League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 Jan


Originally posted by Dem0n1k

Communist means equality 😂😂😂😂😂. That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard. No communist does NOT mean equality. You can have racist communist countries and sexist communist countries. It just means state run really. Communism is centred around violent revolution. After that it falls apart and usually ends up in dictatorship. This does not mean I support a monastic society but had to point out the sheer bs of this statement

Communism is the idea of a flat society with goods distributed based on need rather than on capital. It is a stateless ideology. "Equality" in communism is more closely related to equality in terms of capital - Wealth disparities, essentially.

"Communism means state run" doesn't really match up with what the political theory posits. one of the central tenets of communism is 'The withering away of the state' - the idea that the state does not need to exist in an actualised communist world. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Withering_away_of_the_state.

Noxus has no desire for the state to wither away; it is an expansionist military empire, primarily attempting to obtain arable land. They demand loyalty to the state from their subjects. It is an empire with a military dictatorshi...

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    /u/unso on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by wolfclaw3812

Cameraman either got inted by a Zoe or smashed by one in their last promos


16 Jan

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Penguin_Quinn

Are you able to answer any of the questions about Quinn?
The complete silence is more concerning than a straightforward answer like lack of interest on the last poll or you don't have an idea of where to take her anymore.
Even if it's just acknowledging that she still exists

Yeah I always throw a wild card on the list to gauge community interest. A lot of people ask about a Quinn VGU so I threw it on to see how many votes she would get. She didn’t really get enough to put her on again this year. I put Kog up as the wildcard this year. Their is still interest internally for a Quinn VGU at some point though.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Arcaedium

Hey Reav3, does the unique botlaner come out before the void jungler or after? The video makes it seem like the void jungler is first but on the recap video she's mentioned last and I have seen people claim the botlaner is first.

Anyway have a nice day and hope you're recovering well!

It’s support > Jungler > botlaner > Udyr right now. Of course we won’t release things until they are ready so that order is subject to change

    /u/unso on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Synrise

The camera man must've lost his last promos to a Zoe lmao.

I did, she deserves it !


Originally posted by ConscienceNot

V i e g o

Viego is literally a monarch


Originally posted by Kyriios188

u/ovedius your alt account is a bit too obvious

Hahahaha seems I was found out xD


Originally posted by MegaFatcat100


Sylas is closer to anarchist than communist IMO, references to Marx notwithstanding. not that the two are mutually exclusive.

Of the roster, Sylas is definitely the closest. Anarchism is all about dismantling unjust hierarchies and taking direct action - it's hard to argue that Sylas' killing of Jarvan III isn't propaganda of the deed.


Originally posted by Egg-mont

wow, kevin left us?

he's still here in spirit. and also, as my manager.


Originally posted by qpc0

I'm glad they picked up Guldborg as permanent talent, he works really well on the desk.

You and me both hahaha, happy to hear that


Originally posted by LazerFruit

Both i think

It's for sure both he's a titan.


Originally posted by ErikThe

MarkZ’s killing it on the cast.

He's my favourite deputy.


Originally posted by windowplanters

He also said Ziggs doesn't scale.

Yo do people really not understand that scaling is relative?

Champions have a power level. Either a champion is broken OP and they're the best at every stage of the game (or dogsh*t) or they have relative strengths and weaknesses. This should not be a controversial statement. Either a champion is imbalanced or balanced.

Ziggs is inarguably amazing early game. No one can match his wave clear. No one can 1v2 like him. No one takes turret plates like him. No one gets first turret like him. By any reasonable measure, Ziggs is among the best, if not the single best, early game bot laner in the game.

Now, again, I ask you: Is Ziggs broken OP or does he have strengths and weaknesses?

If your argument is "Ziggs is just the best champion at all stages in the game" then I guess that can be your opinion. Otherwise, if we live in a reality where Ziggs is the best early game champion in the game but also relatively balanced overall (we do) then his weaknesses MUS...

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So cool, loved it and would watch that anime


Originally posted by Pretender98

bruh phreak was saying that gp is not a scalling champ...

Let's be really clear about terminology here:

A scaling pick is a champion (like Kayle, who everyone agrees is a scaling pick) who is weak in the early game but comes online later.

Gangplank is a lane bully with incredibly early access to supporting cross-map plays (by 6 minutes in a 30+ minute game, seems pretty early tbh). He also has a reasonable mid and late game. In what way does that make him a champion who is weak early but comes online later? He can crossmap you before Herald even spawns. Pre-herald is DEFINITELY still early game.

Just because your lategame exists does not mean you're a scaling pick. Some champions (like Gangplank) are relatively flat throughout the game.

So to measure scaling, we're not saying "has power in the mid game or late game" we are measuring the difference between their early game and late game. We are, for example, measuring level 11 power vs level 16 power. Kassadin? Kayle? Scaling picks. Get them to 16. Get them ...

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Originally posted by Ap_Sona_Bot


f*ck YEAH LET'S GO CLG!!!!!


Originally posted by IronHardstuck

Oh, never expected to see Preak of all people. If you have that kind of data, obviously, your word is final, honestly if I could dive deep into kind of statistics you have I would be happy but I don't have that kind of access.

I think I used wrong words and what I meant by my post is lost. I will be collecting data and try to formulate a much more "cleaner" version.

It's more that it's pretty much impossible to disentangle soul vs. already-winning without doing more work.

You can get somewhat close. For example, oracleselixir.com has a winrate calculator that just crunches through pro data and tries to solve for gold leads vs. dragon leads vs. souls, etc.

You can't measure just dragon soul by itself, but you can look at what % of games are won with Dragon Soul and compare that with gold leads and get there by crunching through more variables.


Originally posted by Bargainking77

(Sorry late reply) I think 1v1 matchup data can certainly be useful to answer those types of "champion vs. champion" questions. I think the answers to those questions definitely provides some utility. I imagine pros are usually correct predictors of that already, but there are almost certainly cases where the common sentiment is incorrect and those stats can help expose that.
Though the question I really am curious about is "If I pick this champion in the current draft state, how will it impact the probability that we win?" and that's probably not a realistically answerable question. However I'd be interested if it would be possible to answer questions like "If I'm running a poke comp, what is the best top laner to include?". I can imagine a model that categorizes the team comp based on champions, and then compares win-rates based on top laner. I don't think that would be easy (feasible, maybe?), but that kind of information on the synergy between champions could be really int...

You can't perfectly test comp vs. comp because there are just too many permutations, but you can just pretend each interaction is just a pairwise "AD+Supp" / "AD+Mid" / "AD+Jungle" and so on. You'll end up getting pretty close I think.

And there's no way a player's intuition is going to do better than a robot that crunches through each matchup and gives you a 10-champion short list of good picks for current comps.

15 Jan


We will have an update on this a little before the next event.


Originally posted by Jozoz

Reading between the lines of that post, I got the impression that Riot scrapped the idea.

Just want to be clear - the "Apply a global 20% damage modifier" version of that work was never going to ship. It was a useful, informative playtest that uncovered two major findings: (1) that we believe there's a better version of the game where we have reduced overall damage outcomes, and (2) here are some of the places we need to account for when we look for a shippable implementation.

The list of findings I posted was not a list of fatal objections or reasons why we would never do this; it was a list of the kinds of challenges we need to be ready to overcome while doing it.

We are currently at the step of actually doing that nuanced work - finding the good version, getting it ready to ship, and making sure we are ready to account for the impact of it.