weird that the focus is on chemtech soul, when most of the hate is for the chemtech map not the soul(although the soul is also awful and the entire dragon should be deleted)
The intention was to comment on both roughly equally. From the player perspective (or at least when I play), it's a very reasonable train of thought to see an enemy team have Chemtech soul, then have that also inform your opinion on Chemtech terrain (as it likely accentuates any feelings you previously had about it). This might make someone feel like "I hate everything about Chemtech", even if the thoughts you had about Chemtech terrain were mild (or vice versa if you hated the terrain, but thought the soul was mild).
Some players are able to abstract the differences between the two & some are not, which is why I used the words "may also contribute". Every player is different and I don't want to do the disservice of lumping all players' frustrations into the same general bucket. Some players may dislike or like certain aspects for different reasons. The fact that Chemtech Soul is overpowered is also not helping, and why we're nerfing it this patch. (We have a special tool ...
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