Yes, yes we did.
can you give it back? i would like to spread misinformation
Yes, yes we did.
can you give it back? i would like to spread misinformation
Posting mostly to see if they remembered to remove my Riot tag -- anyway it also just won the Esports Awards content series of the year! Give it a shot if you're into mockumentaries. Same team that did American Vandal but with the backing of a whole bunch of people at Riot (including me)!
Please, I'm begging you to revert the changes to the ARAM map. They are horrible, unbalanced and destroyed the last mode I enjoyed playing in this game.
Narrow paths, fog of war and death timers that made the gamemode a coinflip past the 15 min mark. ARAM was fine before, people enjoyed it and I am passionate about the mode so please consider changing it again.
I'm not on the Modes team but I can promise that the team is closely examining data and player feedback. There's certainly some amount of balance tuning to do that should help, the double whammy of preseason itemization changes + large systemic ARAM changes coming together are probably making things more coinflippy than they will be in a month from now.
The change is a huge benefit. Thank you for this.
Just out of curiosity, were fixed pick orders ever considered? e.g., top always picks last? Or at least symmetry between teams e.g., both tops pick 3rd? Curious if so the pros and cons you came up with.
Yeah, primary reason against was that it'd be redundant to enforce a specific pick order if we give players the tools (order swapping) to sort it out amongst themselves anyway. Will be interesting to see the data we get back on draft behavior though!
That’s after the fact though.
What I’m getting at is I don’t want someone to accept or decline misunderstanding we’re swapping pick order not lanes
The tooltip says pick order so you should be fine.
Haven’t been requested to swap yet, but is it clear that youre asking for a draft order swap and not lane swap? This isn’t clear when I request and see the pop up message
Yeah, the tooltip tells the other player that you're requesting a pick order swap specifically.
Even if it didn't, it should be reasonably clear what occurred when you swap draft positions and the roles on your player card didn't change.
Illaoi was idle for 90 continuous seconds before 3 minutes (from around ~1 min when she paths back to her mid tower after invading).
The issue with that way is that it's not readily visible who can and can't trade.
You have eto hover over them to even see if they're able to trade, which is not best for UX.
This is the issue we ran into when we first tried the solution proposed above.
Any reason not to simply change the champ swap icon back? What was the issue with the old button (and why does the client insist on telling me that trading champs is a "new feature")?
We wanted separate visual language for order swapping and champ swapping so that there'd never be confusion around which one you're opting to do by pressing a button. Contextually clicking the champion's face as the object you want to swap is intuitive, but we missed a bit on the visual clarity. The tutorial tooltip is calling out that "hey, there's a new way of doing this thing you've had muscle memory of for the last X years" to make it less likely that the first time you see this, you're unable to do the thing you want to do (trade champs) and have to dodge. We're removing that tooltip around 13.2 entirely unless we make bigger changes that would warrant it again
What's weird to me is that in normal games you can see the champion names, but in aram you only see the account name.
We're adding this in 13.1 and exploring visual changes to champ swapping too, those might have to come later if they pan out.
Yes that is fair, however i do not recall frozen mallet begin good for the slow even as 7th iteam and stormrazor slow is very short, i think stormrazor was good before because it was cheap and the proc did enough damage. ADC mythics are so good that picking stormrazor does not feel like a good option anymore and after laning phase it does not give enough opportunity to be used well.
Kog'Maw had some Frozen Mallet builds, since he didn't care as much about the other traditional scalars and just wanted to ensure someone died during the W duration. Permaslow aided that.
There's no shot you're in the laning phase at two items unless you're giga-fed. It's all ad-hoc mid-game fights at that point. You'd be surprised how often that slow can matter.
Don’t forget Cait. Easy trap/net follow up
Yep, she's good with it, too. Similar to Jinx: Setting up a pick just by being able to auto.
I'm gonna give you a build I think is strong and want you to tell me if I'm calling the next ap shyvanna or going bronze brain.
Crit Ezreal. Essence Reaver > Any mythic (I like kraken) > Navori Quickblades (Q is 1 sec CD on hit) > Storm razor. I know Q can't crit, but with Navori you can stack the attack speed passive up so you aren't just relying on Q damage like the Divine Sunderer/Muramana build.
It could be good. I think in the average game, standard ability haste poke Ezreal is better, but if you find yourself needing sustained damage at the end of champion select, there might be room for it.
Kinda does sound like AP Shyvana a bit, as it's not the most powerful build for the champion but there may be reasons to run it.
Why would jinx or tristana ever build stormrazor over PD 2nd why would jhin ever not build rfc 2nd when it’s a staple item that prevents inting
Why would Jinx or Tristana build it? Because crowd control can be useful.
Why would Jhin ever not build RFC? At risk of appealing to authority, Masters+ Jhins build Collector (edit: 2nd) more often than they build RFC, so maybe ask them. Stormrazor and Collector both deal substantially more damage than RFC. Maybe re-examine how you're playing and figure out if you actually need RFC after all.
But can't you just go Krakens --> BF Sword --> PD/ RFC ---> Finish IE
That build sounds very bad.
Stormrazor is actually strong and has several very good users, such as Jinx
Would I buy it second as Jinx? I feel like that's my zeal spot, then IE, LDR and likely BT. Am I Jinxing wrong? I mean my winrate and rank says I am but I still want to read you say it
You don't need a zeal every game. You don't need life steal every game. You don't need tank busting every game. You have all these spots spoken for and yet you don't need those spots filled every game.
Maybe slowing Darius to make it easier to dog-pile him is more important than ~20 movement speed.
slow cannot really be a big deal enough if none of those champions build frozen malllet when it existed
The damage compromise on Stormrazor is essentially zero, while the damage compromise on Frozen Mallet is rather large. That's not a very apt comparison in my view.
What are you basing this on? Looking at Jhin, I can't see him wanting an item that has such meh stats for him over either collector (the biggest raw damage spike for Jhin early on) or RFC (movement speed is too good), and by the time you can get it as your fifth item, you dont really value the slow. Tristana and Jinx also dont seem like they would want Stormrazor, they want raw attack speed, and then IE and armour pen, and again, at fifth item stormrazor is just not worth it.
Auto attack making W undodgeable is a LOT of power.
Jinx loves raw attack speed in rocket form. And applying a big slow at 725 range is a big deal.
Tristana wants enough time to get her four post-E autos off. Not requiring rocket jump for the slow is a big deal.
In all cases, no ADC wants to skip a +AD item second.
have you guys considered readding statikk shiv? i know me and a lot of other adcs would love to have it back, ik it had a soft return through hextech drag but the concept was so fun
btw why did yall remove it in the first place?
Yeah I love Statikk shiv myself.
But like that would be expecting adc players to build good which would be too much to ask
I mean yeah I think a lot of bot laners exhibit pretty poor critical thinking. But also, if across the entire world for three seasons the item doesn’t get bought, something should probably be done with the item to make it more exciting.