League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

13 Jun


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Genuine question! Do you think the team would ever do like a retrospective on Star Guardians 2022 and the engineering behind the event?

I'm really interested to know how it was made too work, and the ways in which things kind of just fell apart at the end of it all.

Probably not on Star Guardians at this point. But the team who runs the Tech Blog team might be able to do something like that on the Tech Blog! I can point this to them!


Originally posted by Riahisama

Have you already considered making the mode permanent if it's well received? It's a new game mode with new maps and you're even adding a rating system, it's sounds refreshing but it would be such a waste to make it another time limited mode and to be completely honest I'm tired of not having a fun mode whenever I feel like playing league. ARAM can get sweaty and it just doesn't hit the same for me anymore. Is there a reason why you guys shy away from making more permanent modes? I've heard the population argument but I don't get it, competitive players will mostly still play ranked and the same goes for aram players so what gives?

Biggest knock against permanent modes is making sure that there is player desire for it. We don’t want to say something is going to be permanent only to have it be only lukewarm on release. If players don’t like it that much I’d rather us put that energy towards finding something they love rather than maintaining something they like.


Originally posted by Oleandervine

Ohh, so like the duel mode of Nexus Blitz!



Originally posted by WoonStruck

Hopefully its tailored enough to add some parity to the different power curves and classes in league.

I have my doubts, but maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised by their handling of it.

That's the intent. Being realistic, balance will probably be off for some champions, maybe some classes even day 1. Will patch or potentially hotfix as needed


Originally posted by Cashmiir

Coming from a professional shitposter, no lol. As much as I love Shaco x Fiora, it is not canon.

As a Shaco main, I'll take whatever lore I can get


Originally posted by Oleandervine

I'm honored that you responded to me! Also excited for when it lands! It seems like it'll be such a wild ride. Will we get more levels of -kill since there will be more enemies? So Octakills?

It's not a free for all all at once, but a series of 2v2 matches! Think like a tournament structure


Originally posted by BlueBilberry

Once upon a time, Riot hosted forums and participated in them. Reddit has been but a pale shade of what the old forums used to be.

True story


Originally posted by biocreek




Originally posted by KejornLoL

I have heavy doubts that it will be a permanently viable mode without a competitive queue.

If they design it solely for casual play, a ton of the playerbase will play for a week or two and then drop it. Just like Nexus blitz.

It doesn't get much better than Nexus Blitz imo and that did not pass the test. The only exception by Riot's own standard is ARAM and it wasn't even a mode they really designed. It was a community made game mode.

2v2v2v2 mode will be launching with a rating system. Not the same as Ranked, but something fairly similar to how the Double Up rating system in TFT works


Originally posted by Jragon713


We’re going to try and deliver the mode with as much polish as we can manage, but you might see a few more cracks than you’re used to. And if you like it, you can expect to see it again in the future with improvements.

"see it again in the future" implies to me that it will be rotating out, and later potentially back in.

Current plan is for a longer than usual run (more than two patches). Things like when it comes back, how frequently, for how long etc will be based off how popular it is, in particular how well play rate maintains over the course of its run


Originally posted by Oleandervine

Haven't they been gushing about a 2v2v2v2v2 mode they're working on for like the past 6 months?

For vis - should be hitting PBE around the 26th or 27th of this month

12 Jun


Originally posted by Eman9871

I got a LeBlanc top yesterday rushing stattick shiv then building full AD. Told me that he has a 67% wr... turns out that 67% wr was from 3 whole games. It turned into a 50% wr after that.

Shiv plus some amount of AP is incredibly satisfying tho


Originally posted by Whatever4M

Since you are a dev: why does the surr vote have random delays before being mentioned in all chat sometimes?

It's because... Well, you see... *Hides in bushes*


Originally posted by Navikus_Twitchtv

Unrelated but since you mentioned you work in behavioural systems, would it be possible to add a check in matchmaking to flex queue for accounts deliberately planting a feeder account on the enemy team every other game?

As it currently stands, higher elo on flex pretty much always has this issue if you aren't a 5 man premade. They get one or two kills then run it till the games over to avoid any sort of punishment system right now, usually something like 2/17 by the end.

A different team actually does most of the 'competitive integrity' kinds of things. I don't know much about it except that they are aware of match fixing and working on it.


Originally posted by Freezman13

Great username!

Made me think of this one new game shown during one of the many recent showcases https://store.steampowered.com/app/1641040/Hydes_Haunt__Seek/


Thanks! Its actually based on a childhood game I used to play with my brother.


Originally posted by ChromedCat

Hi! Although getting griefed every 5 ranked game isn't the most fun and I wish I wouldn't have to deal with it at all, I've been getting more and more instant report feedbacks in the past couple years (assuming those mean actually something), so I'm glad the behavioral system is getting better. Either that or the client is bugged everytime I click on "ok" once the message pop. I always assumed it was multiple messages stacked on top of each other. Either way, thank you for working on it, we appreciate the effort and hopefully league will one day no longer be seen as the most toxic online game.

Yes. If you get an instant feedback report it means we took action against a player you reported.

It might not have been for the game you reported them in, but those reports are sent out by the system that processes punishments.


Originally posted by Master-Wish-2059

but Riots engagement

Now it's Riots engagement, and no longer someone personally having fun.

I'm here I'll try and do my part to keep the tradition going.

And this is why. Once it's work, it's no longer fun. It used to be someones hobby, now it's corporate identity with lots of red tape. Everything get's double checked before posted. Yeah no one WANTS to do that :P

Just so we're abundantly clear on this: when you see a rioter comment here, it's just someone who works at Riot who happens to be browsing reddit.

To get the red badge you do a training and then that's it. Have fun, go wild, try not to embarrass yourself. There's a channel where you can ask questions if you want to, but it's not mandatory.


Originally posted by vide2

If an answer is the correct one, maybe add "this" as a comment, to verify the answer. So smaller communication only happens in small Twitter accounts. Are there really more people reading patchnotes than they would official riot posts on Reddit?

Patch notes get translated to multiple languages and are linked to from the client.

Originally posted by InspiringMilk

Do you write patch notes? Deal with legal issues?

oh yea i don't do that either. meant mostly the game designer stuff. should probly clarify, assumed poorly that most ppl knew i was a game designer

Originally posted by deathspate

Alright, so I can question you on why my dad never came back home from his milk trip then.

he got lost in the sauce