Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

18 Oct


Originally posted by deadlycherub

Oh no need for that, I was just curious. I take your word as gospel when it comes to LE. Sorry for the confusion and thanks for clearing it up!

lol that's a dangerous game. I make mistakes. It's just too much and changes too often to be right up to date on all of it yet.


Originally posted by deadlycherub

Well hold on now, for clarification, I meant that I thought the error was that it was only supposed to read one "more" in the affix, not two. but you said it's supposed to be "more more"?, that it just doesn't work? Or am I the dude playing the dude disguised as another dude and mindf**king myself?

It is supposed to be 1 more. The 2 mores could work in some situations. I don't know if this works or not, it's already been fixed so I'd have to roll back my editor to check and I'm not going to burn a day's work to investigate this.


Originally posted by deadlycherub

Damn, this whole time I thought it was an error. Even perry or Aaron caught it one of their vids and said it's probably a typo. That's awesome.

It is an error and probably doesn't work.


Originally posted by Altiondsols

wait, is that actually how it works? effectively 1% more damage per stack of shock, times the number of different "more" multipliers you have?

It might not actually work right but yes, that's what that means.


Originally posted by Altiondsols

for each stack of shock on the target, your other "more" modifiers are 1% more effective

you can increase this if you find an affix that grants more more more damage

I know you're joking but the first line is actually right.


Originally posted by jrocco363

Thanks for getting back “Spawns as needed” does a node “need” (or have its chance influenced) to be a lower duration if a 6 duration or if an “idols” for example, have appeared 3 times consecutively for instance? Thanks, last question and will put this idea to rest after!

Edit: ah I guess you did say dist/corr are the only things that impact generation. Still I feel there is more useful information yet to be gleaned like probability per distance!

Sorry, that's all the info I have. Basically it's just that the more corruption you have and the father out you go, the bigger the numbers are.

17 Oct


The web doesn't generate all at once, it generates on the fly as needed.

Both hypotheses are wrong, sorry. Distance to center (as the crow flies, not the number of node jumps), empowered or not and corruption are the only things which affect node generation.

16 Oct

15 Oct


Originally posted by Bibblord

Why do people keep claiming its easy lol. It still takes ages. And like someone else suggested, there could be a fail rate and even a chance for destruction.

It's a relative difficulty problem. If you wanted to add a system like this without significantly impacting the general rarity of LP on items, you would need to have a different amount of items required to combine for each unique. The number of wings you'd need to get 4LP would be something silly like a few trillion. I don't know what the actual number is but it's very unreasonable to expect it to be reliably attainable.

Lower level uniques would be more reasonable but at the lowest end it would probably still be something like 25-30 uniques I think. I don't have the numbers in front of me at the moment.

Have you ever tried to combine up to high runes in D2? It would be a kinda similar situation.

The item factions will also have a very significant impact on specific item acquisition speed.


I’ll chat with the dev team and see what we can do here. It’s definitely something we should have


Originally posted by Aurorac123

But people are gonna keep trying to work out the exact values for every single item. You said that the data worked out so far is misleading. There isn't a world in which people don't try to work out these values, as the game grows, the more this type of thing will happen.

So either you're fine with people being misled when some items get mistakes on them, as thats a natural part of a community for a game developing; some stuff that's worked out will just be wrong. Or you're not fine with that, and give some amount of information for these drop rates.

Now sure, it could just be your personal opinion on this, but you sticked an official response to this saying it's not technically correct, without any other information (what in the spreadsheet isn't correct, how far out it is, if its too high or too low etc...), which doesn't really help anything, it just means people have a set of data that is close, but not perfect, so the only real way to deal with it is accept...

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We are still discussing how we want to handle this. We knew it was coming but weren't quite ready for it. I've been authorized to say that the data is wrong but not yet how it's wrong. We will be addressing it more completely. Given the scope of what has been released, I expect that the specific data will be released. I just don't know yet. I just figured it was better to tell people this was wrong than to just let it sit.

Anyone who has played a moderate amount of the end game should be able to tell these numbers are off pretty quickly. I'm very surprised that the image got created as it is.

A 'manufactured community event' is like letting people know that a set of things is possible but only giving incomplete information and the tools to discover the rest. Previously, we added the Fractured Crown unique item, data miners found it but quickly realized that it couldn't drop anywhere. So people started experimenting. At the time, you had to fracture a crown in the cr...

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14 Oct


Originally posted by Aurorac123

So what you're saying is if you supplied the actual data it would be better? No matter what happens, people will try and work out the chances, because we're playing an arpg in 2023, not 2000. So unless you're just gonna sticky your own comments to any reddit post trying to work it out saying it's wrong, without giving any indication if its too high, or too low, this is the reality of making a game with loot drops.

I get your point, but it feels like the first implementation of the covenant system in WoW. The devs had their game design ideas about why it was good, those were tied to beliefs about how people interacted with games in the past. Then what happened is it turned out people play games differently now, and by designing around something from the past, the players didn't enjoy it as much.

You can certainly make an arpg thats like it came out in the year 2000, but I think the interest in last epoch probably means that's not so sensible, people want to play...

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The reason we don't want to make this information public isn't rooted in the past. The reason I'm sad about it becoming public is my nostalgia for the past. I'm sad because we won't be able to manufacture a community wide event like discovering what runewords are possible. We have attempted things like this in the past and it kinda worked. (Fractured Crown)

The reason we don't want to make the information public is the result of us sitting down at a group and debating what we think would be best for the game now. 1 example of perfect percentage chances being damaging to the player experience was what happened with our old crafting system. People saw the chances and their personal experiences did not seem to line up with displayed values (it did but confirmation bias is a brutal monster). People are generally really bad at interpreting these types of chances and are even worse at reconciling it with their personal experiences (even worse when the data is wrong).

We d...

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Originally posted by Aurorac123

Your sad that people playing your game worked out drop rates for items? Lol.

Also this 'But if the stars align and someone does eventually manage to get lucky, it will be a really cool event to talk about' is the *exact* reasoning d4 devs gave behind uber uniques drop rates. Anyway, see you in season 2 when we get a boss to target farm high lp off of.

I'm sad that we can't hide anything. I still remember the golden age of discovery of D2 runewords. I would love to have something like that happen with Epoch but they would just get looked up.

Occy vs no occy is completely different than 2LP wings vs 3LP wings. The mechanically unique item doesn't have anywhere remotely close to the same rarity as the D4 uber rare legendaries.

Not to mention that the data in the graphic is wrong and misleading so people get confused about it.


Originally posted by PeacefulNPC

Thank you for your reply. It always amazes me that unlike other game subs - there's always EHG Team response in this kind of posts.

I am super happy with the directions you took while designing the game. It's in beta and already offers so much more interesting gameplay than other full relased producs.

If not the bugs & server/client issues, you could easily say it's a full relased project and classes / trade will be coming in next "expansions". I believe 90% community wouldn't mind it at all.

and thank you for your feedback. I can’t promise we’ll never make mistakes or our servers won’t catch the occasional fire but I can promise we’ll always listen and prioritize communication - and of course fixing things that go wrong as quickly as possible.

I suppose I’ll use this opportunity to plug our new bug report tool as well. It’s seriously helpful to get in-game reports this way with attached logs and allows us to find and fix issues so much more quickly. Thanks for all the reports you guys have been sending in since 092 launch.


We hear you loud and clear. Before 1.0 we’re going to smash a serious amount of bugs and polish a ton.

The switch to server authority introduced a lot of issues. When LE is out of early access we’re going to hold ourselves to a high standard in terms of being bug free, and we know you all will too - but talk is cheap and that will be on us to prove. Thanks for your patience while we’re still working towards this and I’m glad to hear you’re still enjoying the game even with the issues there are to fix.


It’s on our list of gamepad updates 👍

13 Oct


Originally posted by Glibandor_Sigyr

Does sealed experimental affixes work for LP?

No, Legendary creation never takes sealed affixes.


Originally posted by veradar

Sorry, I didn’t witness the drop. Is the area relevant for LP? Just saw his youtube video where he crafted apathy’s maw. (Just realized it’s an axe not hammer)

I assumed that was what you were talking about. The zone level matters for LP drops, the image posted here assumes a level 100 zone.