League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

19 Jan


i was hoping no one would notice until i got my banger memes ready

y'all noticed this a bit earlier than we had anticipated, so the Learn More link is broken on the page. coming soon. promise!

we'll have a more official post coming soon as well. like i said, we weren't expecting it to be noticed, but y'all are observant

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Could you possibly share the higher res teaser pics now

Oh yeah. I really wanted to send these out the day of the roadmap but covid sucks lol. Here they are

Dark Support



Non Traditional Botlaner


    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zarathielis

What about the botlaner, will it be a more complex champ?

probably not what you are looking for in complexity. We do have a champ in early development that is targeting really high complexity, though its to early to talk much about it at this point, if things go well we could be ready to talk about that champ in the next roadmap though


Originally posted by megapuffranger

If you do decide to buff Yone, I hope it’s not an obvious huge power spike. I only play Yone cuz he fun, but sometimes it can be difficult to get him. If the buff is straight up power, he will be permabanned. It’s understandable as he isn’t very fun to play against when he is strong.

Looking to buff his Q. Its damage, which we are skeptical of, but its his highest skill-output in the game and offers plenty of solid counterplay so we thinks its the right choice.


Originally posted by Blackout28

Because their banrate isnt high enough. For our internal data Zed has been within the range of 50% (back and forth between 1-2% above and below) for many patches

Possibly a stupid question but I'm going to ask it anyway. Why is a champion allowed to have that high a ban rate for that long, before you guys make changes? He's been north of 40% since around 11.21.

I think he was below where our set bar is for banrate, but only just by a little, though we have been keeping an eye on him for awhile.


Originally posted by Rand0mdude02

Out of curiosity, what is the most valuable or most discussed form of feedback you see? Any types of posts or comments that make one of you go "Huh, I didn't think of that" or "That's a good idea".

I feel like there's a large difference between "Yone is broken" compared to (and I'm pulling this out of my butt as I don't play much these days) "His W is too strong for these reasons, I wish it had this handicap" or something similar. Given that you have access to internal data I imagine most of these ideas have already been considered anyway.

Any insight on how to give meaningful complaints that result in more than Rioters seeing someone express they don't like something? I suppose I'm asking for Reddit specific as content creators like Moobeat and Vandril already contribute meaningfully in different ways that aren't what I'm thinking of.

I mean generally I just think using examples and giving context is insanely helpful to get your point across. We will read a post in detail if it goes into the how and why behind an opinion. Posts like that definitely have a much higher chance to catch out attention than just "X champion is broken or X ability/mechanic is unhealthy for the game"


Originally posted by Excalidorito

Do Yasuo and Yone not hit the bar because they haven’t retained their banrates for a long enough time, or are the banrates not high enough? Obviously I understand if you can’t share that kind of info but I’m genuinely curious about the thought process behind Riot’s balancing decisions.

Oh and also thanks for the quick response, it’s super appreciated!

Because their banrate isnt high enough. For our internal data Zed has been within the range of 50% (back and forth between 1-2% above and below) for many patches, where as Yasuo/Yone are consistantly between 20-30% banrate, much lower.


Originally posted by JustJohnItalia

follow up question, do you guys have a "balance" framework for this aswell or is it more of an open discussion in your team?

Because obviously with each new champ release the ban pool dilutes, a champ was considered oppressive and banned a lot 4 years ago would have a considerable lower banrate today since we only have 5 bans after all

This frame work here covers it for the most part. We try to always use context (like you mentioned new champs likely to be more commonly banned the first few patches) but this serves as a general guideline: https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-balance-framework-update/

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We never said when it was coming out. The main reason Udyr is such a long dev cycle is because of his multiple forms. That makes not only base Udyr but ALL of his skins take way longer then a average champion. Combine that with the fact he also has a ultimate skin, and that's the main reason he is taking longer then most VGUs

18 Jan


Originally posted by Excalidorito


Sorry for the ping but I’m curious since we’re on the topic of feedback, design and perception, I’ve always been curious if player frustration is something Riot has tried to measure and if it plays any significant part in balancing.

There are a handful of champs (most notably Yasuo, Yone, Zed) that retain high banrates despite not having overperforming winrates. Is this something Riot considers as a frustration factor or do you look at it in a different light?

I think the best way we capture player frustration is through direct banrate. For example when Samira retained a high banrate on release despite her tuning being within reasonable bands, we looked at design things to change and ended up removing her E dash working on allies, which ended up helping her a lot in the banrate. For Zed, his banrate was the reason behind his nerf. If his banrate remains high despite being in a weak/tuned state, we are going to likely continue to make tuning or design changes aimed at reducing frustration. We would and will do the same for champions that consistently have a high banrate for a long time. Worth nothing that Yasuo and Yone do not hit that bar, nor are they particularly close.


Originally posted by DoorHingesKill


However, by the end of Patch 12.1, players have already acclimated to the changes

Is that so.

Can you elaborate to us what changes happened to Lulu in 12.1, changes to which Lulu players then acclimated and climbed back up?

The power of acclimatization also benefitted Vayne I suppose.

And Akshan

And Blitzcrank, naturally.


Jinx, of course.



Vex, though that ...

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I will say, we do browse reddit (obviously, hi) and we do really find a lot of the feedback given here to be valuable regarding design, player perception, etc. For balance, I don't think it is more or less about whether they are valuable or not, its more that the data being used in these posts are just wrong, as you pointed out. We use our internal data which is going to be the most accurate towards what we are looking for. Websites that use our API often splice our data in certain ways that simply makes it less accurate towards what we are looking for when we are trying to balance the game.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Can we get a breath and depth graph for the current poll candidates?

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TreeKeeper15

Hey Reav3 are you feeling better?

yes, im back at work now thank you. Spent a week in the hospital but Im mostly recovered now.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by bz6

Hello /u/Reav3

Hope you’re well, quick question.

Any more complex champions on the horizon? Aphelios is a masterpiece and I hope something like that is in the works.

The Jungler is definitely going to me more on the complex side of things. Not like Aphelios though


Originally posted by Dem0n1k

But communism simply can’t work. It is an amazing idea but in practice who funds the police? If there are no police who stops crime?

I'm sorry, but I can't educate you on all of this. Like I said, I would advise you look into more formal educational material. The only - and last - thing I'll mention on that point in particular is that:

  • There are an awful lot of things that are illegal that probably should not be that fall under crimes.
  • Most people who commit crime do not commit crime because they want to commit crime.
  • The police do not stop crime. The police apprehend suspects before a community panel. You do not stop crime by increasing police (in fact, there is some evidence that an increased police presence correlates with increased crime rates). You decrease crime by reducing the reason for people to want to commit crime.

Originally posted by bz6

Could’ve been WAY more disruptive though. More items like Anathemas Chains are needed in LoL.


Yup, I agree with that. I think the scope was very hard to understand because it was uncharted territory. I agree with Anathemas Chains being a really good item and I think our more recent additions are also pretty good! Gonna look to address more item pain points in the future hopefully!


Originally posted by Dem0n1k

I was merely pointing out that communism in practice is never fair. For example, it doesn’t reward talent or intelligence very much.

There are so many talented and intelligent people who are not rewarded by capitalism in practice. If the goal of the reward is to encourage innovation, perhaps a better way to encourage innovation would be to ensure that people have their meets met so that they are free to innovate and not have to worry about where their next rent payment will come from?

This is without considering that it would probably me more humane to structure society around keeping people healthy and happy and enjoying the fullness of their life, rather than making sure we extract the most value (usually for shareholders) from people.

17 Jan


Originally posted by frosthowler

I agree, I am not a big fan of that, it would be nice if there are no huge disruptions in the middle of the season. But they are being far too conservative in the offseason. Neither the item rework nor the drakes had much of any impact on the champions played in say mid in proplay.

So I disagree that the item rework was conservative nor that it had a low impact on pro champions. We saw a lot of shake-up especially early in the season. As for this season, it was intentional that we weren’t going as big in scope because of how large a preseason last year was.


Originally posted by Dem0n1k

How can communism work when it relies on people being honest and completely moral?

Unless you are someone who is fervently right-libertarian and believes that governments in the world right now are all corrupt, we already live in a world which relies on people being honest and moral. The profit incentive can guide certain things, but most of the worlds infrastructure exists not because of the profit incentive but because it was required.

And this is without getting into the fact that you do not need to be honest or moral for people to collaborate in order to further their shared interests. People need to eat, drink, be housed etc. Funnily enough, those last three things aren't even necessarily provided for in some governments, so it's hard to see how "communism won't work because we can't trust people!" is a valid argument when basic necessities aren't met when not practicing communism due to what appears to be greed.

We all trust that politicians won't abuse their power, but they do. If you want a world in which you cannot trust anyone, ...

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Originally posted by Dem0n1k

Swain and noxus are in no way communist. However how is capital judged? Are people going to be removed from ancestral homes or simply recieve no wealth in return when redistribution occurs. This would force them to sell said home. The ideals of communism are great but it does not work in practice. Who judges what people need? It is unfair in every instance it has occurred. Prove me wrong.

If you're looking for a place for political theory then r/lol isn't it, but I'll' give it a crack.

Your problem is coming from the perspective of looking at the world through the way it exists currently, and the idea that the world needs to continue existing in that way. That is, we have money, states, etc, now, so therefore any version of communism would necessarily need to include money and states.

However how is capital judged? Are people going to be removed from ancestral homes or simply recieve no wealth in return when redistribution occurs.

Capital is simply private (not to be confused with personal) property and money. If a state ceased to exist, there is no one to enforce laws against private property - that's what the police do. Current money probably loses m...

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