League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 Jun


Originally posted by MoonDawg2

IE outperforms Galeforce on most champions for most players.

Wouldn't this also be affected by the item having an active while IE doesn't? Iirc historically active items tend to have lower winrates because of human error, regardless of them being strong or not.

That being said the big issue with IE is that it just doesn't feel impactful even if it is. It's just... There. I don't think every item needs a gimmick, but I do think mythics need to be a bit cooler than avg.

I agree on the SR point. Is this the power level where the item will be kept, or is it planned to be buffed in the future? Feels a bit underwhelming now comapred to other options (please let me enjoy statik for a bit). What is the niche for SR now? Surviviability I guess? It just doesn't stack well with mythics when it comes to damage now

I fully expect Galeforce (and all actives) to be skewed by MMR.

So the question is, should Galeforce be tuned around exclusively pro play? Where's the inflection point? For most players, they will win more games with IE than Galeforce in League of Legends today. That seems reasonable.

I think the goal for item balancing should be that each item is BiS on at least one champion and retains some level of popularity. Some items are niche (QSS) and that's fine. Some items are meant to be common purchases. We know players are slow to adapt to balance changes (Zeri had like a 60+% Trinity Force pick rate on day 1 of 13.12) and players need to come back from Galeforce's overpowered midseason state, which they will.


Originally posted by No_Arm_Whatley

Winning "an average number of games" is a bit deceptive though isn't it.

Not only his playrate is very low, but as a very simplistic champion it would naturally follow that he would have a slightly higher than average winrate as people who try him are not going to massively lose games in the way they would on many popular high skill-floor toplaners like Yone, Aatrox, K'sante, ect.

Play rate is not an indication of average champion mastery.


Originally posted by relrax

1) generally appreciate your work
2) agree that all toplane champs should care about gold, so weaksiding top becomes worse. (also pls no janna, bard, zilean top ever again)
3) i just have the personal fear that making toplane more snowbally by increasing the scaling of champions just makes bad matchups even worse, and the lane might become even more counterpick reliant.

3 is definitely a valid point. If we ever take a big holistic look at top lane and try to meaningfully change the lane dynamics, this seems like an important factor to keep in mind.


Originally posted by Phr33k101

I'm reminded of a quote by Mark Rosewater, lead designer of MtG, who once said at a game dev conference: "Your players are great at identifying problems, but awful at designing solutions". I don't pretend to have solutions to this issue, but I'm also not sure about the notion that top lane doesn't care about gold (or at least, I don't think it's the root issue).

I think it's uncontroversial to say that top lane is incredibly counter-pick focused, and teams generally tend to let top laners have the latest picks possible. Eventually, however, one of the two players will have to pick blind, and in doing so they need to accept that they can (and likely will) be counterpicked. Because of this, the blind picker has an incentive to pick the safest, most stable lane possible, that can operate well even in rough conditions (e.g. Ornn, Malph, Gragas, etc), instead of something that needs tons of gold and which can be countered easily (e.g. Camille). While the second picker often ha...

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I general I think you're right about the landscape. Top lane is the most volatile, that's true.

However, I'd argue that the volatility goes down substantially once more champions get involved. For example, ADCs are actually statistically pretty flat matchup-wise. Obviously there are good and bad matchups but it's nowhere close to other roles. A large part of this is how many other variables (champions) matter.

Maybe a small power shift should also happen: If all top laners deal 10% less damage before level 10 and 10% more damage after, your ability to get all-in dove in the early game goes down but your ability to carry a team fight goes up. If we waved our hands and that change just showed up like the Durability Update, would you enjoy top more? It's going to mean your teammates contribute relatively more to your success in lane than before.


Originally posted by HungPongLa

There is nothing special about matchmaking in promo series. They're also being removed for Split 2 this year.

When I hit promos around 70%+ of the time I tend to land a role that is NOT my preferred one, on 1 out of 3 games. So maybe there is something a bit special there? Or is just a coincidence? I think you should always land your preferred role on promos so you can fight your best, but it is too late now since it'll be removed.

Thanks for removing the promos, I think they just make it harder for your mmr to equalize with your visual rank since you gain/lose 0 LP with it. In dota2 you have a certain mmr that you can always see on your profile page, and your visual rank. You land a certain mmr range, you have that rank. No funny +18 -29 business.

Thanks for clarifying a lot of info.

It'd just be a coincidence. I think we do actually prevent you from being autofilled (neither of your selected roles) in promos. I like the primary only in promos idea but yeah they're gonezo now


Originally posted by doglop

Pls don't, those changes kill tahm supp who is already weak(you know, the role he was meant to be balanced around post rework?). No one asked for this

TK support most commonly goes Heartsteel and Grasp and doesn't tend to level much past 11, where the passive scaling stops. This likely isn't as impactful as you think.

Also, most players have gravitated toward top lane TK by a ratio of about 3:1 despite the power levels being pretty close. Regardless of our intentions, that's where he's found the most fans.


Originally posted by Jaibamon

For my understanding the Champion Mastery Rating also depends on the role you picked. So if you're a great Teemo player, it's relatively easy to get an S Rank if you go Support instead of Top. Of course you have to be good in your role, tho.

Ah yeah you're right!


Originally posted by ImSoFar

neutral changes

Why would you sell it like that? These are not neutral changes when top lane already has less gold than a jungler. Making them weaker early game is a huge nerf despite that "they are getting better at 3-4 items". Surviving until that point makes them weaker overall, not "neutral".

Jungle champions are already stupid strong and they deserve nerfs on top of nerfs, but somehow top laners are getting "neutral changes" by nerfing them in the early game. They won't be able compete with junglers and adc at any stage.

If Riot wants to increase top lane agency, nerf jungle champions. There is no reason for jungle to have monsters like Kha, Eve, Fiddle, Rek'sai, Kindred, Udyr, Ivern and Rengar.

The one in charge of these changes should do some big "neutral changes" on junglers, not on top laners.

TK Q heal is better at 500 missing health. If he's full it doesn't matter anyway. That's nearly always on. That's pretty much a strict buff.

TK buys Heartsteel and goes Grasp in most games. It is not hard for him to exceed the level 18 value of his passive.


Originally posted by Minishcap1

Why do we think that buffing fighters = buffing top lane? Top lane's issues are systemic. It's too rewarding for the enemy jungler to gank bot and play botside. The value of those areas getting ahead should be brought down. All this accomplishes is further power creeping the game (while for some reason nerfing ghost because it wasn't already awful enough to play as an immobile melee champ in this game)

The enemy support being able to perma-roam top while top being unable to respond without getting massively far behind is an issue as well. Why is bounceback exp so powerful for that role?

The jungle role also needs power reduction. The role has been made to be so extremely powerful especially in high elo games because "no one wants to queue for jungle" but making the role unhealthily powerful is not a good answer. Jungle decides the outcome of 9/10 games.

While it's a good goal to make the jungler want to come top, just generically buffing only the fighter cl...

Which is why the bonus AD ratios of Stormrazor and Essence Reaver are being brought down. It's why Ghost is being nerfed. There is a lot of agency in the ADC's coffers. This can go down somewhat.

The reason I'm not trying to make items themselves stronger is because junglers will use those same tools to further empower themselves.

In general, Fighters have more agency over the game than Tanks. I don't think anyone's surprised by this.

There are plenty of things that could change about the game. My tasks were to lower the number of tanks in pro play and shift ADC power curves. While doing so, I attempted to raise overall top lane agency.


Originally posted by Intelligent-Syrup-68

He’s already weak now though, why do you feel the need to adjust him in place of just making him less shit

He's not weak in his current players' hands, though. He wins an average number of games.


Originally posted by Its_Da_Muffin_Man

Yeah but the problem is that AP bruisers can almost never reach 330 ap until literally 4/5 items so for morde it's a straight up nerf. Is there a reason he was tarfeted along with all the others? Just curious.

AP bruisers don’t typically reach level 18.

This would shift him toward Riftmaker and away from Jak’Sho. Also don’t discount things like Conqueror and stat shards.


Originally posted by Ok_Regular_9436

alright, mind showing a spreadsheet for gangplank, mr. phreak? i dont know how to math it out.

Buff before ~200 bonus AD, depending on how quickly you farm vs. level up.


Originally posted by Intelligent-Syrup-68

Why are you making tahm kench weaker?

Top Kench should be similarly powerful. If the changes miss, we can compensate next patch.


Originally posted by Aruillavain

I don't understand how getting jungler/team attention qualifies as top lane impact. That's getting impacted not impacting something yourself.

They primary reason tanks don't care about money (in pro play at least) is that the team focused tank items were changed to be support/low income items (Radiant Virtue/ Abyssal). Tanks can care about winning lane and having money if they have a use for that money. In solo queue a tank cares a lot about money if it has to facetank a 15/0 enemy adc and try to carry.

By mid game, winning top lane is less relevant than winning any other lane on average.

So, top lane isn’t important

Making top lane more important (allowing winning lane to mean more) means more of your team is invested in who wins the lane

I don’t think top lane should be 1v1 while the rest of the map is 4v4 and expect to have an equal say over who wins. If you have a different view for what top lane should be doing all game I’d love to hear it.


Originally posted by HazelCheese

Have you considered doing something like giving IE a VFX / SFX when you crit with it?

It feels weak when you buy it atm because you don't have the stats to take advantage of the crit damage immediately. Whereas galeforce and guinsoo and other stuff like shiz you instantly see the visual change or change in damage application.

Some kind of visual or audio que that it is doing something could really help it's feel and for me always hits my dopamine receptors. Something that makes it feel like "this is the BFG" adc item.

IE crit VFX could be quite cool. I’ll bring it up and see if people like the idea.


Originally posted by Phr33k101

Respectfully, that seems counterintuitive. Top lane as a whole has been complaining about lack of agency for quite some time - tanks included. Nobody really feels like they have much impact at all. These changes seem to take part of the little agency that tanks have and redistribute it to fighters. Now, don't get me wrong, I'll be glad to see more fighters in pro play, but this feels like it's going about it the wrong way. The goal should be to have all top laners feel like they have more agency, whether they are fighters, tanks, mages, or adcs. I hope I am wrong, but from your explanation it sounds like Riot is robbing Peter to pay Paul with this patch.

This is not the silver bullet to top lane agency. The primary goal is a pro play meta shift. The tactics are those that ask top lane to care more about gold income.

Many top laners are better than all bot laners at converting early leads to game victory. Few top laners are better than the average bot laner at converting mid game leads to victory.

The calculus is not as far off as many people think, but it would require many more changes than these to reach parity.


Originally posted by Ok_Regular_9436

so it is a late game nerf

And a substantial early game buff. The changes are a buff unless you built the item 3rd+


Originally posted by ImSoFar

Some of the champions in that list are not even picked in pro play(they're not even that popular/strong to begin with) and you don't increase top lane agency by nerfing their champions. Tanks also do care a lot more about gold since their items cost more.

You're idea is just to turn top lane in a better hunting ground for the so weak jungle that sure doesn't deserve nerfs.

Most of the intended-neutral changes are being pulled. It’s mostly strict buffs to weaker fighters and strict nerfs to overperforming tanks.


Originally posted by Its_Da_Muffin_Man

Yeah those morde changes are absolutely disgustingly huge, entirely gut his jungle build and make top quite a lot worse.

Junglers gain more gold and less xp than top laners.


Originally posted by OceanStar6

Having crunched the numbers on many of these changes, some of them actually appear to be nerfs. I'm hoping either I'm drunk and my math is just wrong, or Riot typo'd these or something.

For example, the Sett change to his second punch is a nerf until he reaches 226.666666 bonus AD which is going to be like ~4-5 AD boosting items which is turbo lategame after he has likely either won or lost already. The R buff is also going to take a few items to really make a difference as well.

The Morde change is very similar, and is saying he's down ~50 damage on his Q and breaks even at 333.33333333 AP which is sorta a lot. Most Morde's like to mix a few tank items in so he doesn't just get blown up, so again it appears to be a nerf? I guess if he goes a rocket belt full AP build it will begin to climb past the typical Q amount, but I'm not sure if that's really what Morde wants to be doing.

Ok but in the same breath you’re assuming 4 items you’re also assuming level 18. Both are atypical in the average game. Why does Reddit see the level 18 value and just only do the math there? This is a common trend.