Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

20 Feb


Ladder and cosmetics are the only online exclusive things at 1.0


Thanks as always Dammitt - we’re lucky to have you creating tools for the community. Always impressive to see how fast you make updates.


Thank you for helping spread the word!


I’ve got a number of kiddos as well so I understand a couple hours here and there being the extent of free time. I think you’ll enjoy how the Monolith is set up where you can drop in and out pretty quickly without needing to worry about not finishing a stretch of lengthy content.

Funny enough my favorite build in D2 was probably the multi shot Amazon with the Faith Bow running around in the Travincical. Was just good ‘ol fun. I love playing bow builds and am excited to start a multi shot falconer at release.

Cheers and thanks for supporting the game/team! -Judd


Hey Melubas, I believe that with the clearer font face and the increases to size for smaller text that was sometimes hard to read on smaller screens there may be some improvements here.

However, increasing the amount of accessibility options and features will be a goal for us as we’ve now got a solid foundation under us. If you’d like to add me on Discord and exchange some more information on your experience maybe we can get this in a good spot for you and others who share your experience. I’m the Discord server owner with the little crown icon next to my name



Haha, I come from a web ui/ux background and the UI updates we’ve been able to make this dev cycle have made me very happy. I got to commission Mark Simonson who is the creator of the Proxima Nova font to make a custom font for LE and it was a highlight for me.

Glad you like them!


Thanks for taking the time to write out the kind post and I’m glad we’ve inspired you to keep making games <3

19 Feb


Originally posted by tronghieu906

Your wife becomes your girlfriend? 😳

nope, check it again


Originally posted by YerWelcomeAmerica

Got any clips?

few seconds after this point in the patch video


Originally posted by According-Ideal3078

12x12 let's make it true mayhem, not only are enemies harder but inventory management is a nightmare

hmmmm, maybe it's not too late...


I remember returning from another country from filming a kickstarter video and telling my wife (then girlfriend) that this might be what I'm doing for the next 20 years. I don't think she quite believed me back then. Thanks for the support and this is going to be the longest 2 days ever waiting for the patch to drop.


Originally posted by Gambit97

Progress towards a Resonance drop only happens when defeating enemies that grant experience and is saved between sessions.

Does this mean you can't get resonances anymore once you're max level?

enemies can still grant experience, you just can't gain any further levels from it.


Originally posted by AllanRamires

I'll try to explain what happened. I have a "solo found" rogue level 40, which did the Ezra's ledger quest.

A few days later I invited a friend to play LE and we partied until the Ezra's ledger. When I got there, I talked with the gambler NPC and he just completed the quest and dropped his unique amulet. This character just got to this town and suddenly the game recognizes the quest as finished? Is it a multiplayer bug? Somehow the game "took something" from my other "solo self found" character.

Also, it's not clear to me how the quest catch-up happens. He teleported to me (at Keeper's camp" as a level 1 character, what happens to his quest log from the first town?

For the first part, we'd have to dive into the logs to see what exactly happened, I can't really say based off the description, it may have been a bug, or it may have been a quest state catch-up (such as if the friend you joined was ready to turn in that quest). If you submitted an in-game bug report, we'd already have these logs to dive into.

For quest catch-up:

When you enter an area, if that area is further along in a quest line than you are, you will automatically have all main story quests up to that point completed, and be assigned the current quest state for that area.

So when your friend had a level 1 character, and teleported to you in Council Chambers, their quest log would have automatically updated to have their main quest match yours. Their main quests from the first town would be auto-completed (side-quests are not auto-completed).


Originally posted by [deleted]


I appreciate the instruction, though as a member of the dev team, I can confidently say that these two different options will be available in online play with 1.0. During Character creation in Online, you have the following options
Game mode:
- Normal
- Hardcore

- Solo Account Found > "This character will not be able to party with nor obtain items found by other players, but shares the same stash and materials with your other Solo Account Found characters within the same game mode and Cycle"
- Solo Character Found > "This character will not be able to party with nor obtain items found by other players. This includes items you find on other Solo Character Found (SCF) characters even if they share the same game mode and Cycle."

I am aware current online only offers one selection, Online play says "Character found" for the option, but is actually Solo Account Found. This has been corrected for 1.0, and both options are available...

Read more

Originally posted by AllanRamires

So, what about party play? So many quests getting bugged, auto-completed when one char is ahead.

I'm not quite sure what you're referring to - Quest catch-up is an intended mechanic if you skip to a later part of the campaign either by using a dungeon skip, or by teleporting to another player that's further ahead.


Originally posted by Nudel_des_Todes

Afaik it is instanced like in D3. Never played coop though, so no first hand experience.^^

This is correct - loot is instanced.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Solo Character Found has been added as an option for Online play. Solo Account Found has not been removed as an option for Online Play


Originally posted by Snackz39

u/EHG_Kain - Any chance you have details on when the API will be available for external sites to pull the updated passive and skill trees so we can start build planning?

We don't currently have an API for skill/passive data.


Originally posted by Emergency_Tip9922

nah they're talking about the plan of chapter 11 & 12 and the context of the ending chapters. so the disappointment is inevitable. better just shut up about it if they're not gonna forward the story 100%. they might mislead player to buy their game because people anticipating the complete campaign.

I think you might have replied to the wrong comment.


Originally posted by Albert_dark

Did they said anything about the current unique itens in the game, if they will nerf to match the changes or will be legacy itens

When we update an affix, or a stat on an item, it affects all versions of that item. The only exception is for affixes which are removed, and not replaced with a new affix - though this isn't something we've done in some time.