League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 Sep


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Is that a cameo at the bottom right from everyone's favorite water bottle man, /u/draggles

no lie i slacked this to ben last night https://i.imgur.com/Fxm5yCu.png


ahh sh*t... one of our interns accidentally uploaded the new Riot Pls early

since it’s already out in the wild anyway, here’s the link

16 Sep


Originally posted by Dracidwastaken

omg that picture lol. i hope he sees it

prob better for my career if he doesn't


Originally posted by StopPickingRyze

Must have had issues on TFT prob.

Nope. He did great things on TFT and will be missed. He’s just on to do even more cool stuff.


Originally posted by ShinyPachirisu

Wait you are staying on the LEC team right? You're my favorite LEC caster. My favorite casting combo will always be Quickshot and Deficio

Absolutely yes! I've answered this question a few times in recent weeks, but I fully intend to keep casting for as long as I can! I am however looking at the future and I wanna be a father, and I enjoy being a manager. So at some point in the next 2/3/4/5 years or whatever, I might stop. But it isn't soon.

15 Sep


Originally posted by Spicey123

Love you man.

I remember when you used to get flamed by the community back in the day, I'm so glad people recognize how much you bring to a broadcast now.

Congrats to you and the whole LEC team for 2019.

We have all come such a long way since this journey started. I've grown up a lot and so happy to be part of this incredible community. I'm also so happy with the growth of the EU team. Every single department has gotten better year on year and this is our strongest yet.


90% Yuumi

50% Lucian

10% Ekko


Originally posted by IWillNameMyChildZoe

bald dude from riot

One patch man

holy sh*t, i'll be sure to relay this new name to our fearless leader joe "new001" "audible chocolate" "good news lee sin" "uncle lightbulb head" "bald guy pog"

update: no editing required


Originally posted by mrthesmileperson

I think Quickshot said on Twitter earlier that he was ill but was going to power though it anyways so that might be the reason.

It's never an excuse to be sick, but it provides some context. It's also just a really hard weekend. The RQ is always challenging, it's a long busy year or non stop sprints, live shows and travel. This weekend was especially hard as Athens was so epic, filled with challenges, and one of the furthest locations we have ever hosted a final in. So it all adds up. The team has a short break now before we dive into Worlds prep and planning. Luckily different teams, different casters and different environment makes it more fresh and energetic!


I can confirm. <3


Originally posted by Manozocker

I have to be honest the cast was not great. Both, especially QuickShot, seemed to not be focused

You're 100% right and it's justified. I was not on my game today, and still a little bit sick (Not sure if you could hear it in my voice) the other problem was the games weren't super compelling either. It was a really tough day, and I'm not super happy with the overall quality of my casting. It's been a long year, and the fatigue caught up with me. Sorry about that.


Couldn't have done it without those that tune in and support the show every week. Thanks to everyone, both haters and fans, who help us grow, have fun and broadcast some peak league of legends.

See you all at the freelo centre A.K.A Worlds


90%: Vedius' tweets will be meme'd

50%: EU will win worlds

10%: MediVedi get to skydive into an arena

14 Sep


Originally posted by IdentityReset

Hey u/Ovedius I dont know if you check your username mentions, but I have some criticism for you. I noticed that in a lot of your recent casts you say "the likes of". Like at the end of the game you questioned if schalke can "beat the likes of Fnatic tomorrow". I really dont think you need to say the "likes of", after all they arent playing someone similar to FNC they are actually playing FNC. So yeah just think you can drop that saying, it doesn't make much sense except for comparisons, but you use it often for direct references.

Other than that, love you man, and love listening to your casts.

Yeah I know it's a crutch word, problem is I don't actually notice that I say it. It's the same thing with umm, it's just something I'll say to fill time while I think. I do what I can to try and not use it but the first step is identifying when I use it so I can cut down on it.

Appreciate you reaching out! I will do everything in my.power to fix it but it will take some time hehe


Originally posted by Mawuen

dying game btw

Came here to see this comment. Was not disappointed.

13 Sep


Originally posted by suav0115




Originally posted by TerraRising

Nice, a Norse Myth reference!

Boo, not a denial of the original post. :(

Ah yeah sorry mate. I have no idea about that.