League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

21 Jun


Originally posted by Even_Cardiologist810

Can you develop more on that "leak sucks".

I mean it's a non announced trailer and just a few hours difference, why is it bad for you ? (just wondering)

Short/Brand-y answer: Because it's 3am. No one is up. Probably wont hit as many views or hit a wide audience. Tougher to measure success. SEO is borked.

Longer/Personal Answer: Because the team and I put a lot of work, thought, and passion into this moment. It's like planning a surprise party, but the person you're putting it on for sees everyone through the window.

I love this champ, and am super proud of this piece. I would've loved to see and interact with your all reactions, theories, and chat when it's not 3am. Now, the people waking up kinda missed a bit of a moment.


Glad y'all like it. Leaks suck. English/HQ version is here



Originally posted by AtMaxSpeed

Holy shit this is so f**king cool, the animation is absolutely top notch. One of the best champ cinematics imo


19 Jun


Originally posted by Elrann

It's cooldown is functionally the same. No mage champ will be able to proc LB twice in the rotation, it's not how mage' trade patterns work, they're not ADCs or bruisers. And by the time your abilities come back up from CD you have Shiv again. That's the whole reason why Ekko is better with Nashor than with Lich Bane even if he's an assassin.

Ekko players currently build Lich Bane about 60% more often than they build Nashor's Tooth and they're roughly as performant as one another.

The entire premise of "but my combat pattern is short" is an argument against Nashor's Tooth.

Originally posted by PerfidiaVermis

Seeing a players champion-pool dissected like this, and assess how well, or not, it would fit the current meta makes the draft a little more exciting, especially if it's for players that are not getting that much limelight like people like, for example, Caps get.

(And they drafted Yasuo for Lider, nice scouting!)

Thank you so much for the feedback!

Originally posted by PerfidiaVermis

Yeah, this is pretty cool tbh

Thank you so much for the feedback, we did some prep today to make it happen, so glad to see you liked it! If I can ask, what specifically did you like about it?


Originally posted by 1shotofdepressino

Is that caedrel's plant? 💀

No that's Caedrel


Originally posted by Sayori-0

Read op name

Lmfao, same


Originally posted by Jhin-Roh

this would have gone very differently if the enemy team had kennen

I’m a kennen main but I don’t get it. I feel dumb, ELI5?


Originally posted by Adventurous-Cry7839

Didnt League have something like this many years ago? I remember there was a mode where u selected ur role & champion and there was a captain or something (?)

Yeah it was called Teambuilder! It had some problems we're trying to solve with Quick Play, such as being able to deny teammates and no kind of autofill mechanism.

18 Jun


Originally posted by F0RGERY

They rolled out something on a few minor regions back in April, ran into issues with queue times being broken. Then PBE had a similar issue with queues being broken with the new TFT set.

If I had to guess, I think Quickplay is delayed because there's something messed up with queues in the backend, and they need to solve that first.

We fixed the issues with the matchmaking test within a day of launching, the results were really positive after that. We were hoping to get Quick Play out before the midyear patch but weren't quite able to finish before we had to pivot to Emerald and other ranked Split 2 stuff, so we'll be picking it back up shortly and plan to get it out later this year.


Reminds me of Ragnaros from WoW. Looks great! Good job :)


Originally posted by Jonspen

The fact that it's taken over a month to show up (in solo queue; it was disabled in pro for 13.10) means the "if you just gave it two seconds of thought..." refrain isn't the zinger you think it is since apparently none of y'all figured it out for a while.

So what, you knew it was op and did it anyway so you could see how long it'd take the dumb dumbs to figure it out so you can be smug about it and then grace us all with a fix by nerfing it?

No, we didn't know it was OP. We wouldn't ship anything in a balance state that we expect to be bad. We playtested a few mages, like Veigar, and it seemed completely within reason. It is. Shiv is not an optimal Veigar item.

But we didn't check every single possibility. Seemingly neither did players on PBE and neither did players on Live for the first month. Over 90% of Statikk Shiv LeBlanc buys have been in the last five days despite having the same bounce range, target count, and AP ratios since launch. And of those early adopter Shiv players, the majority were doing AD LeBlanc. I went and checked and even the Shiv-Luden's plays from 13.10-13.111 are so few, any balance read is statistically insignificant.

So yeah we didn't catch something that nearly 1 million LeBlanc players didn't catch either. But we didn't catch it and now we're aware. It's OP and should be nerfed.


Originally posted by WoonStruck

People figured that out immediately. It was all over the subreddit for the first week.

It just took them a month to popularize the optimal users, where the use-case is actually worth enough to be legitimately problematic.

There's a substantial difference between "Did you you know it's possible to buy Statikk Shiv on Veigar?" and "Statikk Shiv is the optimal first item on these three champions."

The latter is what took a month.


Originally posted by SNH231

"Unkilled in real life"

Trevor "Quickshot" Henry's eye-opening insight on the current status of Fnatic's AD Carry

If this line confused you, scroll back to the toss from AD, I was quoting a joke ender made haha


Originally posted by DAEORANGEMANBADDD

There we go again

you are only looking at the 1v1 numbers and absolutely nothing else, you do this every single time. "This item does more damage with YXZ burst so its not good"

You are completely ignoring the fact that with shiv LB becomes a splitpushing beast, she can literally just run at wave do 1 AA and the entire wave is gone. She was already someone who is incredibly difficult to catch but always needed to W WR to clear it, now she can just walk up AA 2-3 times and the wave is gone letting her have her W up permanently

You realize “better in every way” simply asks you to provide one counter-example to disprove the statement, yeah? That’s how langauge works.

I didn’t say the item is not good. Why are you lying to make a point?


Originally posted by PerfidiaVermis

Kinda disappointed Ender hasn't yelled Grudge match yet smh my head

s sorry