Pick rate and mained role are different though. These are not pick rate statistics.
This is the rate of Primary role pick rate
Pick rate and mained role are different though. These are not pick rate statistics.
This is the rate of Primary role pick rate
Oh btw, mid might be the most picked secondary role to get primary role everytime. Does your internal system take this into account for example? How does it work exactly anyway?
You can't just say yours data is different without giving any context. I bet other Rioters also saw this post and decided to say nothing because probably they don't know how their internal system works unless the ones who structured it.
This is strictly for Primary role
whoever names the items in league is doing a fantastic job when we are just taking it for granted
Phlox names all the Ornn items. Go bombard his twitter with thanks.
Are you looking at all games including normals or is that just for ranked as well?
This is just Ranked Solo/Duo
Are you able to provide some insights ?
There are some differences between MMR but generally it's Mid by a mile>Top=AD>JG>Supp in terms of pick rate
This data is very far off from our internal data FYI.
Beautifully performed!
Sorry bro, she just loves attaching to me these days, not like I can force her off yknow? She's staying the entire lane phase over at my place top, her healing skills are just insane, says she never had to heal such a big healthbar before haha. Must suck having her heal me in front of you when I 1v5 the entire enemy team while you're sitting in the back getting beat up by assassins. Don't worry, I'll let her come back to you for a bot gank every once in a while, I'm a nice guy and trust she's got plenty of mana to go around ;)
Geez what a cursed comment. Made me double check that I was in the right subreddit. I think that’s enough internet for me today…
And this is why LeBlanc is banned in all of my games. Great play!
incredible work!
Who deserves buffs the most and why is it teemo
If token gain indeed nerfed (yet another time) this might be my last battle pass/event I'm buying for league. It was a chore as it is where I had to play every single day for couple of hours for a month. I just don't have enough time/energy to grind that much.
I’ll reiterate that the goal of these changes is not to nerf the experience of earning tokens in Event Passes. All of our internal simulations on actual player data during events (across all modes) showed that this change would leave most players with either the exact same or slightly better earn rates for tokens.
For full transparency, TFT AFK farming will be hit substantially, which is intended. We don’t want people feeling like they have to play other modes in a suboptimal way to progress our passes. Data shows that this is a very small number of people, but we want to discourage the behavior entirely.
Without getting into too much detail, after Night / Dawn 2019 (and post Dark Star 2020 revert), the rate at which players earn tokens is substantially higher thanks to the change to weekly wins (instead of dailies) and an overall small increase in net token earn rate. Some players may still feel like that wasn’t enough, but all of the data points to players gettin...
Read moreI like how he never responded to your rebuttal.
Was asleep.
'I certainly meant no respect' is the best Freudian typo ever here
Yeah, oof. 😐
Great post and analysis! I honestly want to say we DO want the event tokens to be the same progression rate as before.
I know that players of reddit don't believe me when I say this, but the event changes are NOT designed to stealth Nerf token gains. If it turns out earning rates are worse off for legitimate players, we will absolutely adjust!
Follow-up question: if you run your simulation again with 600 points for the token bank and 30 tokens per payout, what results do you get?
I'm really disappointed in this reply.
I've been playing League since early beta. I'm 35 with a young kid and an intense career. I really enjoy CoOp as League is one of my favorite games but CoOp is the only format that is low stakes enough for me to reliably be able to play it anymore (both psychologically and practically). This change essentially means the passes are no longer an interesting purchase for me.
I understand that CoOp is not a priority for the team, but there are a lot of people that enjoy it. I'm sure your own metrics attest to that. Not everyone in there is simply there to grind. Being relegated to second-class citizen status after spending years in League (not to mention thousands of dollars) and then having a Rioter make this post is pretty lame, I must admit.
I certainly meant no respect to coop-vs-ai players. I can absolutely see how that comes across, but I was asking the OP if they enjoyed playing those 30 games, or were they doing just for faster event progress?
Either way, it certainly does read as a really lame post. Please accept my full apology.
Care to elaborate?
It's an unfortunate downside of the way repeating missions (and mission chains today) work, which we hope to address at some point in the future, but to say this is a hidden nerf is a little disingenuous.
In today's system, you get 5 tokens for an SR loss, whether 20 mins or 45 mins, but we tune our token values around a 30 minute SR average. So, a 45 min game is essentially 15 mins of token progress "not carried over".
Other benefits of the new token bank mission: hyperroll and double up are included. All game modes (URF/Ultbook etc) and ARAM now progress at the same rate as SR.
I shall repeat, I really want points to carry over from 1 mission to the next. It's just not something we can do right now.
So now i need 100+ games of coop instead of 30 to finish the the orb mission, not to even mention the other missions, and the system isn't even better for the people playing regular games. How f**king disgusting.
Honestly, did you enjoy playing 30 games of coop vs AI?
You're misunderstanding. I'm speaking relative to how previous passes worked.
For example let's use the play 30 games mission.
With the previous system ARAM took about 570 minutes of in game time to complete this (30 games x 19 minute average). Now it takes ARAM players ~47 games to meet the higher 900 minute requirement.
SR doing that same mission previously took 900 minutes (30 games x 30 minutes), so this is unchanged here. This is why a Rioter is only lying by omission saying that it won't take longer for most players. Yes, most players played SR. But this still is just a nerf to other modes being reframed.
The change is being billed as "everyone will spend the same amount of time" which is true, but the amount of time needed is the previous slowest mode. The only people who benefit were outliers who consistently ran long games (and lost more).
I also want to point out that if our tuning now rests in an unfavorable place due to more people than expected feeling forced to grind TFT or ARAM previously, we will re-tune.