IE outperforms Galeforce on most champions for most players.
Wouldn't this also be affected by the item having an active while IE doesn't? Iirc historically active items tend to have lower winrates because of human error, regardless of them being strong or not.
That being said the big issue with IE is that it just doesn't feel impactful even if it is. It's just... There. I don't think every item needs a gimmick, but I do think mythics need to be a bit cooler than avg.
I agree on the SR point. Is this the power level where the item will be kept, or is it planned to be buffed in the future? Feels a bit underwhelming now comapred to other options (please let me enjoy statik for a bit). What is the niche for SR now? Surviviability I guess? It just doesn't stack well with mythics when it comes to damage now
I fully expect Galeforce (and all actives) to be skewed by MMR.
So the question is, should Galeforce be tuned around exclusively pro play? Where's the inflection point? For most players, they will win more games with IE than Galeforce in League of Legends today. That seems reasonable.
I think the goal for item balancing should be that each item is BiS on at least one champion and retains some level of popularity. Some items are niche (QSS) and that's fine. Some items are meant to be common purchases. We know players are slow to adapt to balance changes (Zeri had like a 60+% Trinity Force pick rate on day 1 of 13.12) and players need to come back from Galeforce's overpowered midseason state, which they will.