League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

03 May


Originally posted by SpookiBooogi

holy hell, how is a regular player suppose to understand this? I appreciate the input, but man, this just makes me despise the vanguard decision even more.

What are your biggest concerns currently?


Originally posted by Supersaiyan4GodGoku

Those numbers do not justify this rollout of vanguard at all.

They also don’t represent prevention. For example, in terms of bots, it’s around 100,000 accounts daily that were affected. Most of these accounts didn’t interact with players directly, because they stacked in Co-Op v AI majority of the time, but they still compromise the competitive ecosystem through being sold.


Originally posted by HydrazineHuffer

The current implementation of Vanguard is likely a breach of the Digital Services Act in effect since February this year(practical litigation of such a case is still outstanding).

Anti-Cheat actually had to make some improvements around ban messaging in some of our actions (for example, Hardware bans) to provide full transparency within DSA regulations, and Riot is making sure we’re compliant there as well.


Originally posted by MarcusElden

Uploaded to the ticket. It was most likely the earliest one of the day around 11:30 AM or noon. It was my first game of the day. Account: HYPER PlSS FART #69420



Originally posted by crimsonblade911

Wait, is that what's been happening? Everytime I try to shutdown with having league open for several hours all if windows freezes and the rig locks up trying to shutdown, I'd then have to force shutdown via power button.

Have you submitted a ticket into Player Support yet? We’d be able to see if it’s related to us via your Vanguard logs.


Originally posted by TeeTohr

"The average gold4 player will encounter just one scripter every 500 games" "The cheaters get banned so fast and so frequently that most new scripting accounts never technically escape silver"

That was a dev blog from Riot 4 years ago. And yet today we're forced to install Vanguard to play any game mode.. Or even any actual game LoL and TFT which doesn't need that kind of anti cheat.

That's just the tip of the iceberg for me sadly.

It's be interesting to see numbers in a few months but the average player's attention span is too short to still care about Vanguard at that moment ^

That data may have been the case 4 years ago but it doesn't match the data we see now. We released a blog recently highlighting what the numbers look like now to give an up to date picture of what it looks like: https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-vanguard-x-lol/


Originally posted by mcworkreddit

You were right it was based to wait, my buddy just got his PC bricked by your anti-cheat great job! I will now be uninstalling your game

Yeah call me skeptical but I don't believe you based on this last exchange.

If however you're telling the truth I'd encourage your buddy to ticket in so we can help them.


Originally posted by Gunfreak2217

Careful now. Opening yourself to a huge bag of worms if anything ever changes. I recommend deleting or revising this comment to prevent potential legislation now or in future.

Edit: Clearly you guys don't understand companies and how they have lied many times and continue to sell user data even after being caught by government organizations and fined. They will say they don't sell data but then continue to do it. I recommend you guys go watch Louis Rossman on Youtube and learn a bit.

Here's the most recent catching of companies selling data: https://www.cnet.com/tech/mobile/fcc-fines-verizon-t-mobile-and-at-t-200-million-for-sharing-customer-location-data/

You'll notice it says "without your consent" that's because these companies don't tell you that they are actually doing it.

"potential legislation"


Originally posted by N3utro

Nobody has yet reported a "cheater detected - game terminated" screen on league on social media afaik. Did you launch Vanguard in monitoring mode only to tweak it before enabling the auto ban mode? Also Vanguard creates an .auth15 file on my desktop every time i launch league, maybe create it somewhere else?

I've seen a couple on discord already! and 1 or two on twitter, but it's my job to be paying attention to those. It's barely been more than 24 hours but they're happening you'll probably see a few in the wild! Saw some other users posting that they're seeing them in r/aram too


Originally posted by earora4498

People on Twitter who know nothing about computers are suddenly OS experts and are throwing out wild accusations. Good to know the rollout is going well

I was on PTO for the rollout so I was getting worried seeing some of the chatter but the data just doesn't tell the same story. We're definitely seeing some tickets for it right so some players are having a hard time and we're trying to help get those players going but overall it's going pretty well so far and I'm really looking forward to us writing the next update to talk about how effective it already is. We're seeing some good stuff at least so far.

01 May


Originally posted by lesbianfitopaez

I vehemently disagree and yet I appreciate the enthusiasm.

I get that it’s very strange and unorthodox but I really do think that League needs more strategic creativity to thrive. Buffing—>Nerfing—>Buffing the same champs over and over is just getting stale for me.


Originally posted by videogioci

If you wanted to cut back on information overload I think just including substantial changes (ie Ashe W CD change) would help at least. Would be helpful to know that certain builds are non-viable because of aram balance changes. Also items that get changed (ie Heartsteel) really either need to be looked at or just removed if they can’t properly display Aram changes on them .

Now define "substantial change" in a way most people would agree with ;)


Lane swap is the best thing to happen to pro league. It’s like in football (soccer) where different teams employ different formations (4-3-3, 4-5-1, 4-4-2, etc) depending on their own personnel as well as the opponent.

Bringing more tactical variety to League is absolutely crucial for developing the competitive scene and retaining interest in the long term.


Originally posted by Diligent_Deer6244

aram mains are begging for this one super easy feature pLEASE:

please, when I roll, make my benched champ unselectable by others for ~2sec. 3rd party apps already have a feature to reroll for team, this would put everyone on an even playing field

and stop locking out bench picks if you try to pick and fail, that also feels terrible

I like this one.


Originally posted by bodynasr

league has 167 champions not 168

the top search for google says 168 champions but its 167, that website that shows in top search is just playing for late game and didn't want to keep updating that article so they just write 168 lol

other than that, a good write up

I mean I legit just forgot and googled it. Rekt.


Howdy, I'll give this a think out loud:

The buffs/nerfs on ARAM are designed to put the champion in an appropriate spot for the mode. If they are going well, they generally bring everyone to "fair". Assume that this is a given, since I am not involved with balance much at all.

Ok so all champions are fair, but some have stats down and some have stats up. If we displayed that in champion select, one of the challenges is that we would need to figure out which level of disclosure we were interested in.

Highest level of disclosure is probably a little blue up arrow on their portrait if they are adjusted up for the mode and a little red down arrow if they are adjusted down for the mode. Maybe some sort of Tilde (~) or something if they have some up and some down. I further assume that if you hover them you can see those details.

One immediate challenge is information overload. Most champions have some adjustment on ARAM and this could be entirel...

Read more

ah this is probably my fault, I'll take a look at it - should be fixable, no promises though


Originally posted by [deleted]


Is your issue similar to this one? Looking into these programs may help.


If not, feel free to upload your Riot Vanguard Logs to https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and DM me the Ticket # - it helped out with some issues, so it actually is appreciated. Even if it's not Vanguard related, it can help us isolate what the issue is a lot of the time.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Vanguard isn't affecting the Ring -2/SMM level in this manner, and wouldn't be able to tamper with this step of the boot process. That being said, if you have other cases, you can escalate to me directly just to ensure anything else isn't going on related to us.


Originally posted by FullTemperature6010

Please help me my laptop wont boot up after Vanguard patch ! RTX 3050 AMD Ryzen 5600 Windows 11 I can see on my Laptop charger that it wont even draw power from the outlet anymore

An issue like this wouldn't be related to Vanguard, but if you haven't restarted your computer in a while, it could related to an issue with your CMOS battery, since that's what powers the start-up chain.

This isn't an issue I'm really equipped to speak on since it's not related to Anti-Cheat and Vanguard, but I'd look into troubleshooting related to similar issues related with your laptop/boot sequences