League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

19 Oct


Originally posted by Karl_von_grimgor

I want pickems for every region during normal splits so badly

Like.... A fake fantasy league of some sorts

Me too :)


Originally posted by Namisaur

Oh thank god cuz I forgot to pick my winner

Hey, maybe no one wins. existential dread intensifies


Originally posted by FizZmc

Changed from TES winning to G2 winning :)

EU HYPE TRAIN choo choo


Originally posted by id370

Is Riot trying to turn pick'ems into Monty Hall problems?

Oh no, what have we done.


Originally posted by flyingdoritowithahat

Ooh star guardian skin, a man of culture.

This guy gets it


Originally posted by 2soonexecutus

Cant wait for the system to fail to recognize that I alredy have those.

Hi friend,

If you are having issues please feel free to message me and we can take a look.


You are correct! This is a small change we made this year to help keep Pick'em interesting throughout the tournament.

Also, it definitely wasn't targeted at anyone (me) who always misses all their quarters picks (nope) and then ragequits before semis even begin (never).

iT's a gAmE oF sKiLl


Originally posted by jonijoniii

Sorry to ask this but how long does it take? I didn't receive the icons from group stage yet and i just hit the prohpet one with g2 winning today and i want to flex already. I understand that it is not an instant thing but dont want to miss out on them.

Hm, it looks like some users got "missed" in the rewards system. We are running a reprocess today to fix this.


Appreciate the feedback here~ I can only speak directly for Lethality Assassins (as I work on that system), and we are planning iterations to address some of the damage creep for that class now that we've validated that all the items are effective and valuable. Looking to drop damage considerably between now and live launch, especially on the scaling side.


Originally posted by DM_ME_LEWD_KINDRED


Did you fix it today or is it going live tonight? Legit question cause that happened yday night and i havent met any riven building sterak since then

I'm... Not sure. I think we did it Thursday last week.


Originally posted by DM_ME_LEWD_KINDRED

Riven and the new sterak, have a look


This was a bug we've since fixed. Riven has like 15 stacks of sterak's here when it's meant to be capped at 5.


Originally posted by ZanesTheArgent

Lich Bane is absolutely intended.

They are normalizing its base AD scaling to akin other Spellblades and making so you never end up losing damage when upgrading it (for the odd situation where 50% of your AP isn't bigger than 25% of your base AD, aka as-first-item scenarios or as your only source of AP). But that can't exactly be done without fearing abominations such as pre-rework Lich Bane (50 flat + 75% AP) in the hands of old Kayle and Ahri.

So slower recharge time to justify its usual identity of a Sheen proc used for absolute burst instead of DPS.

Yup! And yes, amumu now stuns.


Man I read that title and got baited hard. f*cking love you Flowers.

18 Oct


Originally posted by CFTheGreat

My pickems are fixed now, but it seems like I'm not getting the Poro Icon from hitting 66 points. Do you know if there's just a delay or is this a consequence of the first bug?

Likely just a delay yep. Sometimes the missions can take a while to update :)


Originally posted by IAmNocturneAMA

Yeah for some reason I got the entire group stage incorrect, please correct mine so that it reflects the current results, thank you.

I, too, am a retroactive prophet in training.


Originally posted by Jonathankira

they messed up the points... seems like they gave the points to the people who chose gen g

Looks like quite a few people are having errors in points reporting. We are investigating now!

** EDIT ** This should be fixed now. The points may still be re-calculating for some users, but it will all be updated within a few minutes


Looks like quite a few people are having errors in points reporting. We are investigating now!


Originally posted by KFCTeemo

I think this would make a good copypasta 🤣

Yeah I have a bad habit of making those lol


Originally posted by Quotes_League

He was efficient, smart and most importantly didn't try to save lost lanes

I agree, but I think this is more a testament to G2's superior map play rather than Jankos prowess on carry junglers.

sorry if the benchmark for playing well is landing all your spears

In the context of playing Nidalee, landing the spears for ganking is so important for her early game power.

I don't think game 1 that was a statement game from him on the champion, just for G2's macro decision making.

I think that's fair, and maybe I was too positive. I guess I felt the bigger picture for jankos of praising him was more important, but I should've added the caveat that he is missing his sh*t. More of a balance I think is fair feedback