically melee damage and then the bleed doesn't do melee damage so the stat would have no effect on the bleed

15 Feb


We do plan to change this! We actually got pretty close to having the change ready for 1.0 but didn’t quite have it across the line as the way it’s set up we had to make adjustments to every single scene (silly us for setting it up this way), many of which were checked out by other designers.

Looking at 1.1 for that update, or maybe even a 1.0.x patch


With everything we’re releasing for 1.0 and what we have planned for the 1.x series I hope you get much more than that! I’m over the moon to see people getting this much entertainment from the game.

As someone with this much playtime, are there specific things you’d like to see added or changed?


Originally posted by leaguegotold

None of the enemy models are showing up on iOS browsers :-(

Looking into it - apologies


Originally posted by Confedehrehtheh

I tried pretty hard to make tempest strike good as a primary skill, but not being able to scale the attack speed makes the lack luster added damage effectiveness really show. I swapped to swipe on my lightning melee shaman and it rocketed in damage. Hoping the new skill and reworked tempest strike can fit into the build!

Most places that tempest strike was being used before, gathering storm will generally be a better fit.

Tempest strike is more akin to the heavier hitting skills like erasing strike or forge strike. Whereas gathering storm is a fast spam skill like swipe or rive.

14 Feb


The Druant there has two modifiers:
Spiteful and Rampancy. Spiteful causes it to gain bonus damage for four seconds when it's hit, stacking up to 10 times, and Rampancy causes the enemy to intermittently Rampage, granting temporarily increased size, damage, movement speed, and damage reduction.

It cast Entangling Roots on you, which connected rooting you in place, and dealing physical damage over time. When it cast this, it had both 10 stacks of Spiteful, and was actively Rampant causing it to do a lot more damage than normal. The leap slam was the final nail in the coffin. Certainly a deadly combo.

13 Feb


Originally posted by Gregus1032

Sad face, but when it happens I'll be excited. I plan on playing on PC a bit until then though.

If you happen to already have the game and a steamdeck, many people have it working quite well already, we just don't test for it or support it as a platform yet.


Originally posted by Xnate13X

So, can't find a time on the 21st that it releases at. What time is release? Need to plan my day to be able to hit buy & play the second it releases. Thank you!

Planning for 11am central! You can remember that as our typical launch times by our studio name, Eleventh Hour Games :)


We’ll definitely be revisiting older classes. Designing skills and passives is many of our personal favorite things to do and with the increasing tech we have at our disposal and talent we’ve brought into the team and grown over time there’s plenty we we’re excited to do.

Shamans getting a bit of love at release and I see u/ehg_trasochi (our principal designer) has replied to a comment below hinting at some sorc updates we in mind. Forge guard is high priority for some updates next.

Also, If you guys have cool ideas we’re always reading your comments and looking for awesome ideas from the community too! We like to keep some time flexible in our dev cycles to put in things like this that are not tent pole new features.

12 Feb


Originally posted by VindicoAtrum

Don't leave Sorc hanging. Basically the older masteries are showing their age - less interesting passives, lacking passive point bonuses (compare Runemaster number of point bonuses to Sorc), older skill trees with larger point sinks, fewer 'more' multipliers etc.

We have some specific ideas for updating Sorcerer that I'm really excited about.


Originally posted by whiskey_the_spider

Eh. Honestly both choices seems interesting. I'm a casual myself and while I see the appeal of playing the market minigame I feel like it's just more satisfying to drop something you can USE instead of just seeing everything as trade value.

Also if i'm not wrong LE doesn't have smart loot so dropping something interesting for another class can always be a reason to roll another character to try something different

if i'm not wrong LE doesn't have smart loot

It does have smart loot for some types of items, but it's definitely less exaggerated than it is in some other ARPGs. You'll still get lots of items that are good for other classes.

There is no smart loot at all for uniques or set items.

11 Feb


Glad you’re enjoying it and welcome to the community!


Hey u/SomeColombianDude, please reach out to our support team with a ticket and we’ll make sure you’re taken care of


Originally posted by MysticoN

Not the answer me or OP was looking for but i hope you have it somewhere on your roadmap :) Its a growing community and would be another "sale" point for your game :)

Not that im not going to play your game. I cant get enough of it :)

Anyway keep up the GREAT work.

Yea, it's on the radar, we have linux support and controller support. Both of which are getting improvements at 1.0. I expect that steamdeck will work actually well enough to be verified at 1.0 but we just don't have the bandwidth to check another platform for bugs at the moment so we can't put that seal of approval behind it yet.


It will not be steamdeck verified at 1.0


Originally posted by Ok-Rip-1604

As a WoW player, one of my first setting changes in 90% of games is turning off all chat.

But where is mankirk's wife?