Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

29 Mar


For some reason the server that is closest to germany gets really bad speeds for people in germany. There is another server in europe that provides great speeds to germany but because it’s further away, the system defaults to the slow one.

We are working to make this no longer an issue by getting it to select which server is used based on a quick speed test to find the best one for you.

You can double check to make sure that this is what is happening to you by running a benchmark here:

    Mox on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @kenm130, thank you for the feedback! We will be improving controller support quite a bit from where it is now. This is the first iteration that we felt comfortable enough with to release to people who really want or need to play with a controller (I am one of them, actually!). I’ll link this feedback to Dario who’s working on controller support. Again, thank you for the suggestions.

    Mox on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Gibbous, as the game director with a pretty severe case of carpal tunnel from an extreme amount of ARPGing I stand behind this sentinment. We’ll definitely make it so that you can be a lazy zookeeper though you may have to earn it through passives with an opportunity cost and certain uniques to make it really shine. This is another step forward in making our Primalist, and specifically Beastmaster, feel unique to our Necromancer.

You can still roll a Necro and be pretty lazy from the get go if you specialize/gear that way. The primalist just has to work for it a little more!

Keep the feedback coming :slight_smile:

26 Mar


I probably should have put this in the main post but between this patch and beta, all the existing companion skill trees are also getting overhauls. All the passive trees are also getting overhauled to help with this change too. The wolf tree is very significantly altered already.

As always these trees and numbers aren’t set in stone. We will adjust them as development continues.


The zookeeper is one of my personal favorites when it comes to build archetypes. Summoning a pantheon of pets to fight along side me is great! With our limited number of action bar slots, players who take mostly pets have very few actions that they can take moment to moment in gameplay. We want to give the zookeeper a more active role in their adventure. We also want the Primalist pets to feel like they are a part of your character and to form a real bond. With these goals in mind, we have made several changes to the pet system.

  1. Primalist pets are now companions. They are still minions and will still be affected by minion affixes. Companions include the: wolf, scorpion, sabretooth, bear and spriggan. Temporary pets like the serpent and totems like thorn totem are not companions.

  2. When a companion runs out of health they enter a downed state and can be revived by the player. If you neglect to revive your minion for a significant period of time, they ...

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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Patch 0.6.1 is currently in QA and should be released in under a week.

22 Mar


Since the last patch we have been hard at work optimizing and upgrading the graphics in Last Epoch. Today I’d like to share a few of the changes that we have made so far. Many framerate issues were caused by either grass or real-time lighting.

To resolve the bad performance with shadows we have begun the process for baking shadows into the levels, as well as swapping our real-time shadows to a new solution that uses a Monte Carlo method to blend hard shadows.

The main advantage of baked effects is they are entirely calculated on our end, rather than being created by your computer. This means that baked effects are much more performant - but the downside is that they cannot adapt to changing conditions in the game, making them better suited for objects that don’t move. This allows us to make the shadows on Medium look as good as the shadows previously did on Ultra, while performing better.


... Read more

10 Mar

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Don’t apologize! Please do keep 'em coming. :slight_smile:

17 Feb


The intention is for most enemies types to survive long enough to get various attacks off that make their base types and mods have a significant impact on gameplay.

Along with that we want to make sure that mana remains a relevant resource so high mana cost skills, including movement skills and high damage skills with large AoEs, aren't something you can spam at any point in the game.

13 Feb


Originally posted by RushingService

Thanks for the response. Is there any leech or Regen going to be implemented or existing already that I haven't seen yet? Only had time to plug a few hours in so far. Got to end of act 2, thought it was the end and plugged away at arena and new chars. Just before left for work realized you can get to a3 haha. Playing thorn totems it's super fun but hard to keep Mana up.

There is mana regen, but we don't (and won't) have mana leech. We're trying to keep mana as a limitation for skills, so you won't be able to spam high mana cost skills. We implemented negative mana to give builds that use high cost skills some more flexibility at a cost.

Our goal is to discourage one-button builds, so if you're using a high cost skill it's usually a good idea to have lower cost skills that you can use when your mana is lower, or recovery skills like mana strike and focus.

11 Feb


Glad you are enjoying it! Keep an eye out for beta, we've got some good stuff on the way


Originally posted by pericles123

no, because the game won't start on my PC! I have a very new PC, it plays Diablo III, Overwatch, and anything else I throw at it just fine, but Last Epoch doesn't launch at all - they have said it appears to be an issue with my video card drivers, but I've got a 1080 with the latest drivers - very big let-down!

EDIT - the game is playable now - the culprit - for any Unity engine game for that matter - was the Citrix software running on my PC - upgrading to the newest version available fixed the issue. Looking forward to checking out the Alpha!

Based on your comment I'm assuming you have, but if you haven't you should definitely talk to support. We haven't seen that issue very often, so any information on you can give about your case would be very helpful.

Sorry it's not working for you, I hope we'll be able to help!


Originally posted by EndTorture

I have a Radeon R9 200, I'm curious if he developers think it will work on my graphics card?

From what I've seen the driver issues like that are fairly uncommon, and primarily on Linux. Barring something out of the ordinary you should be able to run it.

27 Jan

19 Jan

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Our web developer established that automated badge assignment could fail when the account was registered mid-purchase, and has pushed a fix for this which is now live.

See? I’m not the only one who works on the weekend! :stuck_out_tongue:

17 Jan

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the report!

15 Jan


More in the vein of magical traps. Glyphs, Runes, etc. Runemaster is designed to be the more calculating class, setting traps and controlling the environment.

Here's the class description we have on the website:

A savant of the art of runes, able to infuse magic into offensive and protective wards that devastate those who trespass them.

You have tamed the power of raw arcane, weaving its chaos with the art of runes. You can recall your youth, the trouble you once had transcribing the simplest glyph, and scoff. You now carve intricate symbols into the air ensnaring your foes, raising walls and golems from nothing but your own knowledge. You have become an artisan of sorts, but your craft is that of reality itself.

14 Jan

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

A post was split to a new topic: Pre-alpha UI feedback