League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

18 Jun


Originally posted by watafuzz

I only ever use the schedule page and this not gonna do much to change that.

Not a fan of having a random ligue auto play or all the wasted space on the page.

Well glad you are liking the schedule page haha!

What kind of other features would you like to see on the home page? This is just our first update, we have other stuff planned for the rest of the year. More improvements to home, as well as hopefully getting into standings to improve that page too.

Would love to hear your thoughts!


Skarner also does not exist as a jungle champion in China. He is only played Top Lane!

17 Jun


Originally posted by BarackProbama

Looking into the TFT stuff!

Update: Have a bug filed. Should be fixed in an upcoming patch.


Yeah when we added fisting we talked a ton about how to make sure people were appropriately aware that someone else had initiated a fisting event. We recently added fisting notifications to chat and we think they’ve helped a bit, but maybe more work to do.

Just using the thread parlance: we call them fistbumps or reciprocal emotes internally.

15 Jun


A major goal this season was to make sure people's skill was closer to their visual ranks, which would help to make games feel more fair. So yeah, agree we hit inflation down a good amount


Can you pass me a riot Id and tag?

14 Jun


I am glad you found it helpful :)


Originally posted by Knochey

Thanks for the great update. I got some games in and wanted to provide some Feedback:

  • The bots are a huge upgrade in the way we can tell them what to do!

  • The bots wiggle around a lot when they step into the jungle. Sometimes they even stand still completely

  • ADCs are not able to kite in any way right now which makes them very easy targets

  • Junglers seem to be very aggressive and don't care about objectives. I tried to ping an objective as well as move ping to one but they don't seem to react. Would be great to be able to have them interact with some of the players pings

  • The new intermediate bots are WAAAAY easier than the old intermediate bots which is a shame. I hope we'll get better difficulties soon. Maybe even "Iron/Bronze/Silver" etc?

All in all I want to thank you and the team for making LoL more PVE friendly!

Thank you for the feedback! We really appreciate receiving the feedback from players directly to provide a better experience.

Thankfully, we are actively in development for targeting improvements to:

  • Movement & Pathing
  • Decision making (swapping between decisions)
  • Turret aggression/diving

So please look forward to that and let us know how we can continue to improve the experience as we iterate :D


Originally posted by The_Only_Squid

League of Legends is simply a game too difficult to start with, let alone mobas not being a popular genre at all like.

This is easily fixable with voice acted tutorials that have real game uses. Putting new players against dumb bots will never help improve their skill. Like take a look at Rocket League how many shooting/defending scenarios have they got? All the tools you will use can be practiced over and over.

This is not the case in LoL they just go well get in there you little go getter you. They need to have scenarios where you get ganked from lane or scenarios where someone flashes over the wall to gank you but you get to see them at the start in a vision ward so it teaches players the fundamentals of ward placement. Then you can replicate this with 5-10 different scenarios per lane/role.

I could go on and on i have 100s of scenarios that would improve the base line of the player 10 fold over being able to just afk mid lane a...

Read more

I do not think that new players are struggling with ward placement or being ganked.

I think they are first struggling with an unfamiliar control scheme, then the RPG power curve (presented through XP, gold, leveling, and items), overall game flow & objectives, what any of these 160+ champs is going to cook them with before they can react etc.

You are describing actually pretty advanced techniques from the perspective of a pretty advanced player. I am not against in the long term systems that would allow folks to become more advanced in League, but those are very likely not our first priority. (The stuff I listed above is)


Will look into this tomorrow morning!


Originally posted by Ramus_N

It is hard to sell League for newer players when the game is so big and there are so few in game resources for newer players.

On top of games going between 20~40 minutes.

We'd like to make League a more welcoming game to interested players who haven't yet tried it.

Working on a bunch of new and returning player experience stuff. Planning to have it roll out of over time.

The recently improved bots and custom games are some of the more obvious manifestations of the longer-term plans we have. Other stuff is quite under the hood, like new player MMR changes, or not as obviously directly related but quite helpful, like Vanguard.

Later stuff will be aimed at better onboarding players into the core game and introducing our systems more gradually than today. League is very deep, which is cool, but we need to build and appropriate shallow end for folks to find the fun.

13 Jun


Originally posted by chiyonaxi

I was also confused, but let me tell you, it does work as it doesn't say "PvP only". For most of the people it's bugged. I've completed the triple kill mission vs bots and after a 2-3h delay it disappeared and I got the 2500xp. I finished the rest of the missions as well (except the premade team one), but it didnt show the progress. I've been waiting for like 15 hours.. No customer support response either!
I haven't seen Riot talk about it tho.. or notifying people in the client about the issue.

I'm afraid not. The primary objective only progresses in PVP games. The secondary objective does however progress in Coop vs AI

12 Jun


Originally posted by Gerap4

  • **Server:*ALL SERVERS EUNE/EUW/NA/OCE ect.*

  • **Type of Bug:*INGAME*

  • **Description:*Lulu ult doesn't cc if an enemy dash has been canceled*

  • **Video / Screenshot:*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekG72pyIQyA\*

  • **Steps to reproduce:*Cancel a incoming dash with Lulus ultimate*

  • **Expected result:*Dash is canceled enemy CANT move or cast abilities*

  • **Observed result:*Dash is canceled but enemy CAN move and cast abilities*

  • **Reproduction rate:*10/10 works with every dash in the game*

  • **System specs:*N/A*

Noted on your other post that this is fixed in 14.13


Originally posted by Gerap4

  • **Server:*ANY SERVER/EUW*

  • **Type of Bug:*INGAME*

  • **Description:*Lulu knockup is affected by tenacity*

  • **Video / Screenshot:*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoR7PqxEakA\*

  • **Steps to reproduce:*Buy tenacity> lulu ults > u dont get knocked up by the full duration*

  • **Expected result:*Be knocked up for 1 sec because its a knock up*

  • **Observed result:*Not knocked up for 1 sec because its affected by tenacity*

  • **Reproduction rate:*10/10*

  • **System specs:*N/A*

Both this and the other issue you posted are fixed in 14.13. Appreciate the report


Originally posted by NG8

I have the same issues as Illuminati below. Click the link in the Reddit iOS app and it auto refreshes to blank blue page.

Escalating to the team to see if they're aware! They recently migrated to a new CMS, so this could be an unknown bug. Thank you for letting me know!


Originally posted by bodynasr

thanks lexi for the replies, hope that Ambessa gets a stellar launch as well!



Originally posted by Seabeeseal

since there's no more roadmaps this year what about first champ of 2025 usually they are teased at the end of year and come earle like in February to march, will they only get a teaser in January

We are still figuring out what format we want to do this!


Originally posted by Pupulasers

Ya'll weren't tryna see every character try dating every character over the course of 15 seasons?

I am waiting for when champs start having kids and their children then becomes the main characters like Boruto >:3


Originally posted by ShellPasGratuit

Is that why the new AI in customs didn't get pushed to live servers ?

Nope, we will be turning them on today in a handful of hours. :)