Waffles are far better as a consumer however pancakes take a fraction of the time
The most rational answer I’ve ever seen to this.
Waffles are far better as a consumer however pancakes take a fraction of the time
The most rational answer I’ve ever seen to this.
A Rioter posted on the other thread that they already have a 12.10b micropatch planned.
They know some shit will be busted in both directions, but they don't know who exactly, and by how much, so they don't wanna pre-nerf.
The team does a great job of trying to understand and predict all second and third order impacts from changes like this. That said we only have 200 years of experience, so we won’t get everything right. Trust we’ll correct where we need to.
hopefully this means we wont get an incident like vayne or kayle at 55%~60% wr for an entire patch(es)
If there’s anything that’s clearly an outlier you can trust that we’ll be monitoring and adjusting where we need to.
Will my tank karma thrive more in 12.10
Only yours. We'll be searching for player tags
Hot take: Early-game durability is actually fine, and there's no need to increase base HP or resistances. But buffs to HP/Armor/MR per level is definitely welcomed. Most "uninteractive" one-shots don't happen until major damage powerspikes, such as level 6+ or after first completed item.
A goal of the changes was to reduce the effectiveness of all-ins from full HP that are slightly too viable in side lanes on live.
How the hell is Soraka or Sona going to be balanced after this.
They are nerfed in the healing department
What are your thoughts on the viability of burst mages after this? AP values are at the lowest they have been in the history of league. With this update, void staff is getting a nerf on top of every champion gaining a ton of durability against magic burst.
The void staff adjustment should be net neutral ( or even slightly more buffed compared to live). With that said, burst mages are on our radar for post launch
Read moreAre you going to take this chance for sweeping change to do any standardization of Health/AR/MR Values across classes?
The difference between two champions in the same class can be absolutely massive:e.g. Zac and Nunu are both AP primarily Jungle Tanks who's "tank" steroid ability is their healing, but Zac has 400 more base health than Nunu at level 18. (tldr please nerf zac)
Phreak made an interesting series of videos about Base Stats and the Physical Damage/Magic Damage durability skew of various champions a few years back and I rather like his idea of standardizing AR/MR base values and growths for different broad classes, for example:
Light Durability (adcs, enchanters artillery mages)
Medium Durability (melee fighters and battle mages)
Heavy Durability (tanks and juggernauts)
And then using base health vs health growth (the most visible and readable tank stat) as the balancing lever for whether someone is tanky early or tanky late....
Standardizing base stats really limits us in where else we can put durability. For example, lillia has near 0 Hp regen because of her passive healing. This isn’t possible if base stats are standardized
Why buff health instead of nerfing damage
Way more direct path this way. If we took on decreasing damage there would be a ton of different angles to attack from, making it much harder to ship. I think that’s in the article
Out of curiosity, why was the decision to increase defenses rather than decrease offenses?
Way more direct path this way. If we took on decreasing damage there would be a ton of different angles to attack from, making it much harder to ship. I think that’s in the article
I played 1 game of Jinx on these changes and she one shot the nexus at 15 minutes. I think she needs nerfs
Do you think this will make the mages that build liandries feel much stronger? a champion like Malzahar or Zyra or Brand will seem much stronger since most of their damage is pokey + a burn that is % based.
Liandries is decently buffed in the short term yes
Are assassins going to see any class specific adjustments or playstyle compensation? These changes seem largely detrimental to the class identity (not arguing about it being healthy or not, just curious if we will see a shift of identity)
We are likely to buff/adjust pen items if they can’t still fill their niche. We want to avoid letting them assassinate with fighter items like the past
Yasuo will need compensation buffs
Maybe. His R passive is better now hehe
I do not see any mention of per-champ adjustments. Will we see changes to % true damage champs, or are we not meant to get increased sustain against them?
We will see adjustments to any OP champs. We didn’t want to take guesses on how much to adjust champions pre ship
Have you guys given any consideration to how this will affect the jungle role? The role remains powerful/relevant even after lots of xp/gold/camp spawn time nerfs because the amount of damage in the game makes ganks and dives huge threats, but if these become harder to pull off it seems like junglers will often end up with nothing to do and fall behind laners even further
Yeah we gave it decent thought.
A leading theory is that with more durability, junglers are actually more important because solo kills are rarer. We found in our tests that ganks were still very effective
Waffles or pancakes
Waffles obviously
Can we guess what the potential 60% winrate champs are. My bet's on Vayne
Eating a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?
Such a classic
Hot Takes:
1) Why not delay the changes to pre-season for a more systemic approach (runes, items, champ kits) rather than a universal increase in stats? This risks homogenization scaling, champion, and positional power profiles.
2) Jungle clears are already so easy and require no brain power. No plans to increase camp damage to off-set the increase in durability? Same question for minions.
Also you mention homogenization. We believe that base stat profiles actually help differentiate your decisions in our systems even more. Building resists when you have more HP means the EHP stands out more. Not focusing on damage when everyone is tankier means you feel the hits and consequences of your build.