League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

07 Sep


Originally posted by MegamanEXE79

ELI5 the reason why Papercraft wasn't made for popular champions than Anivia/Nunu though.

I might just be stupid, but I read this comment and thought it dodged Killroy32's question.

I thought what Killroy was after was something along the lines of "If papercraft was made for more popular champions it would've sold better so Riot should look to try this on more popular champions and see how it does."

I was trying to say that we control for a lot of factors including the popularity of the champion when we measure performance. Unfortunately, Papercraft didn't meet those standards even when accounting for for popularity. Alternatively, its likely Papercraft would've performed poorly regardless of the champion we put it on vs. the champion popularity.

If the question was "Why don't we test new skinlines on popular champs to begin with?" I would say it mostly has to do with risk. If we create a theme no one wants and the skin does very poorly - that's not only a huge hit to our revenue but also means far more players didn't get something they would've wanted instead. To me that's kindof a lose-lose for everyone involved.


Originally posted by BADxW0LF1

What about skins that just didn't reach the market for that specific champ? Just because it didn't work for one champ doesn't mean it won't for another. And vice versa.

Take dunk master line. Worked great for Darius, but I'm pretty sure, from the outcry, probably only one person (that person probably being a rioter) wanted dunk master ivern. Sounds may not be great on one champ but would work great with another.

P.s. reaper bard for hallow event please. Please Please Please Please Please Please

We definitely that that into account. We absolutely see that some thematics perform well on some champions or even classes (tank, mage, etc) than others.

Notes on your Bard suggestion but can’t make any promises. :)


Originally posted by scentedkepyas

Not sure if this is the right place to ask but is there a list of banned skins for pro play right now?

Skins are reviewed for competitive gameplay clarity and some don’t make the cut for pro play. Some of that is based on pro feedback, other cases it’s because a skin might be confusing for a new player of League who’s being exposed to it through watching a pro game for the first time. I unfortunately don’t have that list on-hand.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Bellissimoh could I ask if you can share some insight on how you match a champ with a theme

Historically we would do a spread of concepts and and then pick a few champions we thought were the best fit.

Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn’t. Dunk master Ivern is an example where we think we could have done a better job of understanding what Ivern mains wanted before selecting that thematic.

Today we do a lot more. We survey mains of a champ and try to understand what thematics interest them as an example.

Our goal moving forward is to work harder to understand what players want for any given champion and do our best to really deliver, particularly for mains of any given champ.

All that being said, everyone still likes different things, and we’re not going to be able to please everyone all of the time, but know we’re trying to do our best. :)


Originally posted by bradenluvzlax

Only popular champs get skins unfortunately :(

It is true that we make skins for popular champs. These skins reach the most players and our goal is to serve as many players as we can.

It is not true that lower play rate champions do not get any skins. In 2019 we’ve hit Anivia, Nunu, Ivern, Shaco, Udyr, Shen, Galio, Veigar, Nocturne, and more to come.

As a side note. We’re trying to build more skins per year with the goal of reaching as many champions and players as possible. There are more than 140 champs in League now so it’s getting harder to serve large groups of players with a single skin, but we’re doing what we can to scale up to meet the needs of players.


Originally posted by SignalRegion

Nope they don't, players are allowed to use whatever skin. They just prefer using them because they're new skins and generally nicer than the older ones.

This. As Product Lead for the Personalization Team, we do not have any influence or say on what pro players play skin wise in any League.

The onus is on our creative teams to make awesome skins that pros then choose to play. In our view this is good as it serves as a forcing function to push us to make better and better skins.


Hey Folks. My name is Bellissimoh and I’m the Product Lead for Personalization on League. Wanted to take a second to talk about thematics broadly as there’s a lot of great conversation going on here.

  1. Thematic Distribution - In any given year we try to have a mix of established thematics that we know players like and newly developed thematics that we take a risk on and hope players enjoy.

  2. Thematic Selection - There’s a lot that goes into this process nowadays. We survey players and try to understand which thematics are the most desired. We also look at how well previous releases did in terms of players purchasing, using in game, and also perceived quality via surveys to skin owners. As someone mentioned earlier, if players don’t show up for a skin line, it hurts the chances of us making more champions in that line. We want to make things that you guys love, or spend time discovering new thematics you might love rather than continuing to spend ...

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Originally posted by longhp123

Feed. Afk. Troll. Smurf.

Long ago, the Four Types of Tilt lived together in harmony.

Then, everything changed when the Smurf Types attacked.

Only Yasuo OTP, who can master all Types, can save the League.

But when the League needed him most, he got banned.

Tears up "Tilt Types 2" script


Originally posted by Lanko

I took the quiz twice trying to be as honest with myself as possible.

I am a brick.

But really I think I'm most likely, Lord Idgaf.

I don't believe I tilt easily over players being bad. But I sure tilt fast when my own team is flaming me. Under that, even if I think I my team can turn it around and make the win, my team is being so shitty to me or each other I just don't want them to win.

Edit: I've decided I'm the domino. I'm not the first in the row to tilt, but if another domino tilts into me, I tilt almost immediately.

Not gonna lie, we may be giving out "brick" results too much with the quiz logic. Working on a fix for that.


Originally posted by ryry1237

"Drew their question mark ping from its scabbard."

This hits me very deep.

Edit: As a side note, the paladin's sword literally is a question mark https://i.imgur.com/wzqy7bO.png

Paladin reporting in here. I felt that sh*t in my soul.


Originally posted by ryry1237

"Drew their question mark ping from its scabbard."

This hits me very deep.

Edit: As a side note, the paladin's sword literally is a question mark https://i.imgur.com/wzqy7bO.png

Paladin reporting in here. I felt that sh*t in my soul.


Originally posted by gabelikesgamez

I took there survey and I got the Scarred Veteran. That's low-key scary because like I'm on the best win streak of my life and I've been dreading the moment the rug gets pulled out and I lose so many in a row.

Like look at this: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=BlazeClan

Some bad shit prob coming monkaS

Oh damn! Let us know how it goes.


hi i’m still at riot


Originally posted by itsr1co

I already felt personally attacked after doing the survey but reading

You’ve just been murdered under the safety of your own turret. Feeling a rush of blood to the head, you grit your teeth and clench your fist. Wanting to just move on and forget, you see a message from a teammate: “Play safer,” they suggest, and now you’re tilted to oblivion.

Riot must be spectating my games or something.

Fun fact, that was written in a dark room while staring at the reflection in the mirror, waiting for queue pop.


Originally posted by 1v9_Monster

Thanks man! It feels great to know I have an impact on the champ I love :) My friends all think it was just a funny coincidence you changed it, regardless of if i got it changed or not, thanks for listening to the fans! :)

You can tell your friends I specifically made that change because you requested it and articulated your reasoning very well, and we agreed. :)


Originally posted by RiotDashiJador

Hi! Glad you liked it! Which pics would you like? I can send you the largest sized ones we have later tonight :)

I can confirm this is a Rioter and the one you should talk to about the project! The guy in charge of Reddit red names is off for the night, so ask DashiJador questions if you have any!


Originally posted by texanapocalypse33

Btw who's the 1st best basketball player of all time? Or was calling MJ the 2nd best a sort of jab? lol

Just subtle trolling from a giant LeBron stan :P. Although in the wake of the last Lakers year, not a hot take I'm particularly #confidant in anymore haha.


Originally posted by texanapocalypse33

Yo btw you guys misspelled "confident" as "confidant" under the Barbarian strengths

Ugh, thank you -- this totally slipped past us. It might be too late to deploy a fix today, but we'll try to get to this and any other typos ASAP.

06 Sep


Originally posted by Killroy32

But if Papercraft had skins for popular champs it would sell better wouldn't it? Anivia and Nunu aren't the biggest moneymakers.

Hey this is my first post on reddit so be gentle.

...but to add context I work as part of the team that sets the strategy for how League of Legends monetizes which includes skins. We create predictions on how skins will perform before we make a skinline which includes the playrate of certain champions as well as a multitude of other factors. Even accounting for those factors Papaercraft didn't do great. Personally, I'm pretty sad about it as I think they're utterly gorgeous.

I'm not sure what our plans our for next year regarding Papercraft but either way its a really tough choice. Ultimately, we aim to make things for you folks the players and not ourselves so its always a battle between really wanting to believe in a skinline like Papercraft and weighing it out vs. the feedback and engagement we get.


Originally posted by Shimshi1998

Doesn't download anything for me on mobile, I just get back to the main screen without any feedback what so ever

Hmm, will check this out. Thanks for letting us know.