League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

15 Jun


Originally posted by TheUnseenxBlade

Hi Lexi!

Hope you're well, i'm just being curious about a long lasted topic for one of our beloved champions, Shyvana.

Maybe you can't answer right now, but you might the best one out of Rioters to give us a good state of where she currently stand, as you might have notice (not only on Reddit but also from previous polls) there's a big community behind our lovely dragon lady awaiting for her well deserved VGU.

Are you able to expand on that? Of course if there's details you can share on her!

We have not started working on Shyvana. Currently, the team is focused on getting Jax and Skarner out first.

14 Jun


You can always blame me, personally. I am here for you, stealing the LP from your pocket.


Originally posted by whitedarkwhite

Phreak seems to be quoting Reddit a lot when it comes to changes. I wonder if the balance team have people that browse the Korean or Chinese equivalent of LoL discussion and see what they have to say about balance.

We do, yes. A mix of things like patch reports that come from regional offices, balance designers that speak the different languages, etc.

We have a Weibo account that we also use to communicate with Chinese players.

I personally try to stay up to date with all the different regions to make sure I'm making the right decisions.


Originally posted by Ok_Raspberry_6282

Any thoughts going towards Triforce Kindred // Hecarim right now? I don't think they are autowin, but they both seem to be very strong right now

They're quite strong right now.


Originally posted by whitedarkwhite

Phreak seems to be quoting Reddit a lot when it comes to changes. I wonder if the balance team have people that browse the Korean or Chinese equivalent of LoL discussion and see what they have to say about balance.

We use a lot of survey data. It's really interesting what kinds of things players in other countries consider big issues. Obviously it's really hard for most of us to interact on non-English social media.


Originally posted by HepABC123

Ah, that makes sense! Thanks.

You're welcome :)


Originally posted by HepABC123

Perhaps I misunderstood you, a clarification might help?

Saying they “no longer interact” lead me to believe that Kraken’s passive will not ever proc with Guinsoo’s double-proc passive.

Phantom Hit does not interact with Kraken Slayer.

Kraken Slayer activates every three auto attacks regardless of items.

Rageblade has the strongest synergy with Kraken Slayer of any mythic.


Originally posted by HepABC123

Welp Kraken is effectively dead on a lot of champions in that case. Pretty sad.

No it’s not. Kraken still has more synergy with Rageblade than any other mythic.


Originally posted by vegetablesandcum

Will PBE be fixed by then? Haven't been able to log in for like 10 days.

If you haven't already I'd suggest trying with a fresh account - we've been seeing some accounts are bugged at present. Definitely want to fix that, but as a workaround making a new one might get you in in the meantime


Originally posted by HoglordSupreme

cant wait to see it for 1 month then never again. Better release another battle pass too just in case

It'll be live for longer than 1 month. I'm very much hoping we get to bring it back reasonably soon too, but that's going to depend on whether people like it and keep playing it or not


Originally posted by bayonetworking123

Remember Nexus Blitz duels? Sounds like they're reusing it.

Not reusing any of the code, but definitely inspired in part by that event from Nexus Blitz yeah


Originally posted by WoonStruck

I have no doubt that it could be balanced. I just hope its prioritized more than past permanent game modes. That's the main concern. Its a different Riot from back then, so hopefully that will be different.

One of the major problems with past game modes (mostly temporary ones) is that there's very little incentive to play beyond novelty, so once that wore off, the modes were practically abandoned. If the game mode drops off after a month, are there plans to add incentivizes to playing the mode beyond novelty? Adding forms of depth/progression, as an example.

This mode will be launching with a rating system (very similar to the one Double Up in TFT uses), which we think should be a meaningful part of supporting longer term sustained engagement. Also expecting we'll do more frequent, responsive balance changes than some modes would do, given while this isn't meant to be as competitive as SR is it's still a more competitive and therefore balance sensitive experience than most of our other game modes


Originally posted by popegonzo

Any word on how the queue is going to work for this? Is it only going to be a 2-person queue or could we queue as 8 & have teams randomly decided?

On initial launch at least it'll just be teams of 2. We'd like to add queueing as 8, but won't have it initially though


Originally posted by justice_for_lachesis

the best champ to play with a completely new friend to learn the very basics of the game, like how to kill people, use your abilities, win the game, etc. (1-10 especially, but 10-30 also). After that, people can choose to stick with her or play a more traditional champion. She has a 5% higher winrate than the number 2 champion, while being in the top 5 pick rate for this player bracket,

How do you know these stats are not contaminated by bot accounts that prefer yuumi?

We did a pretty exhaustive analysis of it.

Separation of smurfs, bot accounts, separated games played with friends vs without, etc.

The only places in 1-30 where Yuumi didn't perform the best was when smurfs "new players were actually smurfs". She didn't perform that poorly in those though, because usually it was double smurfs playing with each other :shrug


Originally posted by Vars_An

Is it not feasible to have this be a toggle in the settings for every champ? Personally would love to have an option for max range cast on Thresh lantern but I know a lot of other players would hate it.

No clue, that'd be an eng thing. I'd love it if so though!


Hopping in here is a bit risky, but here goes...

We agree Yuumi can be a frustrating champion and we're not trying to say otherwise. We're going to continue to balance her out of Pro and Elite play.

Having said that, the main point I wanted to make a clarification about is that the 1-30 experience is different from the average player (~mid silver) experience.

Despite being sub50 for average players on paper, if you account for her steep mastery curve, she sports very reasonable performance metrics. A lot of this is due to how different she is to other champions for a player who's played thousands of hours of league, so she has quite a different playstyle (similar to singed in that respect) and tanks a lot of winrate on games 1-5.

Having a steep mastery curve for the average player doesn't mean that's the case for a completely new player though. The reason why we tried to design around the attach is because she is far and away the best champ to pla...

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Originally posted by olican101

Cast Paradigm changed from walk to position to cast at max range

Can we PLEASE stop doing this? I want the spell to cast where my cursor is, simple as that.

Generally I agree we shouldn't change these very much once shipped.

Imo in the case of Zyra R which is a giant honking circle with delayed damage and even more delayed CC the exact precision of the center at max range matters a whole whole lot less than making sure the spell fires when you're inputting that command.


"Personally, this seems to indicate to me that the Yuumi changes were not successful at all. Wasn't the entire point to have her be playable for casuals without being too strong in pro?"

It's worth clarifying that Yuumi had a 45% solo queue win rate and like 80% presence at Worlds last year. Getting both of those to move in the correct direction is a success. She's currently 50% win rate in solo queue and trending toward ~85% presence in pro.

So if she winds up 47% and 2%, that's a marked improvement from 12.18. A partial success is better than nothing at all.