League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

26 Jun


Originally posted by 1BRIE1

I'm confused, they said they will drop a lot more information about the 2v2v2v2 gamemode on monday together with a few gameplay clips. Is this it? Or is it still coming? Because this shows basically nothing about the new mode

You can see some footage of it in the event teaser here:


And then it'll be on PBE tomorrow


Originally posted by Rumbleinthejungle8

Damn I didn't notice that. Why the hell did they announce it so soon? They want two cycles on PBE I'm guessing?

3 week PBE cycle, so still just one patch, but a longer than usual one.


Originally posted by bz6

Are you not part of the Summoners Rift Team anymore?


I manage the Summoner's Rift team, Modes team, and Champions team game designers.


Originally posted by 8910237192839-128312

Is there a chance for the 2v2v2v2 gamemode to become a permanent addition like TFT?

A chance? Yes. It's not the current plan though. We'll see how it's received.


Originally posted by 8910237192839-128312

Is the intention that this mode becomes permanent, like TFT?

Our current intention is to run it for the duration of the summer event, and hopefully be able to bring it back in the future. But at the end of the day it's going to be about how you folks engage with it. If it has a huge and lasting appeal I'm sure we'll be having those conversations about either leaving it up or bringing back an improved version to make permanent, if it doesn't, it doesn't.


Originally posted by Crnogoraac

Are all champions "viable"? Even stacking, late game ones? Kindred, Veigar, Aurelion?

Stacking champs have some bespoke logic to ensure they do ramp up over game time.

"Are all champions viable" - that is the goal. The balance of the mode is so different from other modes, though, that I'm quite sure we'll still be learning things through the whole run of the event.


Originally posted by RacoonMeepus

so theyre bringing back nexus blitz or whatever its called? i cant remember the last time i played URF. is it possible that Riot will throw 2 gamemodes at the same time?

No Nexus Blitz for the summer event.


Originally posted by Papa_Poro

Do all 164 champs have an augment?

They're not champion specific. You could get a doublecast Syndra ult or a doublecast Galio ult or whatever (though they're not all equally common and there's a pretty large pool of them...)


Originally posted by OnyxShadow321

Hopefully we get more 2v2v2v2 info soon.

Hits PBE tomorrow!


Originally posted by HS_Cogito_Ergo_Sum

They're part of the new gamemode. If you've played TFT before, you get "augments" as the game progresses which are like a selection of power-ups you choose from (hence why Lucian has a Shield around him in the Senna Lucian vs. Yasuo Yone fight). I presume one of them is an ult reset if you get a kill.

Pretty much! Though I believe this particular augment (unless it's changed since I last played it) is just that you can cast your ultimate a second time each match, kill or not


Originally posted by EngleTheBert

Also a lot of money doesn't guarantee that development will be successful. For instance they've been talking about the 2v2v2v2 mode for a bit, but there's a chance it never see production because they can't get it to work right. Also seems to me they've been working on fixing a lot of tech debt with some client fixes and upgrades.

edit: apparently the 2v2v2v2 mode is further along than I thought. I was just using it as an example

Oh no, it’s 100% through production. PBE this week iirc.

25 Jun


Originally posted by LeosWorld1

I don't have question but a suggestion for a feature that I think will be really awesome to see in LEC. I posted it a couple weeks ago in a different thread but I'm afraid I was too late and it got burred in the comments. Here it is:

What I'd like to see is a total gold spent on combat items for each team stat.

Currently we have the total gold accumulated by each team during the course of the game at the top of the screen but that stat can be misleading at times - since it also counts gold spent on consumables like pots and wards, and gold that players have in their inventory that doesn't contribute to anything at that moment.

What I want is literally a stat that adds up all the gold spent on COMBAT items in player's inventories. This stat will be super useful to see before a teamfight starts as it will clearly show which team has the advantage. So for instance if a team is ahead let's say 10k gold total but didn't base before a teamfight and has 5k of that ...

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This has been implemented!

You can see it before some fights (and even during). It shows the Combat gold (gold in inventory, excluding consumables), average level and also shows some active items next to the champ portraits with their cooldowns.

We are still iterating on it, so the exact implementation might change over time.


Originally posted by Quitchy

What is combat gold on the HUD telling us? Amount of gold in items?

Yes exactly. More specifically, gold in inventory, excluding consumables.


Originally posted by aquawarrior21

GB will tomorrow on broadcast

what am i reading lmao


A cataclysmic throw from SK. That was vile.

Originally posted by PerfidiaVermis

That segment was great, like last week's champion-pool deep-dive.

Can we offer Broxah a permanent contract already btw?

Thank you so much for the feedback! If I can ask, what specifically did you like about it? Super happy with the result, we do love the Who am I game :)


Originally posted by limitless2500

Nothing will ever be as demoralizing as being told to refund a skin, at least before hextech crafting became a thing

Someone told me I was a disgrace to Rusty Blitzcrank.


Originally posted by piemann420

Headphones recommended.

u/Riot_Gunlap and u/RiotKDan roast me

Full video: https://youtu.be/ZL_2OVjDXz4

Hey now, you're cooking, so no roasting here.

Love Ori, and the sound design team that worked on it definitely gave you a ton of amazing source to work off of hahah.

Just want to start out by saying everytime you do one of these, you proactively address feedback we've given in the past. It's so cool to see and hear your evolution as a sound designer and editor each time you work with these.

The biggest things that stood out to me:

The portal - as Bard goes through it, you could look at adding a little more motion to help portray that travel. Maybe even just throwing what you have there through some filtering or tremolators to give it that feeling of movement.

The ultimate hit - this is feeling a tad heavy, and while I like the weight, I'd balance it with a little more of the tonality. Probably a personal preference though.

The passive - I definitely understand the limitations you have working with the music (<3 Gareth) directly from t...

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24 Jun

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by EverRisingSun

wasn’t Varus looking for Valeeva? why did you swap her for Naafiri? Also, wasn’t the temple on Dark Kin the one where Myisha murdered the other darkin? Wouldn’t be safer to hide her somewhere else? Just make this clearer, is Naafiri a reborn version of Cebotaru or Valeeva?

Where does it say he was looking for Valeeva?