League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

18 Apr


Originally posted by kirigerKairen

Well, you can currently, but you won't be able to in the future when Vanguard is actually enabled. The modal here just doesn't check for Secure Boot.

League won't require Secure Boot when Vanguard is enabled. That's why the modal doesn't check for it. :)

It's required on VAL but they're solving different problems for us, and Secure Boot is less critical to the problems we see Vanguard solving for League, so we don't require it.

TPM2.0 will need to be enabled though if you're running Windows 11.


Originally posted by MakaroneSendwicis

So that means u can play league without secure boot enabled ?

League + Vanguard does not require Secure Boot. VALORANT does, but League doesn't need it, so we don't require it.

TPM2.0 does need to be enabled though if you're running Windows 11.


She's getting nerfed next patch.

Two reasons for the delay:

First, we would have nerfed her a couple patches ago, but we just went after Zaz'Zak's and Mandate, which are core to her most-performant builds. Reddit likes to call this the "Riot special." So we didn't nerf her that patch. Then it was MSI patch so we elected to wait two weeks because hey maybe we see a Janna game at MSI, that'd be neat.

Second, there are always champions that we "know" are OP but players don't. Poppy is currently an extremely high-performing support but her pick rate is under 1%. One day players will learn and then we'll act. Maokai was like this last year and then players caught on this year. Janna was in that state for a while.


Hey League sound designer here, giving some feedback as we would do in our reviews.

Q - Very satisfying punches. Love that the second hit sounds slightly more impactful than the first hit!
W - Passive activate, "Show me your Moves" is a very iconic line and used really nicely. Would be great if the red burning energy behind Sett had a more continuous sound sizzling in the back until he casts his FALCON PAUNCH
E - Love the On Cast part of this ability. On top of that, I think on the stun it'd be nice to have some sort of metallic hit tonal ringout to convey the gameplay read as a Stun. But the "Yes" works well too.
R - Perhaps a bit more physical elements of Sett running, grabbing and flying in the air can be included more. But for the actual OH, the KO sound fits really well! AMAZING editing at the end!! 10/10


Originally posted by LickMyPuce

It is anytime I open a program after Vanguard is initially run. Computer turns on, I have nothing software wise open up on startup but Vanguard. Then after that it is whenever I am in a form of software (ie. Browser, discord etc.) if I go to click anything but that open software everything seems to brick.

You are welcome to DM me anytime.

Sounds good, just reached out.


Originally posted by LickMyPuce

Since reinstalling Vanguard (used to be a Val player) due to the PBE, if I have any other program running (ie. Steam, Discord, Internet Browser,) it locks up my computer.

Steam will lock up and force close itself and reopen over and over again. Likely the store part crashing. Discord will just randomly force close. And browser tabs will crash and ask to be recovered.

Things that have been tried- Reinstalling all previously named software, including making sure there are no lingering files. Making sure all drivers and windows updates were up to date. Having Vanguard open with only one program at a time to see if it is a conflicting issue. Problems subsided once Vanguard was closed. Seems to be culprit in issues.

Windows 10, and current gen hardware.

Luckily this is my second rig where it isn't effecting my day to day. Cannot imagine what others are going to be going through.

Is this during when you open League and vgc.exe opens? If you have time, I’d appreciate you reach out in DMs about your specs/further explain the reproduction steps.

Probably a memory leak. Will probably get someone to contact you tomorrow during the workday to get client logs if you are willing.

17 Apr


So glad you stumbled back onto this piece because it's so good!


Originally posted by elveszett

That being said, it's a pretty niche case

PR is saying that people pirating software is a "pretty niche case".

Most pirated software does not require DevOverrideEnable, which is the largest collision I’ve seen here (and was referenced in the blog as well).


Originally posted by imdoomz

Am I the only one who feels like the pacing of when you get gold / augments feels like shit now? I can't really put my finger on why, but it just feels bad.

yeah this is something we're monitoring closely. If you get a better pulse on it, let us know.

The design intent is that we think ~3 items 3-ish augments is the best state of moment to moment combat pacing. (Similar to League's 3 legendary items + boots timing).

It allows for the most dynamic fights, everyone has enough HP-ish, CD's are roughly in the right spots and we want to extend those combats as much as possible (so we use stat anvils and other things to achieve that).

Having said that, it directly fights against players' ability to just get power and construct a build. We ultimately need to weigh up is it more fun for players to just get a whole bunch of augments and items and reach the "blitzcrank is permanently knocking up this person" faster or is it better to realize "peak arena combat".

That direct tradeoff is pretty unclear to us and time will tell.


Originally posted by Awkward-Security7895

16 bans isn't a thing since it isn't possible with the client rn.

They would need Todo major UI and behind the scenes changes to allow them so better to put those resources more into the mode.

The client could handle 16 bans, but it took up too much space, extended time in champ select and played against breadth motivations of the mode.

If we're trying to encourage people to play more stuff, more bans works against that. Having said that, too few bans, means a few meta dominant picks.

If we allowed everyone to ban at once, there were too many duplicates selected. Best threading of design intent and all of the above was 8 bans.


Wonderful <3

16 Apr


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

The Hwei QQ buffs are still shipping btw, they left out that its being buffed from 75% to 80% for some reason.

Edit: Spoke with Riot, they said the change was pulled and will have to be hotfixed reverted (the change already made it past branch)

Opposite of this. Technically only the tooltip change to QQ shipped and we elected to give him only very light buffs via the passive by not micropatching the gameplay-impacting QQ change.


Originally posted by metalCactus

I'm on linux and it says my system is good to go, despite them saying linux would no longer be supported

Linux is not supported - this modal was made for operating systems within our support. Riot Client uses general API calls compared to what we actually do on Vanguard, so it wasn't made to delineate and look for the Wine/Lutris edge cases.

Apologies for the confusion here.


Originally posted by nightlesscurse

been asking this for a long time i hope i get a reply , does vanguard take a lot of bandwidth , what i mean if my internet connection is limited ( like bad upload and down speeds ) but my ping is stable , would it affect it ?

You should be ok, it’s made to be minimally resource intensive. I’ve personally played VALORANT with sub 5mbps download speeds a good amount while using hotspot connections for testing.


Originally posted by Swyteh

Hey Riot, you should REALLY send a tutorial IN CLIENT on how to enable safe boot for windows 11, I had the error in valorant, and I don't doubt some will get it in League. My friends uninstalled Valorant because they don't want to touch their bios, you WILL lose players over this.

We don’t have the Secure Boot requirement for W11 on League of Legends, but I agree we could definitely improve some of the tutorials/ease of access to them in VALORANT. It’s something that’s noted, and we have done more direct communication in League of Legends for the W11 TPM requirement. (The Ready Check should link you to our updated guide if you’re not all set)


Originally posted by Zarathielis

Vanguard will come very soon, if nothing goes wrong and if it's not delayed again it will come in patch 14.09 so early May

This is correct. We’re still planning on release for Patch 14.09 for all Riot Regions, assuming our launch today in the Philippines for 14.08 goes as planned.


Originally posted by Diligent_Deer6244

if it was on console I might try it

I can't play games with a touch screen on a phone or tablet, it's just a horrible experience imo

Totally understand, figured it was worth checking though as a potential reference point :)