League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

13 Dec


Originally posted by Skwiw

Great to hear (pun half intended).
Judging from the Skin Spothlight video, the mini Gnar Q On Hit is also quite loudish. I see you have done an analysis of the sfx's volume, so I trust you deemed it not out of line. Maybe the linked video exaggerates the effect. It may also be the case that the sound is more harsh than the kinda mellow base sound and for this reason I perceive it differently.

Yup! Q hit is also loud + a bit more harsh, it should sound a lot more soother to listen to now.

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Originally posted by TreeKeeper15

Is the plan still to release it before the end of the year? As far as I know Riot is on break from this point onwards and I wasn't really expecting anything else to come out but I would be happy to be wrong.

Yes, it will be out this week


Originally posted by Hellioning

Fiora or Camille, maybe. I don't think Pantheon wants that much attack speed.

Oh I thought we were talking about Maw. Yeah, nah Wit's doesn't fit the more caster-focused ones.


Originally posted by Nibz11

It's only compelling if the items that can be damage and durability at the same time do less damage than just damage items and have less durability than items that are just durability.

Sure, of course. OP items break the principles of choice.


Welcome to League! If you can find 4 other people that love the game the way you do, playing as 5 in League is one of the best experiences you can have, in any game ever. (I swear I’m not biased.)

My best advice is to just enjoy the game for what it is that you love about it and not try to rush anything because someone else tells you to. The game is beautiful for all types of players no matter where they live, who they are, or how they like to play.

I’m excited for your journey. It will surely be a long and sensational one.


Originally posted by mogadichu

It's not necessarily the case that raw stats have gone up, but more that everyone has a bunch of hidden damage and squishier now.

Let's compare Lux in the last clip to season 7 for reference. Since season 7, duo lane xp has been nerfed twice, which means Ashe would probably have been one level higher at that point. The difference between level 14 and level 15 is about 100hp.

On top of that, runes reforged meant that you no longer have 9 armor + 12 magic resist per game. Accounting for the mr/lvl compensation buff, Ashe would have had (12 - 0.5 * 14 = 5) more magic resist at level 14.

At 3 items, Lux would most likely have had Morello, Ludens and Deathcap, compared to the Ludens, Horizon, and Deathcap she had in this game (I'm ignoring the void staff component for simplification, but it just makes the problem worse). ...

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Thanks for doing this. There are a few other consideration to give, though, which include Lux's flat MPen Marks and AP Quints from 2017.

But yeah, this probably does line up with mages being more lethal than before.


Originally posted by streyer

is it really a fighter item? cause it seems the main champions that built wits end were all Ranged and melee adcs (and irelia but she is basicly a melee adc like yasuo/yone now)

Stat line (edit: for Maw) seems like exactly what Pantheon or Fiora or Camille would like. Don't see why it's not a fighter item.

12 Dec


Originally posted by kakatudeka

could objective bounties have something to do with it? Longer games means happier vaynes

That’s a decent idea. Late game champions are almost certainly buffed when there suddenly exists new comeback mechanics.


Originally posted by St3fanenku

"They" wtf you can just go on Slack and ask them to consider that ??

I can. But there’s only so much I’m willing to spam them. They’re certainly aware that Maw isn’t good. But fighters are currently fine and probably don’t need a buff vs. mages at the moment.


Originally posted by VWVWVWVWVWVWVWVWVV

I guess the question is Wits a resistance item or an offensive item. We run into trouble when things are good in multiple roles. I'd argue maybe slight increase in offensive stats and an increased MR cut would more clearly define the item.

It’s a fighter item. Fighter items are cool in that they go for damage and durability on one axis at a time. I think their itemization is compelling.


Originally posted by mogadichu

But isn't there a difference between a fed Ekko using his entire combo to kill someone, and GP landing one barrel? I remember back in the day, a GP landing a crit barrel meant that you had to recall or lifesteal back up, not literally get obliterated. Sure, Saber could have built Shieldbow, so that's on him, but the whole reason Shieldbow is so needed in the first place is because a gust of wind kills you nowadays. Is it really right that Lux oneshot him with just Q and E? A few seasons ago, she would have needed to invest her ult, or at least an auto attack.

To be fair Gangplank landing a barrel is literally every offensive cooldown he has save ultimate. And I’m most cases it’s 2-3 charges of E and winning the barrel timing vs. his opponents.

Citation needed for Lux. If you think damage has gone up then prove it. Which items did Lux buy and where are her bases and ratios compared to [pick a year]? That’s kinda the beauty of these arguments: you can irrefutably prove how damage output has changed and you have all the available data.

As I said earlier, I’ve done this for support and it’s been downward. IDK where it’s gone for other roles but you can look it up.


Originally posted by Phemeth

I honestly do not understand the distaste for Maw, it is 109% gold efficient with base stats alone (for comaprison right now wits end pre nerf is 106% gold efficient) it has good stats and a decent build path with Hexdrinker and a couple of daggers into a Warhammer.

The only serious complain you could have is it shares the lifeline passive of shieldbow and sterak, but besides that it's a great item on its own.

Even the build that might not seem much after getting the hexdrinker, it needs only another 1500g and gives you +25 MR, +30 AD, +15 AH, which is 1900g of stats alone and empowers the passive.

I'm not saying it's better then Wit's End which has better synergy with on-hit builds and gives more dps due to AS component, but it's far better then people seem to think

Basically it appears to be strictly inferior to its two replacements:

Wit's is a better dueling item than Maw and though it gives less burst survivability (200 + 20% max health shield on an item with no health), gives far more damage for winning that duel in the first place.

Sterak's Gage gives a similar amount of baseline durability and damage (50 AD, 500 hp vs. 50 MR), the shields are of similar size (100+8-40% max hp vs. 200+20% max hp), but Sterak's blocks all damage and gives regen of up to 1% max hp / sec. So Sterak's definitely just does more, even in many anti-mage cases.

I agree that Maw isn't definitively trash in isolation but you can't buy Maw and Sterak's or Maw and Shieldbow, so you'd rather buy one of those plus a Wit's End.


Originally posted by YouSoVayne

Usually, when Vayne is broken, it isn't because she herself is OP but everyone else is garbage in comparison.

Lucian, MF, Jhin, Draven, and Cait all used to be awful match ups for me. These days? Its pretty much only Jhin you see bot.

And remember when Rageblade was every 2 autos? THAT is when Vayne was truly broken, but even then, the item was what broke her and not her kit. 6 autos would do 42% true damage, instead of the normal 28%.

Vayne is actually quite balanced, the game? Not so much. I haven't had a difficult laning phase with Vayne since season 8. All of her lane counters are garbage now. Vayne is pretty much the same she's been for years. Biggest problem is there is no one to make Vayne's lane hard now.

The game as a whole, and new items/runes, are the issue here. Delete Shieldbow from the game, I bet Vayne's WR drops to 49-50% again. If not lower.

Vayne is pretty easy to deal with. I peaked at low Plat, and I ra...

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Vayne gained 1% wr from the preseason changes. I couldn't tell you exactly what it was (it wasn't Lethal Tempo, PtA had a similar rise in win rate) that caused it.

So certainly something changed around her that isn't just a better keystone. Could just be that games are looser because it's preseason and Vayne loves a fiesta. Could be that the champion pool around her is beneficial. Nami and Lucian, both champions who have good matchups into Vayne, have gotten less popular in pre-season but I don't think that's enough to explain the effect.


Originally posted by LezBeHonestHere_

It's super annoying how they keep removing Negatron from every build path. Riot games REALLY hates this component. I can't think of a component item they hate more over the years. It must be intended to be unusable apparently, because building it is seen as "abuse" by riot.

TBH they should consider just making it a bit smaller like what happened with Giant's Belt. Made it fit into a few more builds and right now it's pretty reliably a, "Hey I'm an AP bruiser, I bet I can buy a Giant's Belt and it turns into something good."

Would like to see all the clear MR-focused tank items build from Negatron and find a way to resize things around that. Offensive items can build from Null Magic.


Originally posted by F0RGERY

50 MR is the same MR as Negatron cloak. In fact, of the three items that build out of Negatron, only FoN gives more MR than it.

That would be fine... if those 3 items weren't also in the top 5 MR items. Right now a Negatron Cloak alone gives more MR than Spirit Visage or Abyssal Mask, and the same MR as Maw, all of which are supposed to be the MR items.

Including Abyssal Mask in that list is a bit of a lie of omission though, isn't it? It's 37-65 in any reasonable fight. It certainly can be lower but can also be much higher.

Anyway, personally I feel like ~45-50 is a decent spot for a resistance item, generally speaking. I think it's important that a significant portion of the item power is in raw health.

And Maw is trash, sadly.

Originally posted by Caenen_

And you will make it so Urgot does not shoot from the location of the missile when he is unable to attack, right.


Who can know these things

Originally posted by Caenen_

I explained how it's set to work right now, not that it's intended to create these interactions. Obviously the Hexgate is visually much different than the actual background interaction:

  • Visually: You channel then it spawns a particle that travels to the exit portal, when it arrives you appear.

  • Technical: You channel then become untargetable and hidden from the renderer and teleport to the exit hexgate. You are given a spell to decide your 'landing location' near the hexgate exit further. After a delay when the blue particle arrives, you become targetable and visible again.

and the technical side is just how they happen to manage your character while they are "inside" the hexgate and can most easily attach your camera and a cast indicator on them (though that can be done differently aswell, but usually in game dev a certain simplicity is key), but not how you're supposed to "think" of the effect as a typical player ofc. So Urgot sh...

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yea right now its an instant tp then hide until the missile arrives. it will eventually be a move along with the missile

11 Dec


Originally posted by kakaleyte

There exist numbers where her win rate hits 50%

I don't think 50% is balanced without a context. Lux is a fairly easy champion to play. Players don't have to spam her to maintain their performance on her and random pickers can also have a quite easy time playing her. So her win rates should hit higher than 50% to be considered balanced.

According u.gg her all ranks win rates on patch 11.23:

53.28% 52.46%

She is not OP, contrarily "balanced" now. That's because of recent trends in League. I don't think 50% WR Akali is balanced.

Lux is:

  1. Extremely popular. More players play Lux than most other champions.
  2. Fairly deeply invested in. The average Lux pilot has more games "behind the wheel" than most other champions on the Rift in her games.

She's certainly stronger than the average champion right now. Maybe less frustrating, but certainly more successful.


Originally posted by I_AM_A_MOTH_AMA

I hope it was restful.

I feel pretty good, thanks!


Originally posted by Leichenstrand

No idea what point you are trying to make exactly, but the comment I replied to contained a real Riot like bandaid fix where you want to give fountain 50% damage reduction in response to Lux oneshotting the Ashe with just Q-E

Do you not ever felt like the game could need a little tone down in the damage department? Every game I play is decided by one player getting completely blown up because he was out of position, and it doesnt matter if its a squishy carry or a durable tank, they just die in a matter of 1-3 seconds.

Now you could say it was the same in Season 3/4/5 whatever, the key difference is that shit happened back then in like ultra late game and I think thats reasonable so the game doesnt get dragged out for an eternity.

But right now people get blown up as early as minute 20.

I think investigating the actual damage in the game is worthwhile. I can remember when items were far less efficient and the only way to get flat armor penetration was Brutalizer. I remember when there were no fighter items so Renekton and co. literally just build Brutalizer into full tank because there were no other applicable items. There was a time when every mage ran Magic Resist Marks and Athene's Unholy Grail first item so they all had 73 baseline magic resist from the first item onward.

Itemization has gotten more specialized. Fighters can deal meaningful damage late game without having 2k total hp now. Mage itemization has probably landed at higher damage overall but I'm not certain.

I know every time I've investigated support damage, it's going down. Season over season, supports tend to be dealing less damage than the year before. But considering at one point in time the only flat armor penetration item was Youmuu's Ghostblade, I wouldn't be surprised if as...

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