Pastrytime over Hysterics and Munchables is a crime.
What's the charge officer?
Pastrytime over Hysterics and Munchables is a crime.
What's the charge officer?
As an Ivern Main I am really curious, what will happen to summoned pets?
Daisy already feels like a wet paper towel instead of, well a rock?
Maybe we could use this to convince Riot to revert an old Daisy nerf;
- REMOVED: Daisy no longer regenerates 3% maximum health per second while out of combat.
- Daisy's bonus resistances reduced to 15 / 40 / 90 from 20 / 60 / 120.
That is something I had not thought about and might be a good place to put power if those characters end up weak, thanks for the comment
Excited for these changes. The team has been incredibly thoughtful and also has been testing this for some time internally. We definitely won’t get everything right out of the gates and as some here have pointed out, there will likely have to be adjustments afterwards for a few patches.
Hopefully they change Vayne. If they don't she might seriously be the best champion in the game. Durability doesn't matter if you die in 10 hits anyways
Vayne, Fiora, etc are all VERY known risks, we just didn't want to speculate by how much they gained power and pre-nerf (plus it's completely unfeasable to do that to all 150+ champs preship).
Its time, gimme the hot takes (or questions)
Hopefully they change Vayne. If they don't she might seriously be the best champion in the game. Durability doesn't matter if you die in 10 hits anyways
We are pretty close to 100% certain we will need to quickly nerf or buff a variety of champions, but there's a lot of uncertainty about exactly which champions and by how much. As a result we're already planning a 12.10b micropatch to address the most immediate balance outliers.
Can we guess what the potential 60% winrate champs are. My bet's on Vayne
Other side-effects we're looking at include map elements (Baron and Turrets) doing less damage
Already felt like turrets tickled champions
This was a miscommunication. Baron and Turrets would do less damage if we didn't act. The patch will increase their damage dealt in order to keep their damage relevant.
Only thing I’m concerned about in this post is their mentioning of lowering tower damage. They already do so little damage to anyone that builds armor. Hopefully this doesn’t bring back the meta of dive and kill tower at 3-5 minutes on each side.
Tower damage is being increased to help them remain relevant, not reduced
This just makes me want to make it so the amount of stacks you gain can crit
While I agree that it is a good game mode, it's not a permanent. Summoner Rift is still the only permanent game mode with choice in champions.
That's on summoners rift lol
Ah yeah, I misread his post. Good point!
Ignoring the lines about Vayne being “incredibly OP all season”, we are extremely aware of outlier champions due to increasing durability in league and intend to tune aggressively.
The fact that in the year 2022 there is no other map/game mode where you can SELECT YOUR OWN CHAMP other than summoner rift, is incredible.
Ultimate Spellbook is what you're looking for. Excellent mode!
Have mid scope updates dramatically increased the amount of popularity/engagement of champs so far, they certainly feel better, but do the stats back it up?
Not dramatically, but we do see bumps in engagement from them
Call me dumb boss /u/Reav3, but I don't see a problem with Rell. I just feel her defensive stat 'stealing' mechanic could use a bit more umph. I love the champ truly. She is exactly what a tank should be, tons of CC with minimal damage.
I personally think we missed the mark on her fantasy. When we were in early development she was a really interesting a cool champion. When she was on her horse she was like REALLY fast, and then she was really slow when on the ground. As we started to balance the champ much later in development we found that her speed in her horse form would cause her optimal play to constantly leave her lane partner behind and just roam the whole game. It ended up being a pretty unhealthy play pattern so we had to nerf her horse movement speed to the point that her unique gameplay identity kind of disappeared. Now she is just regular speed on the horse and super slow armored, so she doesn't really get the super fast horse rider power fantasy tradeoff for being slow the other half of the time.
I think we probably need to re look at her and see if we can push her power elsewhere (not in roaming power) in a way that could give her a more unique identity and separate her from Leona more. Id...
Read moreHi reav3 I want to ask you a question while I saw you online, does the champion team decide who gets asu, and is asu included in the champion rankings that will come out this year, for example; jungler>melee adc> udyr> asu? :> I would be very grateful if you reply. because there are rumors/misunderstandings that we will get a 2nd asu this year.
No, ASUs are chosen and handles by PIE (The Personalization team) I don't speak for other teams so you would have to talk to someone from that team if you want details on how they choose
Nice, I really love Rell as a concept! Tho gameplay is kind of really weird. Are you planning on releasing a poke support champ?
What do u mean poke support? Like a ranged Support?
Rell is a Champion we talk about as a possible target for a midscope update, similar to what we have recently done with Swain/Olaf/Taliyah. We think we could potentially smooth out some of the issues brought up in this thread with a update like that. We haven't started work on one yet, but she is a Champion we feel is fairly high priority.