League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

19 Oct


This is a really amazing post. Thank you for taking the time to write this. Your positivity is welcomed and we hope we can do you proud next year. <3


Hey this is bug we are investigating and will have a fix for.
However the fix will not cover the stealth/unseen champion hearing a voiceline from opponent that cannot seem them. We are still looking for a fix for this, but because its client side and does not degrade competitive integrity its not high on priority atm.


Originally posted by lp_phnx327

As a primarily tank player who does everything to try to carry the carry, but is sometimes left with carries who do nothing with the space they're given... this is my "fine I'll do it myself" moment.

That is a paraphrase of one of his VO lines for exactly that reason

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Slumberstroll

Naruto being a great source of inspiration as always

Truly a wealth of inspiration


Damn, that's actually cool as f*ck. I'm not normally hyped for skins and I'm a dogsh*t top laner but now I need this.

If anyone on SRT is watching, please make him a viable jungler.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Nekaz

wait so how long has this riot noir n other stuff been a thing i feel like i dont recall hearing this kinda race oriented consideration stuff for previous black champs like lucian or whatever. Or maybe its just been to long and i dont remember

Senna was the first champion that we starting collaborating with RIG groups on Champions

18 Oct



I'll also be watching LCS next year.


Originally posted by leonardof91

Riot Cashmiir is a writer and Gold support main. When she isn’t doing words, she’s stealing kills from her ADC and wondering why she’s hardstuck.

lol, you and me both my friend

A fellow Zyra appreciator🙏


Originally posted by shrubs311

what do you mean by three direction spread that was standard?

In the past we've shared some of the classic early concept spreads that show three different directions for a character. It's usually three spreads (but sometimes there are more) because three is just a perfect number :)


Originally posted by CrystalizedSeraphine

NEW To the Moon: Blitzcrank now has a chance to uppercut monsters to the moon when overkilling them

I saw some post about this probably being a bug but us claiming its a feature. Just to clarify, this is 100% an intended feature by the designer.


Originally posted by bz6

What’s the extent of the words that fall under that category?

/u/auberaun any chance you can help out?

I feel banter is quite important in a competitive game.

Dunno, intent is not to stop banter, but if you're not being an incredible jerk to the other players in your game I can't imagine you'd run into it.



On behalf of the team, we love the excitement and energy that we are seeing for Empyrean Pyke! We really wanted to highlight the celebration of Pyke's ult, so seeing the excitement around that, enjoyment out of Pyke touching grass, and him showing off his funky moves has been wonderful.

We have collected your feedback and after discussing it with the team, we were able to make the below changes:


  • Added visual effects to the homeguard.
  • Slightly toned down the Pyke killed target VFX.


  • Auto-Attack has New On Hit sound for the Autos.
  • The Q has new On Cast sound, as well as new On Hit sound.
  • For the W, we have updated the Enemy Health POV sound to be made more 'scary'. A little scream + screeching sounds.
  • We have increased the music volume in the Dance and R!


Read more External link →

Hi hi- I coordinate the cosplay rules for worlds/LCS. It’s not weird at all to come dressed up! There are rules though, so let me know how to help


Originally posted by IcyColdStare

That point about how all the other black characters in League are defined by their struggle is one that I've never considered. Yes, character problems drive growth and create interesting story opportunities, but that doesn't mean that's all they have to have (nor does it make the ones that do bad characters by any stretch of the imagination).

I'm an African-American kid who's grown up around stories where very rarely do people who look and talk like me get to be the protagonist or hero just because, especially in fantasy and fantasy adjacent settings. K'Sante is a well crafted and interesting character beyond the color of his skin of course, but when you add that in the first feeling I get is "See! People like you are welcome here! You've got every right to exist in this place." It may seem trite or unnecessary to some but I can't tell you how much I wish I had this type of character to identify with growing up.

Representation matters.

To read this from THE IcyColdStare means so much. Thank you for sharing this inspirational message.


Originally posted by graluox

yeah, with the old client where that was possible i sometimes wrote down the few champions i considered playing while i was waiting for my turn to pick.
I guess there would be better ways to do this (like creating custom filters similar to what we have with the roles), but just adding the simple filter with the pipe would probably be a very quick QoL change

do you use the "favorite champions" buttons?

EDIT - Ok my takeaways here are:

  • Sort by favorite should be default. Sorting by name is the fallback anyway, so if you have no favorites the behavior is unchanged.
  • Your "sort by" preference should persist, not reset to sort by name.
  • Want to be able to designate favorites outside of champion select.
  • Favoriting as functionality should probably be more visible somehow.

First two bullet points are probably fairly easy, other two might take a bit more work. We're still wrapping up the loadout recommender/anonymity/pick order swapping so this stuff will probably won't come for a bit.


Originally posted by domyno12345

I don't think its worth adding that. Only programmers and little crowd of people understand that

as written i agree. trying to understand why they want to search for multiple champions.


Originally posted by crazycalvin22

This! So simple yet so f**king annoying. Glad they finally fixed it.

what else is like this?


Originally posted by graluox

Next please readd the pipe | so we can search for multiple champions

is that actually something you would do?


Originally posted by anoleo201194

Luckily that won't stop me from forcing him bot like I do every other champ!

K’Sante would want you to live your truth


Originally posted by Hellioning

I appreciate Riot having RIGs for their minorities, but did you really need to name them Riot Noir and Rainbow Rioters?

We chose the name Rainbow Rioters. There were a lot of other names in consideration back in the day, but this one felt best. We used to be called LGBTQIA+ @ Riot and that wasn't the easiest thing to say over and over haha