League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

10 May

Originally posted by PhreakRiot

Uh the show is really, really good. The lead actor who plays Creamcheese is amazing.

dude creamcheese nailed it. when i think of acting, only one names comes to mind. and that's creamcheese

09 May


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Could you share more about how the team approaches nudge buffs in pro play like what I assume the recent Vlad armor buffs were, it seems like a common sore point that people do not generally like them for "fine" champs, even if the changes themselves aren't huge

If they have room to be buffed per the champion balance framework and we think they have a chance to see pro play (eg. in a counterpick matchup or otherwise), then we may buff them. We generally try and limit this tactic to large pro play oriented patches (MSI, Worlds), or we run afoul of player sensibilities and have power creep, like you noted.




Originally posted by lolTeik


Uh the show is really, really good. The lead actor who plays Creamcheese is amazing.


Originally posted by Derk08

To just ask a quick question, what are the arguments that Gangplank is balanced/weak? It feels like the pick has a strong laning phase and then scales harder than almost every champ in the game

Good question. We have a lot of debates internally about the power of gangplank. We think a lot of the current complaints about Gangplank are to do with "frustration", which doesn't necessarily track to "power". This isn't to say he isn't powerful, but he definitely has weaknesses. Pros are generally mixed on Tri Force build (which is more consistent, but lower damage) and the ER -> Prowlers (higher damage, but very squishy). "Strong laning phase" is insufficiently specific of a statement, though I agree in certain situations, he is strong for the entirety of laning phase.

He has a strong laning phase 1-3 for sure, but he has a very noticeable power trough and is susceptible to be snowballed against, especially in the Level 6-11 area in matchups where he has to use ult defensively. He also has a good number of decent counterpicks, is quite lacking when behind (cannot utilize vision differentials to get barrels off), especially with the squishy build .

He is one of...

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Originally posted by Omnilatent

So the current draft format does hurt overall player value there.

Could you elaborate what you mean with that? Whose player value?

Regular player value in being able to play the champions you love, but in different roles.


Originally posted by WonTonsOG

holy shit, are you the guy who made this leaguecraft 101 videos? glad to see you’re doing well.

Yep :)


I watched an early release of the show and it’s honestly incredible. Super stoked for any of y’all who get to watch it!


Super fun to be on the show! One thing I forgot to mention during the champ diversity discussion is that Flex Picks are incredibly valuable for regular play, just in terms of being able to play your champions where you want them. But these are diametrically opposed to Pro play by making that pick instantly high presence by being a strong flex pick. So the current draft format does hurt overall player value there.


Just wanted to add for those who might be skeptical (which I get!) -- this show was a deep collaboration with a lot of people involved in the LCS, including me, Elias Inaty (LCS broadcast writer), Jatt, Gbay, the casters, etc. You'll see a lot of familiar faces in the show!

I've been involved on a daily basis for the writer's room, pre-production, principle photography, and post. I'm very confident this will feel authentic, and I'm hoping you'll love it as much as I do!


Originally posted by ewqrqaaw

cool challenges, but now I'm sad that i already did most of them in the past (playing since season 3) and won't have the energy to do it now.

also REALLY hope these things can't be done in BOT vs IA like some of recent event missions.

They cannot


Originally posted by mctiguy

Why are most champs from the "They just won't die" challenge literally have no Revive smh

It was meant to be revive + invuln. Probably was a lost in translation thing.


Originally posted by adamsworstnightmare

dodge is still technically in the game

Like Jax and Shen? Or is that something different?

No think of it as a stat like AD, Armor, or Magic Resist. But for Dodge, everyone just has 0


Originally posted by Poubelle22

Dodge used to be a stat in the game and Jax’s entire champion revolved around it. His current E lets him dodge all attacks for a period of time. His old E activated whenever he dodged, so he got a LOT of stuns off. Sivir’s old passive was to gain dodge chance while moving (it didn’t make her more viable she’s always been a mess).

Plated Steelcaps used to be Ninja Tabi which used to give dodge chance. Yi building these meant there was just very little chance of hitting him even when he wasn’t in Q.

It was also very common to take a single dodge rune, like a single crit rune, with the old system. The crit rune used to be for level 1 fights being coinflipped by a 1% lucky crit. 1% dodge was useful all game tho and you’d randomly miss an auto attack because of it.

There was also only one (1) item to counter dodging — Sword of the Divine. It gave a passive attack speed boost and an active that gave a timed duration where your autos couldn’t be dodged. It was a ...

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Prefacing this by saying we do not have any plans to ever add dodge back into the game. But if my understanding of the tools that I have used/seen are correct, dodge is still technically in the game, but everyone has zero.

08 May


Originally posted by idontlikeredditbutok

The problem with this philosophy is that eventually if you only balance on what is "happening" and don't balance on the theoretical "actual" state of the game if the playerbase was playing better, eventually the theoretical catches up and becomes an ungodly abomination version of the previous theoretical because the team has been balancing the game around a technically inaccurate version of it for a while.

I don't play league nearly as much anymore, but this is an issue TFT has had for a while. Early in set 6.0, 5 Mutants was a pretty good comp that, while not played as much, was arguably very broken if you got a very early chogath, and high elo players were aware of it. However the REST of the playerbase was not, and as a result the comps data was mediocre. So riot decided to give chogath a pretty big base hp buff, and the next patch mutants ended up being statistically one of the most broken comps in TFT history.

The issue with not balancing the game around it's o...

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Fwiw Riot looks at things like high-MMR pick and ban rate and I know they do that in TFT as well. So in any of these cases, really, these are things that next to no one is doing (well).


Originally posted by znaczki65

Can I ask you whether MFA by TOTP on app (either Authy like or Riot Mobile) or even a hardware security key is planned in the future to settle for people's needs?

TOTP support is something we are working on. I don't think we have any plans for hardware security keys right now, but it would be cool if we could one day do that.


Originally posted by BADxW0LF1

Are there ever going to be anymore Eternals? Or are those just.....done?

Working on launching series 2 before the end of the year.

07 May


We love Biofrost <3


Originally posted by SoCalThrowAway7

Looks like eternals are still going to be specific champions related where as challenges have a more general focus

This is correct. Eternals are champion specific performance.