League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

01 May


Please note the Corki midscope is still in active development and you’ll see changes hit PBE frequently. We are still working to ensure he’s a viable bot laner with a niche in the roster, while using the new item adjustments similar to other caster marksmen.


Originally posted by Ai_BKomachi

yes I play in JP and it seems to work now.. though idk if thats because of reinstalling the game

It wasn’t related to the Vanguard program itself, but a server issue that affected others too. Apologies for the inconvenience here.


Originally posted by Murtha

Thanks first game with vanguard, game crashing while loading, can't play

Ranked freeze at the launch, can't move, can't see anyone moving, I was playing fine few hours ago


Hey there, we've seen some FPS drop issues with players with some versions of these programs:

Actual Multiple Monitors


Desktop Taskbar Expander

MSI Afterburner


If you have one of these, could you try closing and seeing if its improved in a custom game?


Originally posted by Ai_BKomachi

same problem wrote a ticket, waiting for reply. did yours say "vanguard event: you need to have vanguard running to play" even when you already have vanguard on? restarted multiple times checked secureboot and tpm2.0 and still none worked, now attmepting to reinstall the game and riot client itself

Hey there, are you playing in the Japanese region? We had an issue there, it will be fixed now though.

30 Apr


Originally posted by NonTokenisableFungi

Cut Down my beloved, what is happening to you

It's similar tuning to Coup De Grace but applies at full HP. This means that it's more likely to trigger in a variety of places, whether that is lane poke, burst from high HP (AOE Mages, Karthus, GP), and siege poke (Xerath, Zoe). If we don't consider Coup De Grace weak, then this likely shouldn't be either.

That's my analysis at least, but we have time to tune it if this ends up untrue.


Not where I thought that was going lol


Originally posted by Jozoz

Can I ask about if you are looking into Teleport at all?

It seems like it would be a contender for pro play-related changes. Especially for mid lane, we often see teleport negate any willingness for pros to play aggressive.

That would probably be a preseason change, but I think TP is actually quite problematic and it's not very cool how it's basically mandatory in 90% of cases in pro play for both solo lanes.

Yeah we are (or were, rather). We tried doing something for Split 2 that would reduce the necessity of teleport but weren't able to land it well enough to be ready with the time we had. Agree with most of your points here, we're primarily thinking about it in the context of normal play rather than pro though.


Originally posted by WhyDoY0UCare

Did they forget unsealed spellbook?

While it is about 2x the playrate of predator, it’s still obviously out of place.

We did want to rework or replace spellbook but ended up prioritizing some clearer wins we were more confident in. Scaz tried some spicy stuff here, like an Omnistone type of change where your summoner spell cooldown would be dramatically lowered but replace your summoner spells with random ones on each use. It's something we might come back to later.


Originally posted by TropoMJ

Yeah considering where complaints have been this season, I genuinely can't believe that nothing other than ADC systems gets referenced in this entire article. Hopefully there will be changes to other classes that they just didn't feel the need to signpost, but otherwise this is really disappointing.

There are, though they're smaller in scope than our ADC item and rune reworks.


Originally posted by RealHellcharm

can heal be looked at? it feels too weak compared to ghost or exhaust, currently it's just being used to take really good trades early for prio more than anything

We think Heal is roughly correct right now, but that Ghost is too strong. Exhaust we're trying to sharpen as a choice vs. Barrier, that part is a little more speculative though.


Originally posted by Minishcap1

ADCs get 10th item rework in 6 years but apparently AP bruisers still only have 4 items total, nice game riot

Ok, we'll give you another bruiser item in 14.10

EDIT: Ok sorry I missed the AP part, it is an AD Bruiser item to be clear. There is a different AP Mana item Singed might like though...


Originally posted by Jozoz

I was hoping for something with summoner spells. Maybe in the preseason.

We've got some spell tuning we're looking at for 14.10 (ghost nerf, barrier buff, potentially some others), but yeah we have been talking about Summoner Spells as an area that has opportunities for future updates.

29 Apr


You and your friends look cozy af ngl gj.

27 Apr


Originally posted by Caenen_

Just dug into this and for some reason, nobody ever added his proper radius overrides to the data module (so much like in League itself, it assumes 65 as the default).

Fixed. Didn't see any other errors like it for now, but I will double check when I update the patch changes to the wiki next patch anyway.

You're the GOAT


Originally posted by Gojusa



26 Apr


Originally posted by RiotNorak

Causing Grief to your team mates, the way I see it is

Negative attitude: giving up

Griefing: following your jungle around taking camps or intentionally feeding

That's just me tho, don't know the official stance

Griefing is the word we use to encapsulate a specific set of game actions that boil down to "making it hard for your allies to play the game"

Here's some examples of griefing:

Using anivia wall or trundle pillar to block off your ally.

Using Tahm Kench/Kalista ult to interrupt your allies or try and kill them.

Following your jungler around and trying to take last hits from them.

Pointing out ally positions

Buying a support item just to reduce an allies gold income.

Definitions change from person to person, but these kinds of actions are generally what we're trying to capture with that report category.


Originally posted by Extension-End2851

Gnar should be 55 mini and 80 mega, its weird that hes 65 for both. Unless it might cause some bugs with the transformation

He is. The wiki is wrong.

24 Apr


Originally posted by PM_Cute_Ezreal_pics

The first version of Sera that was more reliant on levels was the time at which APC and Mid were the closest in performance, the gap between APC and Mid only widened cause Riot kept removing power from her solo lane to try and make support viable. They literally dug themselves into a hole for no reason at all.

Mid and Bot Seraphine have never been remotely close in power level. And neither have been remotely close to Support in popularity.


Originally posted by KatyaBelli

Almost definitely. I love the chaos, even if it means I occassionally have to turn off chat because my ally 'I must win' Renekton or Vayne gets a bit miffed with obsidian talons nashor tooth Renata Glasc.

Ngl I laughed at the Renata thing. This is definitely some peak cooking. Reminds me of playing with captain gameplay in Dev. Some absolutely cursed stuff


Originally posted by KatyaBelli

Good change turning off losses. I am having a ton of fun on PBE, but when chaos strikes me and I want to play as Moonstone Briar or AP gangplank I tend to lose a couple hundred points. Been hovering mid gold in PBE for a few days just because chaos has been winning xD

No lp loss should come in next deploy yep. Incidentally, I've been on the receiving end of some absolutely atrocious builds from my soloq partners... Maybe they were you... :) :thinko