League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 Jun


Originally posted by Ok_Regular_9436

the ER changes are a nerf to intended users when the item isnt that meta atm , kinda weird

edit: so they are nerfing ER instead of nerfing rengar?

Requires like 200 bonus AD, aka 3+ items for 15% bonus to be stronger than 30% base. Fake news.


This won’t be the final change list.

Voli W damage ratio shouldn’t change. I’m sure QA woulda caught it but that’s unintended, as is the malphite slow change.

Morde Sett aren’t changing this patch.

Stormrazor changes are different. Shiv is getting some tweaks. A few more changes are coming Tuesday.

Goals are to shift pro play toward fighters and overall increase top lane agency and team attention: no point in ganking or winning your lane if one of the champions doesn’t care about gold to begin with.


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Question, do you think there could be a benefit in making IE a more "enticing" choice by adding an effect that is adjacent to the damage increase? /g

I feel like Mythics have built up a reputation as being rather exciting purchases and IE unfortunately breaks that expectation a bit by being purely passive.

I don't think IE needs more complexity. It uniquely provides crit damage and it's appropriately strong. That's a reasonable spot for an item to sit.


Originally posted by WoonStruck

Do you think there's a bit of overlap between IE and Navori on champs with crit damage scaling abilities?

Do you think that reworking and making IE's purpose more defined than "crit" would be beneficial, even through the lens of satisfaction?

As an example, a strong focus on the basic damage type (complete exclusion of abilities and on-hits/attacks) as opposed to solely crit?

There is overlap but honestly it's reasonable. Quickblades is a really narrow item. If players built rationally for their skill level, Quickblades would be the least-built crit mythic.


Originally posted by Marowalker

DK DuDu looking kinda fire ngl

Dookie DuDu


Originally posted by Lyoss

Yeah I think a lot of people really underestimate the damage increase on IE compared to other items, yes, you give up utility but IE affects a majority of your damage profile if you're a crit focused auto attacker

Yeah you ultimately can't oversimplify either.

Galeforce sacrifices some consistent damage for mobility.

Infinity Edge sacrifices mobility for higher consistent damage.

You can oversimplify either one to "It's not worth sacrificing X for Y" but the real answer is that some champions can and some can't.


Originally posted by XRay9

Phreak says in his patch rundown that Gragas was nerfed because people complained that he was picked too much, particularly in pro. The problem with this nerf is that it kills Gragas' ability to lane almost entirely, as his sustain was the main thing making him viable. He's not strong early, scales well but not incredibly so (and relies on player skill unlike some other scaling champs), maybe in the future they can kill Phase Rush and give him the ability to scrap early.

Not entirely accurate.

We elected to change him and specifically his passive because it washes out lanes too much.


Originally posted by Dust2chicken

Infinity Edge is now the least bought ADC mythic (20%) , even lower than Navori (23%).
On the previous patch, Jinx was the only champion whose most popular mythic was IE. As of now, even Jinx has bailed and Galeforce is her #1.
I'm not sure what the solution is, but maybe IE should've just stayed a legendary captsone item like Rabadons.

IE outperforms Galeforce on most champions for most players.

At the start of the season a bunch of people incorrectly moved over to Rageblade because it's new and quirky. Then a bunch of people moved over to Galeforce because they realized it's OP. Kinda like now where most people are still on Stormrazor despite it being weaker than the other options now.

So players are making choices but they're largely making the wrong ones.

16 Jun


Originally posted by Kokaiinum

The Lolesports website offers me Twitch in English and Spanish, but Youtube only in Spanish, despite having the English Youtube available as recently as yesterday. Amazing work lads

Looking into this, thank you!


Originally posted by kkias

Wow. Thank you for the official clarification.

Regarding demotion, so is it possible to get closer and closer to demotion even when at non-zero LP at divison IV of a rank since MMR is behind the scenes to the visible rank then losing just one game after 0LP suddently demotes? Or does it have to be multiple consecutive losses after dropping to divsion IV 0LP.

Also, while I have you, (since apparently the other commenters find this bit more intriguing)- Is there a short answer or a simple reason why in my case I am overall still winning more games and gaining division (gaining visible rank) but my net LP gain-to-loss (indicating lower MMR than my visible rank) is about -2 to -5? Is this normal?

Anyway, overall this means that that Riot page has falsely claimed that "MMR is a secret". Because by your explanation MMR is basically just derived from win/loss, it is not that much of any sort of a secret.. (with miscellaneous supplementary measures to increase a...

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Regarding demotion, so is it possible to get closer and closer to demotion even when at non-zero LP at divison IV of a rank since MMR is behind the scenes to the visible rank then losing just one game after 0LP suddently demotes? Or does it have to be multiple consecutive losses after dropping to divsion IV 0LP.

Could be either, it's really case-by-case. But we try to avoid demotion if we can since we know it's pretty stressful.

MMR being a secret is mostly that we don't show you your MMR value.


How are match rating calculated? (do those stats you see in your profile matter at all?

Are you talking about the champion mastery ratings, like C through S? They're based on performance on your champ compared to others' performance on the same champ (I think it looks at stats like K/D/A and a few other things).

How are MMRs calculated?

If you win it goes up and if you lose it goes down. Purely win/loss based. The amount depends on the MMRs of the other players in your game (if yours is lower than the other players you'd gain more for a win and lose less for a loss and vice versa).

Are match rating influential to MMR or part of MMR's calculations? e.g. Do KDA players overall gain more MMR even if decisions they make lose more games, compared to teamplayers who sacrifice their KDA to win a few more games?

No, performance is not part of MMRs calculations right now...

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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Meddler would you know what the modes team's plan is for after the mode goes live. Will it mostly be iterating based on feedback for another run or will they start working on older modes again

Depends on how the mode goes in terms of player feedback, playrate etc. Going in open minded


Originally posted by HoglordSupreme

I want to believe. Actions speak louder than words and the track record isn't great. I just wish Riot would release game modes for fun without worrying about huge corporate overhead. You guy used to not worry about trying things out

Understood on actions being what matters. Tag me on a thread in a couple of weeks if you want to continue this conversation then once you've seen what we're working on on PBE?

15 Jun


Originally posted by hairlikegoats1

LPL teams have multiple venues with different tech teams yet, pauses like these are rare.

What is going on with the LCS production?

I'd say pauses like this are rare in LCS, too. In this instance, the game did not load. When that happens, everyone who was in the lobby is unable to rejoin a game (since the game still thinks players are in the "ghost" game). We have a fix that did not work, so we had to swap to a backup client. Not really something we can control, unfortunately. Apologies for the delay all the same, though.


Originally posted by LunarNeedle

Since no one is watching, I can complain I was banned from NACL for answering someone's question to the Ryan Gosling meme, and now I can't type literally any word, even champions, players AND teams in the main Riot chat without it being restricted "due to conflicts with the channel's moderation settings."

I'm not even mad. Maybe it's Riot giving me a subtle nudge. I just wanted to support my teams...

What's your twitch? I can ask our mods to take a look.


Originally posted by Brief_Ad_7105

Hey Phreak thanks for great video again. Azir seems to be picked in LCK quite often(of course data isn't enough yet and global presence is not that high so far), do you think he will be nerfed soon or later? if so, what kind of nerf are you planning?

56% presence so far.

Also the pros aren't trolling their builds, which is nice to see.

I'd be pretty happy with Azir at ~50% presence for the rest of the year. I hope we don't have to act.


Originally posted by bobbybobsen

Also, there is a bug where if you overheat with E (instead of Q or W), your first auto attack while overheated doesn't get the increased AS bonus. Makes jungling a lot more painful, as you have to pay a lot of attention to what spell you use to overheat ( u/PhreakRiot ).

Hmm, I'll look into it. Could be in how the abilities apply your buff. I didn't change any of the scripting around applying the passive activation so this may be an old bug, but still a worthy fix.


Context behind Shiv's disable:

If Renata ults someone with non-basic attack ways of applying Energize (Yasuo, Yone, Ezreal, MF as examples), the underlying Energize scripting wasn't setup to properly reset what team you're allowed to damage until you discharge Energize with a basic attack. This bug obviously can't affect someone like Lucian since he can only discharge it via basic attacks.

Weird amalgam rules like "You can't buy Statikk Shiv on Yasuo/Yone/Ezreal" was potentially a reasonable option but something like "You can't buy Shiv if Renata is on the enemy team" creates were draft constraints: What if you locked in Kai'Sa or Varus attempting to play the hybrid build but then they picked Renata? That's pretty troll.

Anyways I fixed this bug in 13.11 once we learned about it.


Originally posted by TheUnseenxBlade

Hi Lexi!

Hope you're well, i'm just being curious about a long lasted topic for one of our beloved champions, Shyvana.

Maybe you can't answer right now, but you might the best one out of Rioters to give us a good state of where she currently stand, as you might have notice (not only on Reddit but also from previous polls) there's a big community behind our lovely dragon lady awaiting for her well deserved VGU.

Are you able to expand on that? Of course if there's details you can share on her!

We have not started working on Shyvana. Currently, the team is focused on getting Jax and Skarner out first.

14 Jun


You can always blame me, personally. I am here for you, stealing the LP from your pocket.