League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

29 Sep


Originally posted by droppedmyravioli

AH lowered for everyone means differently for different champions/roles.

Of course every champ wants to cast abilities more often, but the adc Twitch would not be affected by lower AH as much as the Aatrox

Twitch also presently buys 0 AH unless he's AP Twitch.



Originally posted by EpicSpooker

Finally he says it: no one is going to be satisfied with how they balance fighters. At this point they have tried literally everything and people have complained about it all. Personally, I think that fighters need a “broken” thing to be viable because of their inherit lack of range and imo this should be haste and/or durability. I do disagree on his opinion on assassins though. They should have high cooldowns but high damage. Get one kill and get out.

My stance (and I'm in a position to enforce it, mwa ha ha ha ha) is that "mid-size" fighters should be:

  • Durable
  • Using haste as a core stat
  • Damage threats
  • Fairly target agnostic

Not all fighters fall directly into the above. Skirmishers (Riven, Master Yi, Fiora, Viego, Tryndamere) are on average much less durable or rely on a "parry" (Fiora W, Yi W... Tryndamere R lol) in order to survive. But someone like Jarvan or Hecarim? Oh yeah, those bullet points apply IMO.


Originally posted by ProfDrWest


Does this ult cooldown thing not go directly against what you argued for ult cooldowns in your recent videos?

On average, sure. But every champion is unique. There are a lot of moving parts.

For example, long cooldown ults tend to be pro skewed, since the game is slower paced. I also don't think Jinx R can get that much stronger per cast. In the case of Jinx, a low cooldown ult can make sense. More of her power is in an impactful ability that she doesn't have strong gold scaling over. I do think Jinx could be nudged a bit away from "great platform for converting gold into DPS" and more, "All my buttons are weapons of mass destruction but I'm also still an ADC"

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Originally posted by Dawnbringer_Fortune

So then reav3, can we at least agree that Miss Fortune will get an ASU for next year?

I mean we did a minor VU to MF during the bilgewater event. She could use more but I think she's far from the worst champion in the game right now.

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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Thanks Reav3! Also, a bit off topic but I wanted to ask if CatchesAxes's project still related to the Gameplay Initiative for League or is it off something else for League Studio since got moved to League RnD

He's still on the gameplay initiative.

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Originally posted by lotsofpasta12

Why do rioters just blatantly lie like this when the financials of your company are public information?

"oh boohoo it costs slightly more to update the game than it is to half ass a new champ (which already costs next to nothing) on our ancient ass game that's been going for over a decade" are you trying to fool us or yourself? Also, no the entire yearly salary of your employees is not "a cost" to your product, because we all know that's the only way you can even pretend it costs you money to do this. It's disingenuous and deep down we and you both know the effective cost of releasing and updating champions is zero.

League is made on the cheap and you make money hand over fist. You have no excuse, no justification and no right to complain.

Damn dude, you seem to have all the answers. You should apply to our Finances Team

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Originally posted by Top-warrior

Thank you for clarifying. I do hope Malphite gets a ASU one day. Rock boi deserves some love.

Same, and we are looking into ways to make VUs/ASUs faster. It's already faster then the past since we have a more robust outsourcing system these days. I know it doesnt feel that way, since as we have increased outsourcing, skin catalogs have got larger. We want to do more of them.

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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey reav3 are you able to share what the process of a CGU looks like as well. I know you guys have only done ASol so far, but is it something you guys want to do more of now and if there are any candidates you have in mind

CGUs are cool and we would like to do more. The problem is that they are tricky and thier aren't a lot of Champions that would be a good fit for a CGU. A CGU basically just takes the Art and Theme of a Champion and then completely deletes the current kit. The design team then rebuilds a entirely new kit, from the ground up, based on the current art and theme. So for Asol we felt that the Space Dragon theme was cool and resonant but the kit wasn't doing it justice.

Completing deleting a kit and building a new one isn't something we want to take lightly so it would have to be a case where we think the upside is high enough to take a kit (however unpopular) that some players have played 100s of games on and delete it.

I think thier are still a couple champions that could fall into this category right now, but we would have to find something new that was a clear upgrade over what's on live. If it feels lateral to players it would be pretty bad, sentiment wise

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Originally posted by AobaSona

I feel like Caitlyn's ASU got a lot of hype and engagement, and (perhaps to a lesser extent) so did Ahri's. I think ASUs can be popular if they're marketed right. Caitlyn got a bunch of teasers, the new splash arts revealed through social media, a video showing her new base in-game, then her theme video had the final concept art for all the new skin designs and proccess for the new splash arts.

Ahri got her new splashes revealed and a model preview posted on social media before PBE + her update teased in the client. On the other hand her new splashes were partly datamined before the official reveal and so was part of her theme song, and the theme video was also posted only around release and didn't have her final ASU concept art (just old ones and for cinematics). And you can see that her video got much less views that Cait's.

Now Jax on the other hand didn't even have a model preview video of his skins or the new splashes posted on social media (or anywhere) before...

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Its not a random take away based on reading social media/reddit/etc. We just look at the data to see how many people start playing them after the VU/ASU. Historically it hasn't changed engagement in the slightest. We might see a small bump during the first patch but then they go back to the same engagement as prior. VGUs tend to have sustained engagement, meaning that we see a permanent increase in engagement with that champion post VGU. Caitlyn is tough to parse, because ALL the Arcane champs saw a bump in popularity for a little while once the show came out. Viktor is really the only champ that sustained that popularity post arcane. Looking at Caitlyn/Ahris playrates right now and she is sitting at the same spot they were pre-ASU. Meanwhile Udyr is sitting at a higher playrate then he ever was pre-VGU.

In fact Midscopes have had a better overall effect on champion engagement then VUs/ASUs and they cost like fraction of the resources.

Now engagement isn't the only ...

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Originally posted by AobaSona

In ASUs they have kept legendaries the same. Star Guardian Ahri got a new face and tweaked VFX to match the ASU but no new animations or VO. I believe Jax's legendary only got minor tweaks too.

I think that's a good way of handling legendaries and ultimates to not increase the workload. Like, completely remaking Elementalist Lux would be insane, but updating her faces (and adding face animation?) and VFX would already be enough.

Depends on the Champion, and how well the Legendary holds up. Some champs were so bad that they made new rigs for them for the legendaries. In those cases we don't need to remake them, but that isn't always the case


Originally posted by bayonetworking123

Sounds like they were stressful and harsh for those who had received the penalty...but this just moved from concentrated costs for the punished player to dispersed costs for many more players.

Question: you note that there is a difference between ranked and normals with respect to playing to win...how do you reconcile this with "play to win" being the #1 rule in the Code of Conduct, with instructions "DON'T: Queue up if you’re not serious about trying to win?"

I don't think they're at odds at all.

You can 'play to win' without lpmaxing the way you do in ranked. You can play to win while picking a new champ, you can play to win while trying out a new role.

But when people are grinding ranked they are usually trying to max out their 'lp per time spent' function. We want players with ranked restrictions to do their best in their games, but not need to fret over every point of winrate.

We'll be watching to make sure they do, and we might make changes to the system if we find that players are dedicated to throwing in order to churn through their remedial games.

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Originally posted by LexxiFoxxUwU

Good response! This about sums it up =)

They're very resource and time intensive, for something that could easily ( with a bit more of those things ) just be a new champion. And new champions bring riot far more player retention and excitement to the game generally speaking.

I haven't played a single game of Caitlyn since her ASU because I do not enjoy Caitlyn, but I have a few games on both Briar and Naafiri because I wanted to try a brand new experience. I'm sure the same is true for a huge part of the player base.

To be clear they cost WAAAAY more then a new champion to make, probably like 2-3 times the amount of time resources as a new champion. I can break what it takes down very clearly having worked on many Champs/VGUS/VUs over the years

- New concept art and in some cases a re-imagining of the champ to better fit the IP (in the case of a Champion who doesn't fit as well with current lore) Jax is a good example of this. Who he was, and why he was a purple thing with 3 fingers wasn't really defined in his previous version, so we had to do a good amount of narrative/concept work to get him better aligned with the modern IP before we could even start.

- All new Model, Rig, VFX and Animations
- New VO across every language, and every Legendary+ skin

- New concept art for all updated skins

- New or edited splash art for all skins
- New Models, VFX and Animations for ALL skins. For Animations, at the very least we have to make a new recall, but in t...

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Originally posted by Compscitutorr

I'm curious - what are the 3 core queues? Are they higher difficulty bots?

Intro, Beginner, Advanced!

Yea, we are currently working on Intro (but potentially the current bots are a bit hard for true League newbies -- we will do some labs with newbies to balance appropriately).

After which, we will focus on building out Beginner and Advanced, which will have more difficult bots!


Originally posted by Epyimpervious

People whine about Phreak but since his joining the balance team the champion buffs have gotten pretty interesting and many not damage related: Veigar range, Trynd range, Zyra E casting lockout, Ziggs radius buff, Rumble E1 + E2, Liss CC duration, Reksai health scaling on passive etc.

I like this direction a lot. Some of the older champions especially really benefit from a little TLC.

Edit: minor clarity

Wanting to give credit where credit is due here: Veigar: truexy Trynd: phlox Zyra: zenith and phlox Ziggs: raptorr Rumble: phreak Liss: me Reksai: truexy


Originally posted by kakistoss

This is blatantly untrue tho

Riot does not permaban unless you run it down A LOT, so if you are giga tilted one night and choose to run it because your jg doesn't gank you, there will be no real punishment

However, if you do that twice Riot should tag you as toxic and put you in the toxic q, then if you are on good behavior for a certain number of games you can return to normal q,.but if you don't improve you stay there, and if those games only happen once or twice a week it won't be enough to trigger a perma

It's just a solid system, the only reason Riot will never implement it is because they want to be original and don't wanna admit Dota handles their shit better

The first time someone gets picked up by feeding detection they get a two week ban.

The second time it's a perma. (In most regions)


Originally posted by TL_Rook

I was wondering why my aram games were such bad quality lately. With insta afks as well.

Fun fact: afks wont tick down ranked restrictions. Instead they will reset them.


Originally posted by trustisaluxury

they literally required you to win normal games to be able to queue for ranked again as a punishment in season 2-3 and removed it, then we got riot lyte's social experiments performed on us.

not only could anyone see the outcome of this current system, but they already had the solution over a decade ago and ditched it!

We ditched it mostly because we lost it during the client upgrade/other backend changes rather than as an intentional "lets turn this off" moment.

But it's true, ranked restrictions were much maligned by players. This is because

  • They were way too harsh. 30-50 wins with stacking meant that players could feel buried without path to reform.
  • They were still stressful. You had to compete to win just as hard as in ranked, but now you were in an environment where your team was just playing to have fun.

So we're reimplementing the old system to accomplish the same goals, but removing the biggest points of frustration.

28 Sep


Originally posted by Thrownaway124567890

Last link on the comment is just some Reddit reply saying “hey thanks” from u/HuntedFork who has a Rioter flair.

Correct. Our stance on prisoners island hasn't changed since that post.

We'd much rather give players a break and a chance to recenter themselves than create a space that normalizes the behavior we're trying to change.


Originally posted by Steveven3

I played another game to be sure, but no, they use the defaults runes in-game too. Maybe this feature has not yet been implemented in this version?

It is implemented.... It actually might be a recommended rune page though? Regardless, we shall investigate to make sure!

Thank you for reporting as we will track a bug ticket for it to double check on our end. :D


Originally posted by Deadedge112

It's ok u/GalaxySmash Just mute these guys. You don't need this toxicity from a video game.

They can't ping me anymore its ok