But you still haven't changed to Captain Gameplay on Reddit.
Can u change usernames?
But you still haven't changed to Captain Gameplay on Reddit.
Can u change usernames?
Being a community manager at riot must literally be either the best or worst job ever.
Somedays like April Fools everyone is memeing and having a great time, and other times you’re fighting for your life in a patch notes thread.
i'm a game designer on the SR team (responsible for everything gameplay after champ select and preseason), not a community manager. :)
i've got pretty thick skin, and an implicit understanding that when players are mad, they really just care a lot - and that when players make angry and incorrect statements, its a coping mechanism for their ability to reconcile their own failures that plays to my advantage as someone interested in their continued engagement.
What a banger MOTW to open the season. It's good to be back and it's awesome to see the content team at LEC still kicking ass :D LOVE YOU ALL
I think after 200 years; there’s been a serious narrative that Riot sees the community as apes in a casino.
arent we all just apes in a casino of life
I'm not sure how to get points for some things. An example is Sage, the very first challenge in the list. It says you get points in it by... earning points in it. If there was a 'sage' category it would make sense, but there isn't.
Sage is a capstone challenge and levels up by completing other challenges underneath the capstone.
If we come to the conclusion something is bad, we assess the priority to change or remove it.
What metrics would be looked at to help decide if a dragon change is ideal or not? Beyond user feedback I mean.
We're fielding a survey. It'll be a bit before we get results. The reddit and English-speaking social media backlash is clear, but that hasn't always meant players overall disliked a feature in the past.
(This does NOT mean that Reddit feedback is worthless, just that y'all are a subset of players and we want good data)
If we come to the conclusion something is bad, we assess the priority to change or remove it. as with everything in league.
While i personally am offended someone would suggest pride would impact my decisions, it should also be noted that pride in a game well made and players having fun would likely be the primary source of pride for a game dev.
Please do it 🥺 Im very curious on the champion design developments you guys made.
We have released shorter ones in the past! But doing one over time might be tricky since some champion design stuff takes years and years. Definitely something to pitch though! :D
Wait, August/people wanted to buff her more than this? Jesus.
She is overall unsuccessful and preseason ended up nerfing her. Just because an unpopular strong build exists doesn’t mean the champion can’t be buffed. At least I think it’s reasonable to approach the game that way.
I have to say I don't really get the Guldborg choice, glad to have gotten all the old cast back though.
That's fair, I can totally get behind that opinion. I still lack in some areas, but with that said I'm gonna make the most out of my shot and work hard to show I earn this spot, hopefully, show some of my qualities you can get behind along the road
Ok looking at it, I do wonder whats going on with Senna. Sunderer wasnt nerfed, was it? Why did Kraken suddenly overtake it.
Kraken has been her most popular build for at least the last eight months. It’s never been her strongest.
Eh, pre-preseason they were picked at similar rates and Conqueror lagged behind by half a percent point consistently. At that point, Lethal Tempo was still better. Nowadays its not though, and yeah, people are building him incorrectly.
Idk I explicitly Nocturne one-tricked the back half of 2021 and Conqueror seemed to always be higher any time I checked. Eh whatever.
Eh, not as much as youd think. Conqueror was only slightly worse on Noc, and only changed to about even. Lethal Tempo makes up for maybe .5% of the 4% he lost.
Conqueror was already better on Nocturne. People are just still choosing to build incorrectly.
Lmao, I just realised theyre buffing Nocturne. This is possibly the first time a champion is getting buffed simply because people insist on building them incorrectly. Just dont buy Axiom Arc and youll win a lot more.
Nocturne and Senna both :)
Many of us pushed very hard for stripping several of the potential Senna buffs. That said, players really do like playing her as crit, so getting her builds closer in power level is definitely important.
I personally love morde jungle. I started playing it right before his mini buff to his passive and was really stoked to read the patch notes a few weeks after investing into the champ.
Morde jungle is great. I'm having a blast playing him.
Ctrl F: "NFT"
No results
Today is a good day.
Why has the Jester not received his long long due VFX update than? :( He is the only one champ left from the original roster that still has His VFX from 2009. Zilean got one, Jax did, Malphite, Veigar, Cho anyone.
I'll just say that there are still plenty of champions we want to update VFXs for.
Thanks for finally responding.
But if that was the point of nerfing Shieldbow, then why was Quinn the only one who was specifically target nerfed BECAUSE of it. I think that's the problem Quinn players like myself are having. If Shieldbow was the problem, then why not just nerf the item instead of the champ itself? Instead, what happened was Quinn got her main ability and the one she maxes first completely kneecapped (-20% attack speed at max rank and one that you feel everytime you proc Harrier), then the problematic item nerfed afterwards. So she is double-nerfed and essentially in a worse spot than before Shiedbow ever became a problem. Why not just revert the 11.21 nerfs then now that problematic Shieldbow/Wit's End has been nerfed?
Personally, I think there's a fair argument to say Shieldbow could have been nerfed much sooner to avoid hitting champs and this sentiment of "riot special", even if it was correct per the data.
But more specifically, it was not just Quinn. Quinn's nerf was because her dominant build and role exceeded our winrate threshold with a large enough playrate (>54%). Basically, this is our metric saying, if this champ is in your game, its likely unfair.
We also nerfed many other shieldbow-dominant champs, Graves, Viego, Irelia, Aphelios Ashe, Varus are few that have had Shieldbow as their best item.
Samira's new to this list, same reason as the💨bros.
Okay, so then why doesn't Quinn get anything? She got hit just as hard as Samira/Yasuo/Yone did (3% WR drop, barely 49% WR in Diamond+ with a 1% playrate) with the Shieldbow nerfs, on top of being the only one of those three that was DIRECTLY nerfed (literally kneecapped her main ability by 20% AS) because of Shieldbow on patch 11.21.
And the frustrating thing is Riot refuses to communicate to anyone asking about Quinn's state. They refuse to share data, their reasoning as to why she apparently doesn't deserve to be given compensation buffs when she was the only one double-nerfed by these changes. Just like they refused to ever explain why Quinn was nerfed in the first place on 11.21. There's a reason why people meme that Quinn only got nerfed cause Riot Phlox got his ass handed to him by a Quinn as Volibear.
I'll chime in here, since there's a lot of assumptions being made.
Our data shows Quinn dropped 1% in Avg MMR and 0.5% in Skilled MMR. This puts her at ~49.5 and ~52 depending on your parameters.
Yes, Quinn is weaker if she builds Shieldbow. To be a bit blunt, that was the point of nerfing Shieldbow. Shieldbow champs were outperforming other champs.
Should Quinn be compensated because she lies between 50-52%? It's not a clear yes/no. However, she's in our mind a very viable-strong champion in the expected patch. On the other hand, champions that fall below 47/48% are usually notably weak. The champions that usually sit here without being buffed are notorious Pro Play champions (which is a while different discussion), like Azir, Aphelios, Ryze, and until recently Akali.
I agree, Quinn is a niche champion with a lower playrate than Yasuo and Yone. However, it's a very complex discussion to say that niche champions "deserve" to sit at higher winrates an...
Read moreThere is 1 more person besides you that does VFX updates?
I'm not the only one indeed!