League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

28 Sep


Originally posted by Rickmanrich

Honestly, why don't they bring in pros to playtest champs? At least for NA they are already there and will give valuable advice. I don't trust the plat riot employees to really know how a champ will effect high elo.

To be clear; a majority of our high level testing is with players/Rioters that are currently masters+, previously pros, or both.

In addition, while I agree having current pros play a champion to give their impressions would be more than 0 value, implying that they would have the right read is pretty unproven. We review the examples all the time of how pros thought Zeri and Ksante were useless on release (even when playing in their own ELO, which is not guaranteed in internal playtests).

The reality is that it's really just up to myself and my team (Game Analysis) to do a better job at identifying the real-world effects of dangerous patterns earlier than we do. Using K'Sante and Zeri as examples, they were both identified as risky designs for a number of reasons, but where we drop the ball is quantifying what is dangerous but tenable (Akshan Revive, Renata berserk/revive, Lillia speed) and what is dangerous and untenable (Zeri speed, K'Sante sharpness). When we fail ...

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Originally posted by Boudynasr

last year[12.14]: teamfights arent happening, so we buffing drakes to encourage teamfighting

this year: drakes cause snowball so we nerf them

12.14 patch notes:

' As mentioned above, early game is currently becoming much slower which has led to a meta shift focusing on scaling team comps. Players have become more comfortable conceding early objectives in order to reach their late game win conditions.
In order to increase the priority of early game objectives we’re going to be increasing the reward for early drake and Rift Herald takes. Individual drake buffs are currently too low impact as players will more likely prioritize them due to the threat of soul and less for the individual buffs themselves. In order to make drake buffs more meaningful, we’ll be increasing the buff values of each by roughly 50% (and even mo...

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That's why we're buffing souls themselves. It's important that sitting back and scaling without interaction will lead to losing the game.


Originally posted by FBG_Ikaros

DK vs MAD literally had 4 Rumble picks in 5 games

Game 1: DK Rumble vs MAD Udyr

Game 2: MAD Voli vs DK Udyr

Game 3: DK Rumble vs MAD Udyr

Game 4: DK Rumble vs MAD Udyr

Game 5: DK Rumble vs MAD Udyr

Not only that, but DK also picked Rumble vs RNG in game 5 finals.

Granted, Morgana was banned, but Rumble was still constantly picked by Canyon in the bracket stage.

Rumble shows up when Udyr or Morgana aren't available. Yep.


Originally posted by Nalardemon

is there the possibility that we get to hear your thoughts about all the different changes you went for and why you prefered this route before they hit the live server (unless they aren't final yet)? at the moment, this interests me the most.

Some of those changes seem out of nowhere and just add confusion or don't feel like they follow what we wouldve expected considering all the informations we got over the last couple of patches. especially in the ksante mains community this caused chaos and i would really appreciate it

Video is uploading as I type this.


Originally posted by albens

I will never forget Phreak saying rumble jungled sucked even though he was pick/ban in MSI lmao. And this was before he joined the balance team, imagine the shit he's doing since he joined.

Except he wasn't lmao. The bracket stage was all Udyr-Morgana.

These things are objectively measurable and you can't do the bare minimum of being accurate on easily verifiable facts.


Originally posted by Steveven3

Hmm.. could it be that recommended runes simply have wrong data on the PBE since it doesn't have regular players or something? I swear when i played yesterday they were still using 1 of the old 4 starting rune pages (Had 3 bots with arcane and domination, rengar with Electro and Precision, and Nasus with grasp)

But if that's the plan anyway, I'm glad to hear it!

It actually uses the data from live player data from the live shards (not PBE specific). Were you looking at it from loading screen? If so, I believe that it is presenting default runes on loadout but their runes are set to the recommended runes at the start of the game!


Originally posted by FFrazien

All Out resets Q charge, intentional or ?

Yes. This is how Yasuo handles it as well.


Originally posted by MohamedRefai


i know this is early in the patch and data might be fake but the shiv nerf looks pretty big since now you can't kill casters with 2 procs the item might be dead. so:

would you look to change Kai'sa if the cheese umpral+dusk build became her best/most popular build since hybrid Rageblade is being hit again and, to be honest, Statik is the only good starting item for Rageblade hybrid. the AP poke build looks a lot weaker/(dead maybe) since when you build shiv+nashor's+ap mythic you heavily rely on the shiv wave clear since you don't have Q evo but shiv+rageblade as a second item looks okay since you have Q evo lvl 9 if you start Dblade but still affected by the nerf and the umbral+dusk being her best build i think is not ok since it's really cheese either you snowball and it feels very strong or you don't and be kinda useless

A large amount of the measured Shiv nerf is LeBlanc and Zeri, who were directly nerfed this patch.

It looks to be about -0.5% win rate of power, which is reasonable.


Originally posted by justareddituser12

i don't see how? the guy above you didn't make the implication that "just w tap and q3+flash" was his entire expression, you did. also way to skip over everything else, man. very constructive. a little ironic to be talking about good faith when you choose to ignore any criticism put before you. you put as much effort into your replies as you put into your job it would seem.

I literally quoted him.

27 Sep


Originally posted by MohamedRefai


i know this is early in the patch and data might be fake but the shiv nerf looks pretty big since now you can't kill casters with 2 procs the item might be dead. so:

would you look to change Kai'sa if the cheese umpral+dusk build became her best/most popular build since hybrid Rageblade is being hit again and, to be honest, Statik is the only good starting item for Rageblade hybrid. the AP poke build looks a lot weaker/(dead maybe) since when you build shiv+nashor's+ap mythic you heavily rely on the shiv wave clear since you don't have Q evo but shiv+rageblade as a second item looks okay since you have Q evo lvl 9 if you start Dblade but still affected by the nerf and the umbral+dusk being her best build i think is not ok since it's really cheese either you snowball and it feels very strong or you don't and be kinda useless

Right now the intent is to promote Hybrid Kai'Sa as the best version of her.

This requires some meaningful updates to the kit (W evolve is kinda illegal when it's not a meme). It's just a matter of prioritizing that work against other work.

In the short term, it's not a pressing matter, even though it's something we'd like to do.


Originally posted by GalaxySmash

Nice shirt



Originally posted by ZcotM

The cast time buff sounds good honestly. Is it the reason why omnivamp is no longer tied to bonus health though? Isn’t that just going to discourage building health? K’Sante seems like the champ where you want a good balance on two types of resist and health, but since Omnivamp isn’t necessarily his favorite stat, combining it with reduced cast time would encourage more health building no?

In the end Q3 Flash issue still comes down to champ knowledge and skill expression though. Hope you guys can come up with a solution in keeping him on a more rewarding side to higher skilled gameplay type champ. Thanks for the reply as well

I think it's valuable that K'Sante "requires" being a strong-side champion with much of his scaling locked behind gold (especially compared to Ornn, Malphite, etc.)

That said, it's about incentives. His ultimate always nerfs his Armor/MR. If you time it well, it doesn't nerf his HP. In general, I think it's valuable to reinforce the tradeoffs as opposed to letting him get the benefits from health for "free" without the drawbacks.

Additionally, there are some parts of the kit that just need to work even if he's behind. "Parry" mechanics like Fiora W, Irelia W, Master Yi W, and K'Sante W should fulfill their defensive purpose no matter what. Especially with the required minimum channel, it needs to be reliable at level 1. I'm amenable to changing the per-level scaling into gold scaling, but part of that is already mitigated by giving W's damage an Armor/MR ratio.

Overall I don't think it's a big problem if bonus health is a less necessary K'Sante stat...

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Originally posted by justareddituser12

this is such a low effort reply, saying that w tap and q3 flash is his entire skill expression is such a strawman argument it's unreal.

it's like saying "riven's entire skill expression is E" except it's never that simple and that one ability opens so many doors for how riven wants to play trades. it's not as black and white as just saying "she E lol" and i'm not sure why you'd imply that's true of k'sante when tap W is the core of the vast majority of his combo and playmaking potential - these kinds of abilities form the core of a champions trade patterns.

having the option to tap W allows for instant on demand peel, q3 guarantee for gank setup, E+W bump for tower drag, W bump into wall combo, etc etc. forcing a cast time makes k'sante considerably more predictable and clunky to play (and pseudo removing combos because if you get hit by e behind -> W now you're just trolling)

this also doesn't consider the fact that riot themselves has marketed k'sante as ...

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I literally quoted the guy above me. If you want to have this discussion in good faith, than actually have it in good faith.


Originally posted by SankoMatoso

The reason is that they couldn’t distract their best employee with additional responsibilities.

Based take


Originally posted by ZcotM

Just saying Q3 Flash should not have been removed. Literally removed one of the slowest abilities in the game (with wind-up) + Flash (which is 300 seconds)? Also skill expression left the chat. You don't have to make every tank have low skill floors. Let us keep one that actually has some skill involved maybe?

We're not absolutely married to killing Q3+Flash but Q's cast time is reduced via bonus health. Most K'Sante players neglect buying enough +HP to finish reducing the cast time.


Originally posted by Straight_Rule_535

Didnt know i needed to sign up for a python class to read those ksante changes

You mean the K'Sssssssssssssssssante changesssssssssssssssssss