League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

18 Jun


Originally posted by Pridetoss

It looked real comfy, was it your own outfit or do you guys have a big closet of stage clothing you have to pick from

Everything I wear is my own.


Originally posted by meisalliknow

Okay. I can't sit on it anymore. It's been haunting me since yesterday's broadcast. What sort of psychopath keeps chocolate in their pocket?? Sure, you might have some crispy wafers left, but they'll be standing in a puddle of milk chocolatey depression. I don't know if that ad was KitKats idea or Quickshot's (say it ain't so man 🥺) but somebody needs to take a long hard look at themselves in the mirror

the MCR is equally concerned


Originally posted by PorofessorLulux

I love frankies energy!

me too


Originally posted by ByThePowerOfGrayson

Ender let's talk about this fit.

(Welcome back btw!)

hi, lets talk about it :)


Originally posted by ThisIsSoIrrelevant

Does anyone know how tall Ender actually is?



Originally posted by MORE-MONSTER-JGLERS

I feel like they only go heart and grasp when laning with senna. Please dont force him into that mythic it is too expensive and awful. It has no utility on a role which values it. Please throw us tahm supp mains a bone Mr. Phreak. Ive been supping him since release :(

TK support has over 10x the play rate of TK bot lane. He plays that role with all the usual suspects (Ezreal, MF, Jhin, etc.)

TK support takes each of Grasp and completes Heartsteel in approximately half of all games, more than 4x his next most frequent first item.


It's only better than Lich Bane on champions who can shortcut the charge rate. It provides significant wave clear to mages at the cost of about 3000 gold worth of stats. That's only ever worth it if you get that entire value out of the passive. That pretty much only happens if you can charge it obscenely fast. It's not better than Lich Bane in every single way. Its cooldown is functionally 6x as long for most users and comes paired with an item that gives no stats on most champions.

The item's best (mage) users are pretty much only LeBlanc and Zoe. That said, it's clearly BiS on them. For champions like Kai'Sa it's clearly an intended option and just a strong item overall.

Yes, the item has an AP ratio. Yes, players are meant to figure stuff out and find interesting interactions. With Shiv you're paying for wave clear. That's pretty explicit here. The fact that it's taken over a month to show up (in solo queue; it was disabled in pro for 13.10) means the "if you jus...

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Originally posted by Kaboomeow69

Using jungle xp/gold diff as motive while his pickrate is substantially higher top feels weird

I don't particularly care about what happens to Morde jungle. He has jungle damage levers. They can be pulled if he needs them.


I mean this is gonna get buried at this point, and I'm not here to debate the state of Yuumi (I agree with most the points anyways).

Disabling champions is a joint venture by esports and Design. It's actually primarily Design's call on whether a new rework is disruptive enough to be disabled for early patches (see midscopes, new champions, etc).

My tweet was more directed on that Champs/SR gave the same feedback to esports to disable these champions for MSI, and that the displayed graphic showed a different story that funnels more negativity into the topic.

Even the post-release results tell a similar story, even though the details and lead-up to each one is different. These champs (and a lot of new releases) are highly risky for competitive tournaments, ESPECIALLY global events.

17 Jun


Originally posted by WahtAmDoingHere

May I ask, what kind of direction is planned for the shiv tweaks you mentioned?

Minion AP ratio nerf and tweaking charge generation away from dashes (LeBlanc)


Originally posted by DocTentacles

Wild. I always feel like toplane CS is more reliable, even if you're BausFFing for it, but it's not like I can pull a statsite out to prove you wrong, so I gotta accept that paradigm shift. I always assumed jungle was 4th place gold. (Is it mostly from kills, or CS, or can you track that?)

I know tanks are usually low-gold, but it feels like solo tops just perma-CS. Wild. Good to learn, though.

I swear to god, getting these little riot factoids is the only reason I'm still on this reddit, thanks man.

On average, top laners and junglers farm an equal amount of gold. Junglers kill more champions and are thus richer.


Originally posted by DocTentacles

Junglers get more gold than top laners?

That does not match what I've observed, are you sure? What Elo are we talking about?

Iron-Gold, Plat-Diamond, and Masters+

It's consistent among all of them after about 20 minutes.


Originally posted by Infinite_Delusion

Got it, so in a typical game, we probably wouldn't even see the change. Most likely a buff for Rylais -> Riftmaker -> Demonic build early-mid game, then a nerf for late game if you were actually going the Jaksho build.

Pretty much, yeah.

Though as stated, many of the power-neutral changes are getting pulled from the patch.


Originally posted by Jake_Berube

We were promised a year ago that big top lane satisfaction changes were coming in pre season and they didn’t come and now you are saying IF you ever look at big top lane changes? Can you guys please please please just be 100% transparent with us and tell us if we as top laners should continue to hope for actual help and healthy changes or if we are so far down the priority list that we should just accept where we are and maybe in a few years actually be able to play and have fun again?

I wasn't on the team last year but I don't recall anyone promising time frames.


Originally posted by Infinite_Delusion

I only build Riftmaker on him (Jaksho is cringe), and you get up to 330 AP late game and about 370 with Conqueror (I think). How are the numbers looking before that for the AP build, because it's hard to calculate when we don't have the +damage per level scaling on his new numbers for Q, since they aren't linear.

Any chance that you guys can instead target his passive, where most of his damage comes from for his tank build? People are always complaining about Morde never hitting hitting skillshots and "microwaving" them.

I'm not an expert at numbers of course, but maybe lowering the %Max HP damage to a flat 1% from 1-5%, then adding an AP ratio to the % Max HP damage could help. The tank build would get hit pretty hard, and the AP build would probably get a slight 1% Max HP buff at full build depending on numbers.

Most of the base hit was after level 13.


Originally posted by Minishcap1

"It's why Ghost is being nerfed. There is a lot of agency in the ADC's coffers. This can go down somewhat."

But there are plenty of avenues to make ghost less appealing for ADCs while not making it weaker for melee champs as well.

Ghostly overperforms in every role except support. It can do with a simple clean nerf.


Originally posted by doglop

But my point is he shouldn't be getting nerfs to begin with, I know they aren't big but they still affect his laning as asupp + makes him even less appealing to buy supp items with, which just amplifies his current issues and a lack of caring about his support role which has been a heavy issue since the rework

Again, they aren't nerfs. You're overvaluing the -flat and not valuing the +scaling enough.


Originally posted by Boudynasr

Question regarding fighters, what is your general opinion about Trinity Force?

from my experience, if a champion's kit can build trinity then it is automatically their best item [whether fighters/bruisers or marksmen]

Trinity Force changes in 13.10 were good directionally but it's a bit overpowered now.


Originally posted by doglop

most players have gravitated toward top lane TK by a ratio of about 3:1 despite the power levels being pretty close.

It has been historically not close(2-3% depending on elo for the last 2 years and much bigger pre 12.2 and started getting closer post tank item reworks) so a ton of players never actually realized the gap has been closer, cause it had mostly to do with the ranged/enchanter nerfs rather than him getting better. Regardless, support was his "og" role, that's like saying pantheon should be balanced around supp when he was 80% of the time picked as a support rather than reworked and making him way worse as a supp and better as a solo laner, or rumble should be a midlaner cause he was more popular there, when you just changed him to make him better at top. If anything the lack of support to tahm as a support is what is making him less and less picked, would be cool he was getting changes for support, rather than opening the gap even mor...

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I'm fine with Tahm Kench being a viable support. My initial point still stands that I believe you're overvaluing the nerfs in this case.


Originally posted by Intelligent-Syrup-68

But you understand how a negligible pr inflates wr no?

Common misconception.