League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

18 Oct


Originally posted by Quotes_League

listen, Vedi, I can understand the argument that G2 doesn't do a good job playing around jankos on carry junglers. I also think there's some truth to out.

But this game was just jankos missing his shit. Really unfortunate time to bring it up, tbh.

He missed spears but he played well. He was efficient, smart and most importantly didn't try to safe lost lanes, which he kept doing in groups and it cost him a lot. I think he played well, sorry if the bench mark for playing well is landing all your spears.


Originally posted by imcarrypotter

My fiance thinks im childish cause a 29yo shouldn't watch someone play vidoegames

While everyone is always entitled to their opinion, one would hope that a fiancé would take the time to try and understand the hobbies of their partner before labeling it.

Some of my wife’s hobbies may not resonate with me, but as long as they make her happy and aren’t destructive to herself or others, live and let live, no? :)


Super thoughtful and extensive write up.


Originally posted by IsleOfOne

Sorry for the spam. I guess to summarize my feelings on the matter (and those that I have seen from others who I speak to), it feels like the jungle item changes were a secondary biproduct / necessary evil in order to implement mythic items, rather than a first-order desired change in and of itself. i.e. that jungle items had to be removed because otherwise junglers would be screwed by missing out on first item mythics like everyone else, rather than jungle items being removed because they actually were problematic.

They weren't stellar and exciting design anyways. They were functional but not optimal, ya feel?

17 Oct


Originally posted by IsleOfOne

Thanks. Can you comment on motivations for smite delay and removing cheap 1-item spikes? Was some part of the gameplay unhealthy, or..?

Items were to open up junglers to the rest of the item system and actually allow them to engage in choice and not just statsticks. Its just more interesting to choose cool items than get stuck building warrior every game first.

For smite, it's all about ceremonializing the event and actually letting you invest in stuff you care about. Frankly people don't really like spending money to upgrade smite a lot of the time and now they get this cool way to get it rather than spending cash that could be longswords on smite. It also adds texture to the jungle as there's some small goal to move forward to in-game


Originally posted by IsleOfOne

Have there been any internal discussions on jungle item changes? The following feels pretty bad:

  • No machete hurts champions like Kindred and Twitch’s single target clear speed by a large large margin.
  • Automatic smite upgrade is now time gated, whereas before, it was common for specific champions to buy the smite upgrade after their first back for increased invade/skirmish/gank power. These champions now have to wait until the 5 smite mark.
  • No more jungle-exclusive 1-item power spike. Junglers used to be able to build a complete item before any laner realistically could (barring super cheap items). It was an amazing power spike considering the low cost. With this being gone, it feels pretty bad trying to get over that early hump to reach your mythic spike on some champions.

Haven’t heard anything about jungle items since the PBE release, so I’m just curious if anything further is planned/being discussed.

Still monitoring the machete junglers to see how they are. Smite delay and so on is intentional


Originally posted by night3zz

Hello Phlox, Is there a feature that allows me to resize the shop?

Iirc we're looking into something like this for atypical resolutions


IGN: Riot ThuggInUggs Plat 4 / Tier 3 Support Looking for Team


Originally posted by Cav3Johnson

One of the main offenders is the Rock Solid passive on a few tank items, having a lower health scaling on the finished item vs the component, will these be fixed too?



Originally posted by DanDevito42

pls fix ornn items daddy

Theyre close <3


Originally posted by DeckWraith

Why is demonic embrace not available in the practice tool?

Bugged, I fixed it Wednesday then it got rebugged lmao


Originally posted by Physix_R_Cool

Heyo mate I don't really have specific feedback as I haven't gone on the pbe to try the new stuff out. But as a player of 10 years I am really looking forward to all these new changes. I think they are gonna switch up a lot things, which to me is good because it is gonna be kind of like discovering a new game. I don't really have a point with this, other than I'm really looking forward to the preseason because of the work you guys have done :)

<3 hope its a ton of fun


Originally posted by lukeatlook

Has anyone read into the "where's mana items for tanks" posts? This is a rising concern among some of the players. Triforce users got compensation buffs for the loss of Sheen, but there's a huge shortage of mana items in the tank lineup.

Definitely on the radar, not a ton of tanks were as bound to mana items as the fighters were. I think its one of those things that seems more egregious from the outside before playing, but also maybe we're off base here so its being watched


Originally posted by JangoGamer

What about Vel'Koz? Could we see some changes to him?

Depends how he lands in preseason. Maybe? No clue


Originally posted by Dracoknight256

Question: Where do we give feedback? I have few things I'd like to write up but I don't want to post it somewhere where it'll never be looked at.

Comments and decently popular posts on reddit are often read, LeaguePBE posts too i guess. Tweets work tho idk who to tweet at


Originally posted by BlackCommando69

so why u dont like mages on bot lane :(((

? We love em. Turns out they're actually crazy strong (a lot are 55%+) but nobody wanrs to play them


Originally posted by GentleMocker

Any comments on the powerbump of mythic being so strong when compared to legendary/raw components? I've heard comments about snowballing being sort of adressed because legendaries after mythics being a lower powerbump therefore this sort of opening a way to come back into the game later on, but that's mid/lategame, heard nothing about how big of a bump you get from first mythic buy vs component/legendary and the early game being a race to first mythic > all inning on a person leading to a very snowbally earlygame.

Basically the worry I have is that there's a way bigger importance being put on early game /1st item spike fighting, and not even getting to the later stages of the game where item efficiency evens out for everyone around, leading to games being more snowbally and ending faster.

Definitely something we're gonna watch closely, its one of our big game health metrics


Originally posted by Savings-Infinite

Can Seraphine be played as a support? Looking at her abilities, she seems to have pretty versatile builds. If she is played as a support, which style should she be? Which rune should she use?


I believe she can, though I didn't work on her so I cant give you specifics that are actually trustworthy


Originally posted by Fluffedbread

+20% movement speed on Darkness Rise passive (Mordekaiser)

Literally would permaban that sh*t


Originally posted by moneybooy

who will cast?

me and the boomer