League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

08 Sep


Originally posted by THESuperStuntMan

Like most of the buffs this patch, it's because they want him to be picked in worlds. It's not bigger because he's already doing well.

This is correct. Yone is balanced (neither OP nor UP) but he is on the lower side of that band, so we figured we could do a low-risk pro facing buff. We looked at Yasuo as well but he, while also balanced, is on the higher end of balanced so we figured it was not worth the risk.


Originally posted by Phenergan_boy

They are really hesitant to put the Rengar rework on live server huh?

Rengar was put to PBE with the intent to gather feedback and not to ship immediatly. This was something that was being tried, and not the normal process we go through.


Originally posted by blacksocksonly

idk if 25% extra dmg to jg is worth losing some of the auto aim on Q for Qiyana. Also losing 10 dmg all rank on her E. Seems like a straight nerf

That change is not meant to be because of her jungling, it was an independent decision.


Originally posted by ReadEverything

Thank you for your work on Vex! I'm looking forward to her release - she looks super fun to play. :)

I'm not sure if this is intentional, so please correct me if I'm wrong. Currently, Shadow will display over terrain that Vex walks around, even if it should be behind it. For example: if Vex hugs the botside wall, Shadow's animations clip around the terrain. Here's a picture for reference. This interaction seems odd to me, since Shadow realistically should be "underneath" the boulder in the picture and not over it.

It's not ideal, but it's intended that Shadow renders flat over terrain - Technical limitations prevented us from having the Shadow distort when near walls like a real life shadow would, and we decided it would be better for gameplay clarity if Shadow was always visible.

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Originally posted by DmDunk


Why was there a Harrowing in Bandle City? Wasn't the reason why Poppy didn't get to be a sentinel specifically because the Spirit Realm was unaffected by the mists? Doesn't Vex's entire existence now contradict this?

I'm so tired of the consistent contradictions. But I guess this is what happens when Riot fires all the people responsible for the actual good writing of their universe.

The Ruination didn't happen in Bandle City. A portal opened up from the Shadow Isles (long before the global ruination.) Mist from the Shadow Isles was seeping through the portal. (This was shown in the champion roadmap where we first talked about Vex) Vex followed the mist to the source and went through it to the Shadow Isles


Shoutouts to /r/vexmains for the Release skin megathread. Vex's character artist will be doing some adjustments to the in-game model so that the colors are closer to the splash art and skinline.


Hello everyone! I'm Riot Koyuncu, one of the QA Engineers on Champions team and QA owner for Vex.

Vex is trudging her way onto PBE, and is now currently enabled and available to play! This is personally one of my favorite champion projects that I've worked on, and I want to hear your player feedback before she launches in two weeks. We've got about a week before we have to lock any proposed changes for her release, so I'll be monitoring common themes in this thread to share back with the team for possible adjustments.

If you encounter any in-game bugs while playing Vex, please let us know by heading over to our Bug Reporting Tool and providing any information on the issue. Providing repro steps or a video clip are incredibly helpful at debugging.

Cheers... or like...

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Originally posted by weshouldgoback

Does this change also mean that Titanic Hydra does less damage TO towers as well? Because on live it's quite a boost to hurting towers when the passive isn't forcing aggro on you.

It should just be the cleave AoE that's removed. The bonus on-hit damage to the primary target should be applied.

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Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Is it the VGU that was in development last year before the poll?


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Originally posted by bz6


Been loving these graphs. I think League needs more niche champions. Not every champion needs to broadly appeal. What is your opinion on that?

For sure. I think for 2022/23 you are going to start seeing a bit more niche champs. Less broad appeal humans in general.


This is the first time Zoe has been buffed since 9.18. That is all.

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Originally posted by Spring_Night

Uhm then why does Vex's bio mention it reached Bandle City then?

A Portal opened up in Bandle City from the Shadow Isles. Black mist was seeping through it into Bandle City (this was prior to the global ruination) She followed the mist to its source and went through the portal to the Shadow Isles

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Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Hey a bit off topic but I was wondering if you'd be willing to share the breadth, depth, niche and popularity of the lil kidly champions, Zoe, Nunu and Annie? I don't recall ever seeing them anywhere

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Originally posted by QUINN_VALOR_VGU_WHEN

Is it possible this champion may have been on the last rework poll? Asking for a friend. A feathery friend, to be specific. :>

It's not a Champion from the last poll

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Originally posted by Penguin_Quinn

Is it the same champion that the previously canceled/abandoned VGU was? Or was that VGU going to be Udyr and that's why he was on the poll this year?

No that was Volibear along time ago. And then we iceboxed that, and then later he won the poll and we did him then

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Originally posted by Spring_Night

Uhm then why does Vex's bio mention it reached Bandle City then?

It was seeping out of one of the portals, as seen in the Vex teaser from a couple of roadmaps back, and then she went through that portal to the shadow Isles


Originally posted by Lucianonafi

Kind of unrelated to everything, but thanks for writing that insight! I usually dont bother reading them, but I was pleasantly surprised to see it wasn't just some boring corporate buzz. So, thanks for a giggle or two, keep doin' what you're doin'!

Thanks for the feedback! I'm learning a lot about what y'all like and don't like in these articles so I'll be trying some new stuff for future champions!


Originally posted by Beejsbj

The company has gotten so big and faceless that you have to market the humanity and sell us that riot is still infact still run by humans.

It bums me out to hear you say that tbh. I think a lot of Rioters choose not to engage because they're afraid to deal with bad reactions.

For example I've been harassed and received rape and death threats for making jokes on Reddit. It's sh*tty and definitely makes people unwilling to chat. Or the constant flame about "treat women better." Which, fwiw, keep holding the company accountable. But average sound designer guy is almost certainly the sweetest person in the world and has never done a bad thing to another soul and isn't sure how to respond.

We're all humans. Riot has changed and grown, sure. But I wouldn't still be here doing this work if I didn't think the devs cared about the game and all y'all's happiness.


Originally posted by Cinderheart

I feel like some players forget that if the employee is talking to them, they're part of marketing.

That's not the case actually! Any Rioter is encouraged to talk to folks if they want. But people who work outside of marketing/comms often hesitate.

I'm sure partially because they're afraid of the spice and salt. I've been playing since season 2. I live for it.

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Vex would never be friends with that try hard Veigar