Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

02 Apr

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks. :slight_smile:

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Very strange.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but could you try deleting those files and downloading them again?


Streaming Last Epoch, uploading Last Epoch videos, and monetizing Last Epoch videos is totally fine - though we do ask that you do not re-upload a video we have created and monetize it without making any changes at all.


Originally posted by T0RB1T

No no no, absolutely, I 100% understand how these things can snowball.

Totally unrelated... I really love how you are making sure that the Linux version works alongside the Windows version. It means a lot to me, and, I'm sure, other people.

It also means me being able to play the game! :D


Originally posted by T0RB1T

Oh, no, of course, it's fine. I was trying to be overdramatic.

I am an alpha supporter, and I have no problems with cosmetics being sold, especially if it means that you can keep developing the game!

Honestly, I'm just super glad that you folks are so transparent about everything!

Ah okay. :)

Sorry if it came across as overly defensive - we're a relatively new company, and it wouldn't take much to get the wrong kind of reputation.


Originally posted by T0RB1T

What kind of purpose would the store have? Not microtransactions I hope...

We have always been open about the fact that cosmetic MTX would fund development post-release.

To offer a few examples;

  • "A real money store will sell purely cosmetic items" -KickStarter FAQ
  • "A real money store will sell purely cosmetic microtransactions" -...
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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry to hear this!

If it gets stuck without downloading anything, that could be security software interference.

Could you see whether this support article helps?

We should have digital signing taken care of in time for our initial beta release. Apologies for the inconvenience until then - we’re prioritizing tasks as best we can. :slight_smile:


It's a placeholder, as when we created a new UI we wanted to have it as final as possible to reduce future work.


Originally posted by [deleted]

literally just did for an hour haha, at first it runs well but as time goes by, especially when I alt tab, the performance can get worse and worse, at least that's how I perceived it, and I checked the system requirement and I have everything needed, here's my spec if you guys wanna have an idea on what I run the game on

  • I5 3570K 3.40 Ghz
  • GTX 970 SSC Edition
  • 8GB of RAM dual channel
  • Runs on a HDD under Windows 10 Pro

Ah alright. Don't think we've produced any optimization improvements since then! :P

If performance is degrading over time it might be worth checking system temperatures. You could have HWMonitor open in the background while playing for a bit and see what the worst reported temperatures for each component are. There's definitely a lot of work on optimization left to be done - please don't think I'm trying to dodge responsibility for that - but performance gradually decreasing doesn't really fit most of the performance issues I've seen people reporting to us.

01 Apr

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct


    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct


    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Odd; I’ve gotten one other report of this. In that case a single character was persistently affected, while other characters could purchase things from the shop normally.

Would you be able to post a log file to help us investigate this?

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’ll be testing multiplayer during our beta stage of development.

The alpha is primarily client-side.

31 Mar

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for letting us know!

Was curious whether it was in the current version or an old one.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the report!

Can I please ask when this character was created?

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct


29 Mar


Thanks, I’ll see what I can do about that scenario.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just to make sure - can you try specifically closing Steam, then restarting our Launcher?


I haven’t seen many of the benchmark tests where both the europe servers were fast but you’re still getting slow speeds in europe.

Are you using any sort of VPN?