League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

25 Oct


Originally posted by SinLagoon

They were only giving 15 of them even if thousands got it correct so pretty sure they dont care and its alienware giving the laptops anyways

Hijacking this for one clarification - the Ultimate Skin Bundle will be given to ALL of the perfect picks. The 15 limit is only for the other prizes.

24 Oct


GG Bjergsen - GLHF and thx for everything


Originally posted by PKAYBeam

Before I would say Evolved needs another split in Academy.

But now I realize that the only way for him to get better is to play in LCS. Hoping he finally gets that chance.

They're gonna promote Evolved into TSM and put Sword in Academy.

I thought me saying this would be a spicy take, but turns out I and the rest of Reddit are just geniuses.

Evolved certainly is not ready yet, but he's so close that I don't think it would hurt his trajectory that much.


Originally posted by Sushi_Rice

Did anyone notice that they only showed the first Jhin shot from Huanfeng that he misses with Azael shouting loudly "He dont miss" in the background LOL.

They actually cut that from a different spot & edited together!



Starting in patch 10.23, Metal will be available for beta testing for Macs on PBE. Players can switch to Metal by doing the following:

  1. Right click the PBE application icon and select "Show Package Contents"
  2. Navigate to "LoL/Config/game.cfg" and open the file with a text editor
  3. Add "MetalBetaTest=true" to the list of configs under [General]
  4. Save

If your hardware is compatible, the following line will be found in your game logs, otherwise it will fall back to OpenGL automatically on game client launch.

Using X3D Platform: Metal

We hope to make this transition as smooth as possible for everyone so if you find any graphical or performance issues exclusive to Metal, please report them in this thread along with your game logs and any relevant media.

Happy Testing! 😊

External link →

23 Oct


Originally posted by Serinus

TSM probably saw the damage to their brand that not making worlds can bring. And there's a really short list of teams that Licorice would want to go to.

Ironically I think NA has been too liberal with roster moves. It's not on the top 3 teams to make big changes every year. Iterate instead of blowing everything up every year.

It's the rest of the league that needs to stop recycling third tier talent and take some risks.

TSM have certainly made a slew of changes in the last few years, but that feels more like were trying to build the right set of pieces rather than just rashly moving people around post-Zven + Mithy era.

TL changed very little apart from continuing to upgrade and won four splits until Broxah entered and Doublelift left.

And C9 have been constantly praised as continuing to cultivate and build talent and make changes pretty slowly while continuing to put up consistent results.

So idk if I agree that Top 3 NA is too liberal with roster moves, but you do make a good point I think: that there has been a LOT of change in the past year and there's already a lot more with Reapared and Licorice leaving C9 already. Although they kept their core together for so long I'm not sure it's fair to say that C9 haven't tried enough with the pieces they had.

TL;DR Not as much change in the Top 3 as you think, but recently (aka this year) a surprising amount.

... Read more

Originally posted by vooffle

On noticing that this post mentioned surveys, I feel the need to share my experience with a recent survey I got in client. That survey did focus a lot on content as well.

The problem I had with the survey is that it would give you four options, and ask you to rate one as the most frustrating and one as the least frustrating. You did not have the option to not answer with a particular grouping if you wanted to complete the survey. I felt like this led to a distortion of answers, where I would have to identify something as most frustrating, even if none of the options frustrated me.

Appreciate the feedback. Those surveys can feel a bit weird to fill out. They are a really effective method of generating a ranked list of things like favourite champions, points of frustation, motivations to play etc. A single person's responses can be misleading, aggregating thousands together however produces a really useful result though.


Originally posted by Hellioning

Why does a mind control feel worse than an Urgot or Lee Sin instakill?

Instakill - your unit is gone Mind Control - your unit is gone from your team and helping kill the rest of their team

Details matter a lot of course, so it's not really that simple, that was what the experience felt like playtesting it though


Originally posted by LeAnime

u/RiotMeddler What are your thoughts on Shyvana? She was a prospect on the VGU table and has such great potential with her amazing lore and theme, but it is blatantly obvious that her current kit does not satisfy her fantasy. She has been stuck for a significant time in a state that has divided her playerbase between two styles and I am afraid that Riot will solidify her into the new playstyle that only exists because her original bruiser/Juggernaut playstyle is worthless currently. Is she being looked into or will she be another Taliyah, Karma, Sona, Quinn, Skarner etc?

I think Shyvana does need a VGU. Only question for me is how to prioritize her versus other highly in need champs like Udyr for example. I wouldn't consider a VGU that didn't strongly support a fighter playstyle as appropriate given her history and fantasy.


Originally posted by Rexsaur

I think most ppl would agree with me that the mastery system could be expanded more.

When was the last time lvl 7 was introduced? I feel like we could have atleast lvl 8 by now, working on it could be a good alternative for the ppl that dont enjoy eternals (im in that club, i like champ masteries but dont like eternals and wish for more content for the first one).

Agreed. Can't make any promises on timeline, but at some point I'd like to expand Champ Mastery a bit more as a system.


Originally posted by Beast1996

Is KDA Seraphine and future similar quest lines the solution you guys are experimenting with now?

No, we think of Quest Skins as a separate thing, given they're paid content and bound to a particular champion. I'd like to do some overall work on our progression systems in general (rank, level, champ mastery, honour etc).


Originally posted by mazrrim

/u/RiotMeddler with grevious wounds being made a lot stronger and easier to get, how are you planning to work with dedicated healers like soraka.

Soraka already creates problems with how strong exe calling rush is vs her (if people don't buy it she is overpowered, if they do she is useless).

I assume letting soraka just hit 40% win rate from grevious wounds being everywhere isn't an option, so won't massive buffs to grevious wounds just make that even more of a problem case without larger mechanic changes like grevious wounds only applying to self healing again.

Soraka falls into the category of champ we'll react to once we see exactly how she's affected. That might mean tuning GW availability if issues with her balance also affect other healing heavy champs. Could also just mean putting power into her, whether in healing or other aspects, to recognize the new normal. Also possible she's not that dramatically affected, we'll have to see (I think this outcome's less likely, but there are a lot of other things changing for her besides just GW).


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

/u/RiotMeddler are you able to share how successful Eternals were in terms of the guidelines you laid out in the post

Fairly successful. Eternals have hit the mark for a subset of players. Most players aren't interested in them, and that's fine, there's a group who are who feel good about them and have clear interest in more.

I do think they suffer somewhat from players who aren't interested in them wanting something somewhat similar (more progression avenues for example). That to me is more an issue with our baseline progression/identity offerings than Eternals themselves though.


Originally posted by pacifismisevil

Except he didnt predict 0-18, he said something like it wouldnt be that surprising if it happened, I cant find his exact wording. He literally picked TL to come 3rd in their group in his pick ems. He was wrong about FQ, but right about TL & TSM. He was about the same rightness as other analysts like Dom who predicted 1 NA team to make it through groups on average. Dom predicted FQ to come 4th and TSM to come 3rd IIRC.

Edit - searched for an hour, cant find it. Closest I can find is "TSM might go 0-6", where the host predicted SN would come last in the group. LS deserves credit for predicting SN #1, and Rogue #4 which surprised a lot of people. It's easy to cherrypick when an analyst gets it wrong, you have to look at the whole picture to be fair. If some1 can link me the clip where he said NA 0-18 I'd appreciate it. I seem to recall Frosk was there but could be wrong.

My mistake, it's actually 1-17. This is from the lolesports Twitter predictions, where there's one for each game played. His one NA nod was TL > Machi the first time.


Originally posted by Fencing_fenrir

The second issue is that sub-50% win rates are champions you want to see in your games because you're likely to beat them

Wasn't ye olde Kassadin of S3 below a 50% win rate when he got through the 1% of banning phases?

Yeah. People typically ban (somewhat fairly) for frustration instead of power.


Originally posted by Pozay

Is it really though? I feel like there is more to bans than just pick rate and win rate. For example, if you ban lulu but janna is the 6th best champions, you don't win much, if you instead ban darius and a bruiser champion which is 7th only leaving bad bruisers, you force bruiser players into bad position. My example wasnt that great but I think you get what I'm saying

There's definitely something interesting there. "If my lane opponent would pick Samira, do they just pick Jhin, who's similarly powerful?" There's a more advanced model out there somewhere, yeah.

However, the opposite is true, too. If you ban Thresh, what if they pick a stronger champion instead?

22 Oct


Originally posted by BlackTecno

Is there going to be something to replace Runic's for mana users? It feels kind of bad to need to go seraphs because you want to use one of the non-mana mythics

I suspect mage types who would use a mana mythic if they were in mid would use one in the jungle too


Get Mithy back on the rift


Originally posted by dandatu

what is levi doing now btw

Was in 100T then played for JDG in the LPL for a while then returned back to GAM