Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

21 Feb



If we had unlimited resources it's definitely not a decision we'd make. But, having an extra gender option available for each class would require skinning all the armour models twice, or in some case creating separate models for more revealing armour like some of the primalist's chest pieces. Additionally there'd be a lot of extra animation work, making sure all the animations work for both, or in some case creating additional animations where they don't. Getting the quality and diversity of armour visual models to where it is at 1.0 and getting animations to their standard at 1.0 has been a very significant task for a team of our size, and having to account for twice as many character models would have slowed that down a lot.


There's normally an option to switch your movement key to move or attack, but right now it's disabled.

There was a bug found with it very shortly before release, and disabling it was the only fix guaranteed not to cause additional issues. We'll re-enable the option with the bug fixed in a hotfix.


Originally posted by TheTechnicalArt

Why in the world are players unable to use right click to move? It changes nothing about the gameplay and its 100% possible, so what sense is there in forcing people to be unable to switch?

Underlying technical dependencies.


Yes, there's no restrictions on partying based on faction.


Great job here with maintaining details even in the stylized form! Love seeing the fan art :D


Originally posted by Trenmonstrr

Thanks! No worries at all I realize this was my mistake, was trying to mess around after my work day a bit before official launch but looks like I’m going to have that brand new blind play through 😃

It's a great way to play it honestly. Hope you enjoy and thank you for your support.


Yes, sorry for the confusion, u/Trenmonstrr! The game will be available again at launch. We've tried to signpost this as best we could but with the influx of new players we've been worried all day that people would be confused and frustrated.

Welcome to the community, and tomorrow you can try out all the new shiny stuff :)


There are some good answers here, looking at u/Ronarray's post - also Meteor is my personal favorite skill even if it's not considered one of the best. I will say that we have some plans for Sorcerer that we're excited about coming post 1.0.


Haha if this is over the top it is completely on me. I personally asked our sound designer to increase the rate of the falcon sounds quite a lot pretty near the end of content lock because it didn't feel present enough. We'll monitor and take note of feedback, including this post, and adjust as needed.


One of the absolutely coolest and most heart warming things is seeing these guys that have been advocates (sometimes critics - for good reason) for the game for years, streaming to 10-15 people at a time, grow their viewership as the game gains traction.

We've gained a ton of constructive feedback from them over the years that the game is now infinitely better for. Three cheers for these guys - go drop them a follow.


Originally posted by Melubas

Thank you for the answer and for wanting to work things like this out! Amazing to see :) I will buy the game tomorrow and try it out before I say anything since that seems like the decent thing to do. Will send you a message and let you know how it works out.

Sounds good, when you add me add a note on who you are. My Discord invites are a bit backed up but I'll look out for ya.

20 Feb


Glad you’re able to join the community for launch, wOoxx. Tell your significant other that the devs from that game thank her for her, and your, support. She sounds like a solid T28 find to me


Originally posted by Emergency_Tip9922

why you guy are so quiet about the campaign update? or is it people EXPOSED your shady intention of getting people on board then scrap the campaign? sadly you're almost have me buy several copy if you're stick to your plan to release the bonus campaign. now you earn 0 respect from me and will not getting any penny from me. the whole world is talking EHG is silence and guilty about the hoax update. why should i care yet another game that has the same fate like wolcen? boring grindy endgame update in final version with no actual meat in it? lmao. i'm cared more about dev that actually taking their promises into account , and i'm absolutely willing to pay extra because they deserve it. the difference is vital , depend on you taking community seriously or not.

I've literally said it live in front of thousands of people multiple times.

Edit: also, it's not just 11 and 12, it's also cheaper 10.


Originally posted by Justin_Fox

I wasn't expecting a reply from the dev team, but holy shit! Coming from 10+ years of playing Destiny 2, and more recently Diablo IV and Helldivers 2 I'm now more excited than ever to also play Last Epoch.

Confidence inspired. Love the openness and connection you guys have with your community. TY for the reply, wishing you guys all the best!

Thanks Justin. Glad to be able to have the conversation. Welcome to the community and I hope you enjoy the game!


Originally posted by 1trickana

Also what build are you playing this cycle if you have the time?

I'll be starting out with a a 2H falcon strikes + lethal mirage. We will both vanish and kill everything really really fast.

Edit: It's gonna be terrible, don't copy me, I just like to have fun with it.


Originally posted by 1trickana

Going to have a nice launch party?

Well, we are all remote so it's a little weird but yea, we will be celebrating all over the world.


We’ve scale tested for months with third parties, consultants, the help of infra providers, and our own backend team. We have the ability to scale servers quickly, have reserved a large amount of bare metal machines, and do not have a maximum spend for cloud overflow- it’s all elastic. From the extensive testing we’ve done, unless we do have a really crazy turnout, we should be stable. It’s not lost on us that many much larger companies than us have had issues at launch though... We’re optimistic and if there are issues it certainly won’t be for lack of effort, spend, or ignorance to the importance of launch day.

If we do have issues I promise that we’ll stay very communicative and you can be 100% certain we’ll be all hands on deck working to resolve anything that comes up. We understand what’s on the line.

I will say that this is probably the most stressing thing to the team as we’ve seen games be review bombed and eviscerated when there are launch issues. I reme...

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Originally posted by chikadino1

Multi shot buriza or windforce during cows was the best. Then switch to titans revenge.

The number of hours I did exactly those things is silly. Haha! Glad to have you in the community, Chikadino