League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 Jul


We're running a war room for the launch and were expecting large surges. EUW datacenter was slammed in a way it should have been able to handle but did not. Working on it.


Originally posted by mthlmw

Fixed a bug that caused Miss Fortune's Bullet Time (R) to be redirected if she was hit by Shyvana's Dragon's Descent (R) if MF has a spell shield on her.

What a very specific bug lol. I wonder how the logic on that one worked out!

When Shyvana ults you I think she you to face her direction for some reason. That went through spell shield (probably not just for Miss Fortune). I imagine this fixed was moreso aimed around that specific part of the interaction

16 Jul


Originally posted by MemedChemE

Yeah, but keep the mystery for LeBlanc on only 3 layers please

We dont want anxiety around characters we think is LeBlanc

If everyone is suspiciously LeBlanc, it would ruin the series

Imagine Vi touching Caitlyn, but Caitlyn is LeBlanc

You thought it was Cait, but... 

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Kinda feel like you're arguing for both sides of the debate at the same time here...

15 Jul


Originally posted by Blue_Executioner

The client is just terrible.

Me and my friends did a load of mystery gifting over Christmas to each other and have played 3-4 times a week since then. Everytime I login I still get a message saying they have opened their gifts (that I sent 6 months ago).

Fun fact about this: It is because clicking the X dismisses the notification without acknowledging it. Not a bug, but not the best possible design.

Extra fun fact: I just filed something to address this. Should be fixed soon.

12 Jul


Originally posted by 83857284955

This is a Korean song/video that was localized into Japanese. You can tell cause the cat walking on ice 23 seconds in is a huge Korean meme

꽁꽁 얼어 붙은 한강 위로 고양이가 걸어 다닙니다~🐱💃

11 Jul


Originally posted by Mylen_Ploa

Wasting your summoner spells.

Absolutely batshit insane take.

How in the world doy ou think it's even remotely ok to add an automated system that will f**king punish missclicks. Like this is one of the most insane justifications any Rioter has ever put on something.

A single wasted summ wont be enough to trigger a penalty.


Currently the version of "soft inting" we're looking at is the frustrating and obvious stuff we dont have defenses against right now. For example:

  • Following your jungler around and taking their camps
  • Selling all your items to buy 6 saphire crystals
  • Wasting your summoner spells.

These actions are difficult to detect right now, and even more difficult if the player does them for a bit and then returns to playing normally. Our goal with this round is to get some of these actions picked up by our system so they are punished appropriately.

We don't currently have plans to action against the version of soft inting that is 'my teammate is playing below the level I expect of them.'


Originally posted by DefinitionTrue2270

Are you using stuff like deep learning for these systems?

Not on this first pass, no.


Originally posted by BlueBilberry

I am glad to hear this.

But as opposed to taking just a punishment approach, has there been any thought about providing LP/MMR mitigation for the teammates affected by the inting/griefing?

LP mitigation for feeding was added by my team earlier this year. It's good, and we like the effect it has on players.

But that only helps the players playing ranked games, and doesn't remove the frustrating experience of playing with someone who isn't trying to win. I think we need both systems, but detection is where we're starting.


Originally posted by Jonspen

George R. R. Martin wrote the lore for Elden Ring u/Ovedius and yeah you could say he's pretty good at writing

100% true I for sure should've mentioned that, it's been extremely fun delving into the lore!

10 Jul


Originally posted by ieatpickleswithmilk

do the bots still stutter step a lot and clump together (like same pixel) as 5?

They should not! So if you see them doing so, please let me know.


Hello! I appreciate the ping and feedback! I went ahead and had our team review this post and we will triage and address in an upcoming release :)


Originally posted by kevthegamedev

Love the first two bullets, would love to see those behaviors gone. Not sure on the third - it happens rarely, but I have fat fingered a flash or ult before. Would not be thrilled if I was punished for a rare lack of coordination.

Making sure we aren't punishing false positives is a big part of what makes this work hard.


This is amazing! What hook/yarn size did you use? Some of these details look so dainty!

I love crochet and have done my own TFT little legends :D


Currently the version of "soft inting" we're looking at is the frustrating and obvious stuff we dont have defenses against right now. For example:

  • Following your jungler around and taking their camps
  • Selling all your items to buy 6 tears
  • Wasting your summoner spells.

These actions are difficult to detect right now, and even more difficult if the player does them for a bit and then returns to playing normally. Our goal with this round is to get some of these actions picked up by our system so they are punished appropriately.

We dont currently have plans to action against the version of this that is just 'my teammate is playing poorly.'

09 Jul

Originally posted by DM_ME_YOUR_HUSBANDO

Design is constantly about making compromises. The only issue with Darius was his E, Apprehend which scared our Live Balance team to no end. It used to be a bit longer of a pull with an even bigger knock up.

This is the funniest part to me. Darius E is a good ability but hardly something that makes him a menace, especially compared to current champs

its a far more concerning gameplay effect when there werent other hoops to jump through in the kit (Passive Noxian Might and Q having a long enough delay to be unreliable were added later)

Originally posted by GoatRocketeer

Judging by the QnA it looks like the gameplay designer used to also be responsible for the characters appearance - nowadays, the gameplay designer is entirely separate EDIT: entirely separate individual from the art designer. For example, aurora was first conceived as concept art, and different kits were trialed for her. One such kit was sylas, which they decided to ship with a different visual due to the clash between bunny girl and diver-that-killed-you-with-your-own-ult.

I cannot, however, explain what OP meant by "product".

nah gameplay and visual are intricately married in any reliably functional product

07 Jul


During this time period I believe all of the clips used for things like reveals, champions spotlights, etc., were taken directly from playtest footage of a few specific games that would have their replays saved after the champion's spotlight VO was recorded. So it's possible that this was used just as "this is the best clip that showcases all of Urgot's spells" or possibly just that the producer thought this clip was too funny not to use.

If you look at champion spotlights from this time period you can see other questionable gameplay since all of it is just raw playtest clips. For example, in the Evelynn spotlight ...

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06 Jul


Yah, working on getting something back that can accomplish the feels / experience these brought. Lots and lots of stuff to fix.