League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

11 Dec


Originally posted by Icy_Locations

First off I appreciate the response! I just have one more question, isn't ADC the role meant to deal with the tanks? If GP can one shot squishies AND kill tanks, whats the downside to playing him? I'm not being obstinate, just curious. He does well in lane last time I checked as well, but I could be off on that.

In general, melee champions tend to have either poor target access (fighters) or poor sustained damage (assassins). Gangplank is certainly a bit of a special child, but I'd consider him a caster. Technically he has a melee auto-attack but he's really all about Q/E/R for damage and occasionally autos things when he's forced to, but you're not going to see him right-clicking a Lux any time soon.

So as a mage, yeah he's a bursty boy with decent target access and a big unreliability problem via barrels. If he hits the barrel chains or does a 5Head setup, then he's going to be rewarded. But the oneshot builds have at most Trinity Force or Shieldbow for durability so that champion isn't much more durable than the Ashe he's killing.

Gangplank's weakness is that he doesn't actually win all that often. ~48% win rate. So as much as he has really high points, it's sort of a montage problem: Sometimes he oneshots and looks like the best champion in the game. But that isn't happ...

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Originally posted by jfly517

Also, when fid goes through hex portal it will spawn like 4000 of his passive on the other side

Was fixed this patch!


Originally posted by Brain_Tonic

There is a universe where the fix is to make the meeps always targetable.

Not this universe


Originally posted by Barb0ssaEUW

The defensive options for Marksman champions are slim, and even items like Shieldbow do not ensure sufficient survivability in team fights (the longer the match continues). As a Master ADC, I can not even remember the last time I bought Maw or Mecurial (except mainly on Ezreal), rarely GA; just because of the fact how the current items restrict you to build those items without stunting your scaling (Zeal items are also underwhelming except maybe PD). That is why Marksman mainly build BT as a sort of defensive option, for the lifesteal/shield (yet, Assassins just have to build Fang to counter our shields lol); but also to reach the 100% crit.

ADCs also have been really neglected over the last seasons, they had small patches here and there, big adjustments for Aphelios, Senna or Jinx, but overall, the role has not really benefitted from fundamental changes to tackle core issues (although it was in a certain way intended). But all of those core issues still exist, or became w...

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I think allowing Marksmen to take a DPS hit to ramp survival would be a good thing as a frustration outlet. I agree Scimitar and Maw feel bad. That said, Wit’s End is still exceptional.

But regardless bot laners don’t need to switch to another role. Marksmen dominate the overall power level of bot lane. There are like four champions that can compete with the entire crew of marksmen down there.


Originally posted by kakaleyte

In general fed carries should oneshot squishies, yes but how? With just a E+Q combo as Lux in the video or should she also use her ultimate at least? LUL

Btw, let's not forget that Lux is an old champion and her kit is already uncreative. If you land your Q, it's guaranteed to land rest of her abilities. She is gonna oneshot Ashe even if she had to use her R but this kind of gameplay is nonbalanceable in modern League.

Seems pretty balanceable to me. There exist numbers where her win rate hits 50%. She’s extremely popular and her ban rate is usually very low when her winrate is fair (she’s currently OP). Seems like a solid champion design to me. Fountain dives notwithstanding, just dodge the Q. It’s more counter-play than most damage champions give you. Champions are allowed to be reliable.


Originally posted by Leichenstrand

idk Phreak, u played that game longer than I did but u seem to have forgotten that tanks should be durable against "carries" with unreliable DPS, or am I wrong?

Maybe we can soon return to the Rock-Paper-Scissor system that League used to be and not have "fed" carries literally destroy everything in their eyesight

Show me a Rengar that can win a teamfight by going through the Leona first and I’ll show you a team that already had a 90% winrate from their gold lead.

Show me a split pusher that can’t threaten a side lane against Ornn and I’ll show you a tank meta.

Assassins can’t kill tanks fast. But being unable to scratch them is not something you actually want.


Originally posted by eoR13

Not to mention that ekko’s job isn’t to kill tanks. What kinda logic is “if they can’t one shot squishy’s how are they supposed to kill tanks”. Assassins have burst they aren’t meant to kill tanks.

Ok let’s keep going then: if fed Ekko can’t kill squishies quickly when ahead why ever pick Ekko? Seriously what damage numbers do you need to give the champion for 2 maxed abilities and 600 AP and Lich Bane to not meaningfully threaten 1500 hp and 42 mr? Why build a Deathcap when the AP ratios are 0.15. Why pick the champion at all when the base damages are all 190?

The point still stands that marksmen are very viable. The point still stands that marksmen have the same average durability as mages. What one-shots Ashe also one-shots Syndra. Vayne is currently the single best ban in the game. Outside of Yasuo and very specific single-champion duos there are no strong farming melee champions in bot lane.

Assassins and burst champions one-shotting squishy champions is healthy for the game.


Originally posted by Era555

Thanks for letting him know he's allowed to sleep.

Thanks I’m headed to bed now. Good night!


Originally posted by Icy_Locations

What's your stance on this?

In general if fed carries can’t oneshot squishies how are they meant to kill tanks? Like yeah your tactical gameplay is completely shot when you’re Ashe here but also if AP Ekko doesn’t actually obliterate you with Deathcap Lichbane Rocketbelt Void, then why even bother building anything but tank on him?

I’m back to playing bot lane this season and so far I’ve never felt like any of my deaths are unreasonable. Fed assassins do hella damage. Good. Otherwise they’re not viable.

In this exact case I’m not sure a new mechanic like 50% damage reduction in the fountain would be an improvement to the game. Maybe. But the game is already over when you start getting fountain snipes so just let them have the high point.


Originally posted by tltwatwitme

last death was avoidable he just had to sell all his items and stack mr and hp /s

I don't think hp/s was going to do it for him. He died in like .1 seconds.


Originally posted by Skwiw

Nice. Much thank!

Submitted a volume adjustment that brings tones down the Auto Attack On Cast and On Hit sound, as well as the W proc sound! I think it'll update on PBE sometime within 1-2 days.

10 Dec


Oh dear.... Noted, thank you!


Originally posted by Traditional_Lemon

Wouldn't she be a poisonous deer, since she doesn't inject anything into you?

I thought poisonous was if you eat it ?


Originally posted by Skwiw

The only Gnar skin I actually like the look of!

My one small problem with the skin is that the aa and Q boomerang sounds are seemingly quite loud. Would you, please, consider lowering their volume a bit? I am a big fan of the quiet whooshing sounds the Super Galaxy Gnar autos make (I don't really the thematic of the skin though). Autos and the boomerang are used all the time and as such I can see the noise become truly annoying - for the player and the enemy.

Sincerely, a Gnar main.

Thank you for the feedback! I'm the sound designer who worked on the Gnar's SFX. I'll adjust the volume so it matches Base's volume. :)


Originally posted by Kinkyyuumi

To Romain : Will we be lucky enough to see you on stage again this year, this time dressed as a samurai?

Hello KinkyYuumi. If there is a stage, there will be cosplay !

09 Dec


Originally posted by Nameless_One_99

When it comes to in-game knowledge and the way you deliver that knowledge I think your casting is top-notch among all tier 1 esports casters.

Sadly I do feel the LEC in general, and not just you, bog downs the broadcast with way too much "narrative" especially around G2 and FNC. And I'm probably not the main audience anymore since the LEC is growing but my patience for that kind of narrative has run out.

I still enjoy your cast a lot when it's not G2/FNC or on international games, great job at Worlds.

Perfectly reasonable opinion mate


Originally posted by Xhalo

especially on Fnatic or G2 games when I'm told to put a larger focus on them

As an NA viewer, the LEC bias for these two teams always seemed insane and it sounds like you are confirming the LEC pushes the casters to talk about it.

inb4 quickshot USUPERS OF THE THRONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's not as simple as "The LEC forces casters to" it's more like we get new viewers all the time who have never even heard of these teams, so we're encouraged to talk about their history for sure. They're also two fan favourites, so a lot of fans just want to hear a lot about them. It's never as simple as "The lec made me!! :(" Ultimately as casters we can say what we want so it's on us at the end of the day. People will always disagree on what is too much though, that just won't ever change


I think a lot of the feedback here is valuable.

I do want to point out that the Q travel time change (while slightly better for being aggressive), makes peel/disruption much better for the Janna player, where the Live version is pretty inconsistent.

There's definitely some parts of power that are being drawn from, but overall there's still a lot of skill expression added with August's changes beyond just spamming your E.


Originally posted by Accomplished_Ad_2321

Man I like you, but you're the most biased caster in the LEC. By far. Just any game with Fnatic and G2 is the same story with you. On and on about how big of a favorites they are and how much the other team will have to fight for it and even when the other team is somehow stronger at the moment we must not forget it's still Fnatic yadayada etc...

And it's cool, I get it, those are legendary teams and many people support those teams, but you're blowing it out of proportion and it's difficult listening to the desk when the desk is clearly not being impartial. The LEC isn't Worlds, you have to at least try to be impartial.

It's alright though, you don't need to take any of this as valid criticism. I'm using my mute button liberally anyway.

I think it's perfectly fine for you to not enjoy my casting. I also think it's fine if you think I overdo narratives, especially on Fnatic or G2 games when I'm told to put a larger focus on them. As they are historic orgs, during downtime it wouldn't surprise me if I often relied on their extensive history to fill time if there aren't many things to focus on in the moment. It's not my place to tell you what is too much or too little as casting is ultimately subjective, people have their favourites and their dislikes and what they see as too much to too little is up to you.

The only thing I wanted to challenge was bias. I have no affinity or favoritism towards either of these teams. In fact, it's much better for the league when they lose. I was really happy that MAD won back to back splits, I care about the success of the LEC as a whole and the more competitive teams we have, the better! Feel free to be as liberal with your mute button as you want, you should do whatever giv...

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